~~~~~~~ VACCINES ~~~~~~~
BioAcoustic Biology Research Studio investigates public information and research to incorporate every aspect of everything that affects public health and emotional peace of mind. We are a Research/Education site. Finding TRUE KNOWLEDGE is very hard these days. We are committed to supplying you with all that we can find on a given subject, it is then up to you, to use YOUR DISCERNMENT, to truly know the reality we all share. This is a research, education and self help site.
We are all in this together, the more EVERYONE KNOWS, the better off we ALL will be.
BioAcoustic Biology Research Studio investigates public information and research to incorporate every aspect of everything that affects public health and emotional peace of mind. We are a Research/Education site. Finding TRUE KNOWLEDGE is very hard these days. We are committed to supplying you with all that we can find on a given subject, it is then up to you, to use YOUR DISCERNMENT, to truly know the reality we all share. This is a research, education and self help site.
We are all in this together, the more EVERYONE KNOWS, the better off we ALL will be.
“I can see that this fraud is doing extraordinary
damage to the brains of American children.”
Robert Kennedy said government scientists skewed studies
and are "involved in a massive fraud".
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Air America Radio, 2011
damage to the brains of American children.”
Robert Kennedy said government scientists skewed studies
and are "involved in a massive fraud".
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Air America Radio, 2011
Published on Feb 16, 2015
Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD discusses the Globalist Agenda in response to a question at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment with Major General Albert Stubblebine, February 2010.
Posted by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Health 2 months ago
See more at: http://yournewswire.com/expert-admits-cancer-causing-virus-added-to-vaccines/#sthash.UPAx0Rhi.dpuf
See more at: http://yournewswire.com/expert-admits-cancer-causing-virus-added-to-vaccines/#sthash.UPAx0Rhi.dpuf
In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman tell us that the Merck drug company vaccines had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus, from 1953 – 1963.
From the video’s description:
For years, researchers suggested that millions of vials of polio vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected individuals which caused human tumors, and by 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections were showing up in children born after 1982. Some experts now suggest the virus may have remained in the polio vaccine until as late as 1999.
In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. And there is the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner, as revealed in the video.
At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population, but this shocking video proves that it was deliberately added to the vaccine by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, which was “good science” at that time.
Just Who is Dr. Maurice Hilleman?
Now, for those of you who may think Dr. Hilleman was just another crackpot (he passed away in 2005), think again. He was, and still is, the leading vaccine pioneer in the history of vaccines. He developed more than three dozen vaccines—more than any other scientist in history—and was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program.
He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization.
When he was chief of the Department of Respiratory Diseases with what’s now the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, he discovered the genetic changes that occur when the influenza virus mutates, known as shift and drift. He was also one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines.So Dr. Hilleman knew what he was talking about. And in his own words, “vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th Century.”
- See more at: http://yournewswire.com/expert-admits-cancer-causing-virus-added-to-vaccines/#sthash.UPAx0Rhi.dpuf
From the video’s description:
For years, researchers suggested that millions of vials of polio vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected individuals which caused human tumors, and by 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections were showing up in children born after 1982. Some experts now suggest the virus may have remained in the polio vaccine until as late as 1999.
In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. And there is the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner, as revealed in the video.
At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population, but this shocking video proves that it was deliberately added to the vaccine by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, which was “good science” at that time.
Just Who is Dr. Maurice Hilleman?
Now, for those of you who may think Dr. Hilleman was just another crackpot (he passed away in 2005), think again. He was, and still is, the leading vaccine pioneer in the history of vaccines. He developed more than three dozen vaccines—more than any other scientist in history—and was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program.
He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization.
When he was chief of the Department of Respiratory Diseases with what’s now the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, he discovered the genetic changes that occur when the influenza virus mutates, known as shift and drift. He was also one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines.So Dr. Hilleman knew what he was talking about. And in his own words, “vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th Century.”
- See more at: http://yournewswire.com/expert-admits-cancer-causing-virus-added-to-vaccines/#sthash.UPAx0Rhi.dpuf
Published on Dec 10, 2012
www.discerningkate.com www.globalhealthfreedom.org www.savemylifedrrima.com www.gds-therapy.com
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine” – (source) Marica Angell. (continue @ link above)
Australia to Forcibly Vaccinate Population through
Aerosol Spraying
Aerosol Spraying
By: Dave Mihalovic
February 26, 2015
February 26, 2015
According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000. (Photo: www.gizmodo.co.uk)
The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is on its way to approve a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the environment in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria.
According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act).
PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.
PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possiblity of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems.
Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters.
Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.
In 2006 Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public Health entitled, “Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Humans.”
The article stated that the incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.
Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA Vaccine Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV may be tested or used to “protect” the people from vector infection exposures.
DNA vaccine enhancements specifically use Epstein-Barr viral capside’s with multi human complement class II activators to neutralize antibodies. The recombinant vaccines against WNV use Rabbit Beta-globulin or the poly (A) signal of the SV40 virus.
In early studies of DNA vaccines it was found that the negative result studies would go into the category of future developmental research projects in gene therapy.
During the studies of poly (A) signaling of the SV40 for WNV vaccines, it was observed that WNV will lie dormant in individuals who were exposed to chicken pox, thus upon exposure to WNV aerial vaccines the potential for the release of chicken pox virus would cause a greater risk to having adult onset Shingles.
In February 2009 to present date, aerial spraying for the WNV occurred in major cities within the State of California. During spraying of Anaheim, CA a Caucasian female (age 50) was exposed to heavy spraying, while doing her daily exercise of walking several miles.
Heavy helicopter activity occurred for several days in this area. After spraying, she experienced light headedness, nausea, muscle aches and increased low back pain.
She was evaluated for toxicological mechanisms that were associated with pesticide exposure due to aerial spraying utilizing advanced biological monitoring testing.
The test results which included protein band testing utilizing Protein Coupled Response (PCR) methods were positive for KD-45. KD-45 is the protein band for SV-40 Simian Green Monkey virus.
Additional tests were performed for Epstein-Barr virus capside and Cytomeglia virus which are used in bioengineering for gene delivery systems through viral protein envelope and adenoviral protein envelope technology.
The individual was positive for both; indicating a highly probable exposure to a DNA vaccination delivery system through nasal inhalation.
Pentagon Document Revealed Aerial Vaccination Plans
In the Quarterly FunVax Review in June, 2007, the report lists the objective of a project listed as ID: 149AZ2 as a preparation of a viral vector that will inhibit/decrease the expression of a specific disruption gene (VMAT2) within a human population.
It further indicates in the abstract that six method of virus dispersal were tested including high altitude release, water supply release, insect transmission, and various methods of diffusion.
This article written by Dave Mihalovic first appeared on TheViralPost. Dave Mihalovic is aNaturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.
According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act).
PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.
PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possiblity of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems.
Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters.
Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.
In 2006 Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public Health entitled, “Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Humans.”
The article stated that the incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.
Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA Vaccine Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV may be tested or used to “protect” the people from vector infection exposures.
DNA vaccine enhancements specifically use Epstein-Barr viral capside’s with multi human complement class II activators to neutralize antibodies. The recombinant vaccines against WNV use Rabbit Beta-globulin or the poly (A) signal of the SV40 virus.
In early studies of DNA vaccines it was found that the negative result studies would go into the category of future developmental research projects in gene therapy.
During the studies of poly (A) signaling of the SV40 for WNV vaccines, it was observed that WNV will lie dormant in individuals who were exposed to chicken pox, thus upon exposure to WNV aerial vaccines the potential for the release of chicken pox virus would cause a greater risk to having adult onset Shingles.
In February 2009 to present date, aerial spraying for the WNV occurred in major cities within the State of California. During spraying of Anaheim, CA a Caucasian female (age 50) was exposed to heavy spraying, while doing her daily exercise of walking several miles.
Heavy helicopter activity occurred for several days in this area. After spraying, she experienced light headedness, nausea, muscle aches and increased low back pain.
She was evaluated for toxicological mechanisms that were associated with pesticide exposure due to aerial spraying utilizing advanced biological monitoring testing.
The test results which included protein band testing utilizing Protein Coupled Response (PCR) methods were positive for KD-45. KD-45 is the protein band for SV-40 Simian Green Monkey virus.
Additional tests were performed for Epstein-Barr virus capside and Cytomeglia virus which are used in bioengineering for gene delivery systems through viral protein envelope and adenoviral protein envelope technology.
The individual was positive for both; indicating a highly probable exposure to a DNA vaccination delivery system through nasal inhalation.
Pentagon Document Revealed Aerial Vaccination Plans
In the Quarterly FunVax Review in June, 2007, the report lists the objective of a project listed as ID: 149AZ2 as a preparation of a viral vector that will inhibit/decrease the expression of a specific disruption gene (VMAT2) within a human population.
It further indicates in the abstract that six method of virus dispersal were tested including high altitude release, water supply release, insect transmission, and various methods of diffusion.
This article written by Dave Mihalovic first appeared on TheViralPost. Dave Mihalovic is aNaturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.
Canadian scientists and the U.S. Navy say flu shot ineffective
Canadian scientists and the U.S. Navy say flu shot ineffective
This is another catch all report on the worthlessness of the flu shot vaccine.
Canadian scientists and the U.S. Navy have both proven in separate studies that the flu shot is not effective.
Numerous other studies are also cited showing its ineffectiveness.
Don’t take my word for it read the studies, share this vid, stop taking the flu shot.
Canadian scientists and the U.S. Navy have both proven in separate studies that the flu shot is not effective.
Numerous other studies are also cited showing its ineffectiveness.
Don’t take my word for it read the studies, share this vid, stop taking the flu shot.
Published on Feb 25, 2015
This is another catch all report on the worthlessness of the flu shot vaccine. Canadian scientists and the US Navy have both proven in separate studies that the flu shot is not effective. Numerous other studies are also cited showing it's ineffectiveness. Don't take my word for it read the studies, share this vid, stop taking the flu shot. Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEme... Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ |
EXPERT PANEL: Forced Adult vaccinations are component of extermination program.
Refuse all vaccines
Refuse all vaccines
Published on Apr 3, 2015
Alfred Lambremont Webre EXPERT PANEL: Forced Adult vaccinations are component of extermination program. Refuse all vaccines.
U.S. Media Blackout:
Italian Courts Rule
Vaccines Cause Autism
Italian Courts Rule
Vaccines Cause Autism
Recent Italian Court Decisions on Vaccines and Autism
February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015
by Mary Holland J.D. Age of Autism
On September 23, 2014, an Italian court in Milan award compensation to a boy for vaccine-induced autism. (See the Italian document here.) A childhood vaccine against six childhood diseases caused the boy’s permanent autism and brain damage.
While the Italian press has devoted considerable attention to this decision and its public health implications, the U.S. press has been silent. |
Italy’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Like the U.S., Italy has a national vaccine injury compensation program to give some financial support to those people who are injured by compulsory and recommended vaccinations. The Italian infant plaintiff received three doses of GlaxoSmithKline’s Infanrix Hexa, a hexavalent vaccine administered in the first year of life. These doses occurred from March to October 2006. The vaccine is to protect children from polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, pertussis and Haemophilus influenza type B. In addition to these antigens, however, the vaccine then contained thimerosal, the mercury-containing preservative, aluminum, an adjuvant, as well as other toxic ingredients. The child regressed into autism shortly after receiving the three doses.
When the parents presented their claim for compensation first to the Ministry of Health, as they were required to do, the Ministry rejected it. Therefore, the family sued the Ministry in a court of general jurisdiction, an option which does not exist in the same form in the U.S.
Court Decision: Mercury and Aluminum in Vaccine Caused Autism
Based on expert medical testimony, the court concluded that the child more likely than not suffered autism and brain damage because of the neurotoxic mercury, aluminum and his particular susceptibility from a genetic mutation. The Court also noted that Infanrix Hexa contained thimerosal, now banned in Italy because of its neurotoxicity, “in concentrations greatly exceeding the maximum recommended levels for infants weighing only a few kilograms.”
Presiding Judge Nicola Di Leo considered another piece of damning evidence: a 1271-page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report (now available on the Internet). This industry document provided ample evidence of adverse events from the vaccine, including five known cases of autism resulting from the vaccine’s administration during its clinical trials (see table at page 626, excerpt below).
Like the U.S., Italy has a national vaccine injury compensation program to give some financial support to those people who are injured by compulsory and recommended vaccinations. The Italian infant plaintiff received three doses of GlaxoSmithKline’s Infanrix Hexa, a hexavalent vaccine administered in the first year of life. These doses occurred from March to October 2006. The vaccine is to protect children from polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, pertussis and Haemophilus influenza type B. In addition to these antigens, however, the vaccine then contained thimerosal, the mercury-containing preservative, aluminum, an adjuvant, as well as other toxic ingredients. The child regressed into autism shortly after receiving the three doses.
When the parents presented their claim for compensation first to the Ministry of Health, as they were required to do, the Ministry rejected it. Therefore, the family sued the Ministry in a court of general jurisdiction, an option which does not exist in the same form in the U.S.
Court Decision: Mercury and Aluminum in Vaccine Caused Autism
Based on expert medical testimony, the court concluded that the child more likely than not suffered autism and brain damage because of the neurotoxic mercury, aluminum and his particular susceptibility from a genetic mutation. The Court also noted that Infanrix Hexa contained thimerosal, now banned in Italy because of its neurotoxicity, “in concentrations greatly exceeding the maximum recommended levels for infants weighing only a few kilograms.”
Presiding Judge Nicola Di Leo considered another piece of damning evidence: a 1271-page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report (now available on the Internet). This industry document provided ample evidence of adverse events from the vaccine, including five known cases of autism resulting from the vaccine’s administration during its clinical trials (see table at page 626, excerpt below).
Italian Government, Not Vaccine Maker, Pays for Vaccine Damages
As in many other developed countries, government, not industry, compensates families in the event of vaccine injury. Thus GSK’s apparent lack of concern for the vaccine’s adverse effects is notable and perhaps not surprising.
In the final assessment, the report states that:
As in many other developed countries, government, not industry, compensates families in the event of vaccine injury. Thus GSK’s apparent lack of concern for the vaccine’s adverse effects is notable and perhaps not surprising.
In the final assessment, the report states that:
The Milan decision is sober, informed and well-reasoned. The Ministry of Health has stated that it has appealed the Court’s decision, but that appeal will likely take several years, and its outcome is uncertain.
Rimini: 2012 – Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism
Rimini: 2012 – Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism
Two years earlier, on May 23, 2012, Judge Lucio Ardigo of an Italian court in Rimini presided over a similar judgment, finding that a different vaccine, the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine (MMR), had caused a child’s autism. As in the Milan case, the Ministry of Health’s compensation program had denied compensation to the family, yet after a presentation of medical evidence, a court granted compensation. There, too, the Italian press covered the story; the U.S. press did not.
In that case, a 15-month old boy received his MMR vaccine on March 26, 2004. He then immediately developed bowel and eating problems and received an autism diagnosis with cognitive delay within a year. The court found that the boy had “been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (with trivalent MMR).” |
The decision flew in the face of the conventional mainstream medical wisdom that an MMR-autism link has been “debunked.”
Italian Court Decisions Break New Ground
in Debate Over Vaccines and Autism
Both these Italian court decisions break new ground in the roiling debate over vaccines and autism. These courts, like all courts, are intended to function as impartial, unbiased decision makers.
in Debate Over Vaccines and Autism
Both these Italian court decisions break new ground in the roiling debate over vaccines and autism. These courts, like all courts, are intended to function as impartial, unbiased decision makers.
Italian Court Rulings Contradict Special U.S. Vaccine Court
These court decisions flatly contradict the decisions from the so-called U.S. vaccine court, the Court of Federal Claim’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. There, from 2007 to 2010, in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding, three decision makers, called Special Masters, found that vaccines did not cause autism in any of the six test cases, and one Special Master even went so far as to compare the theory of vaccine-induced autism to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.
The Italian court decisions contrast starkly with these U.S. cases based on similar claims.
Read the full story at Age of Autism.
These court decisions flatly contradict the decisions from the so-called U.S. vaccine court, the Court of Federal Claim’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. There, from 2007 to 2010, in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding, three decision makers, called Special Masters, found that vaccines did not cause autism in any of the six test cases, and one Special Master even went so far as to compare the theory of vaccine-induced autism to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.
The Italian court decisions contrast starkly with these U.S. cases based on similar claims.
Read the full story at Age of Autism.
See more at:
We are closing in on week number two of relentless reporting about the potential, possible, probable measles epidemic. Common to all these stories, beyond the usual rhetoric that the parents of unvaccinated children are killing us all with their ignorant alternative-health mumbo jumbo, is the repetition of one very interesting word: Rare.
Every public health mouthpiece, CDC official, celebrity doctor and pediatrician that has admonished the public for daring to listen to the hardships of vaccine-injured families has found a way to mention that vaccines are indeed drugs and like any other pharmaceutical, they carry risks. Vaccine injuries — unlike those of other drugs for which the pharmaceutical industry is held accountable in a conventional court of law — are exceedingly “rare.” Let us now explore that reality from the perspective of the vaccine manufacturers and the families of this country who support mandatory vaccination.
According to the 2013 US National Vital Statistics Reports, there are approximately 361.1 million people in the United States. Statistically speaking, one child represents .00000028%. That is a remarkably small number. Statistically insignificant. Essentially irrelevant, in the big scheme of things. Wouldn’t you concur?
So it would probably be okay with all of you if we took the life of just one baby a day, for the sake of the herd, right?
Just one baby.
Every 24 hours. Three hundred and sixty-one million people; that’s a lot of mouths to feed, bodies to house and clothe and educate. You could probably spare one.
So . . . we are all in agreement then? One baby a day. It’s sad, of course, but necessary.
Every public health mouthpiece, CDC official, celebrity doctor and pediatrician that has admonished the public for daring to listen to the hardships of vaccine-injured families has found a way to mention that vaccines are indeed drugs and like any other pharmaceutical, they carry risks. Vaccine injuries — unlike those of other drugs for which the pharmaceutical industry is held accountable in a conventional court of law — are exceedingly “rare.” Let us now explore that reality from the perspective of the vaccine manufacturers and the families of this country who support mandatory vaccination.
According to the 2013 US National Vital Statistics Reports, there are approximately 361.1 million people in the United States. Statistically speaking, one child represents .00000028%. That is a remarkably small number. Statistically insignificant. Essentially irrelevant, in the big scheme of things. Wouldn’t you concur?
So it would probably be okay with all of you if we took the life of just one baby a day, for the sake of the herd, right?
Just one baby.
Every 24 hours. Three hundred and sixty-one million people; that’s a lot of mouths to feed, bodies to house and clothe and educate. You could probably spare one.
So . . . we are all in agreement then? One baby a day. It’s sad, of course, but necessary.
One child will die today. So, don’t be shy! Who will be the first to offer theirs? Remember, this is an honor, and it is your duty as an American to bravely fight the war on infectious disease. In fact, since we have reached this agreement so amicably, instead of killing a baby tomorrow, we’ll just paralyze him and make him a diabetic. But we’ll keep his neurological systems intact. Doesn’t that seem more than fair?
On the third day, a child will be given hypogamma-globulinemia, spasms, chronic abdominal pain and intussusception. This one might turn out all right actually. It will depend entirely on how educated Mom and Dad are because once we administer their sacrificial dose, we are not responsible. Actually, we are not responsible before, during, or after administration. Know the law, parents.
The fourth day we will administer idiopathic thrombocytopenic pupura, encephalopathy and paralysis. This is a pretty heavy burden for all the systems, so this one may have to die too, given the already overwhelming viral burden and autoimmune compromise. It will be good for you to remember what an honor it was for your child to be chosen when you are holding him through the night as he screams inconsolably. For 15 years. Before one of the thousands of seizures he suffers as the result of methylation failure finally takes his life.
Let me see . . . the fifth day. Hmmm, the fifth day we will do vasculitis, bulging fontanelle, hypotonia, persistent cough and petechiae, This one will have febrile seizures, hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes with just a touch of subcutaneous tissue disorder . . . we’ll saaaay alopecia.
The sixth day, we will give this child anaphylactic shock in response to benign substances. Like peanuts. This one will have jaundice for a while, but that is a lot more common these days, so no biggie. She will also get the measles virus (albeit less severely than had she contracted it wildly) and it will shed to the baby we will take on day number seven. The real challenge for this child will be the progressive neurological disorder/deterioration which will be hard to detect early on. Of course, all of these ailments are a bit like finding a needle in a haystack — but remember our agreement! We are being very generous letting this one live! You are welcome! We want you to be happy and to feel pleased about your patriotism. While there will be no hospitals or schools built in your child’s honor, no multi-million dollar wings devoted to the study of his particular vulnerability, no parades or galas to commemorate his memory, Just know you did what was right; and, of course, keep it to yourself.
On the third day, a child will be given hypogamma-globulinemia, spasms, chronic abdominal pain and intussusception. This one might turn out all right actually. It will depend entirely on how educated Mom and Dad are because once we administer their sacrificial dose, we are not responsible. Actually, we are not responsible before, during, or after administration. Know the law, parents.
The fourth day we will administer idiopathic thrombocytopenic pupura, encephalopathy and paralysis. This is a pretty heavy burden for all the systems, so this one may have to die too, given the already overwhelming viral burden and autoimmune compromise. It will be good for you to remember what an honor it was for your child to be chosen when you are holding him through the night as he screams inconsolably. For 15 years. Before one of the thousands of seizures he suffers as the result of methylation failure finally takes his life.
Let me see . . . the fifth day. Hmmm, the fifth day we will do vasculitis, bulging fontanelle, hypotonia, persistent cough and petechiae, This one will have febrile seizures, hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes with just a touch of subcutaneous tissue disorder . . . we’ll saaaay alopecia.
The sixth day, we will give this child anaphylactic shock in response to benign substances. Like peanuts. This one will have jaundice for a while, but that is a lot more common these days, so no biggie. She will also get the measles virus (albeit less severely than had she contracted it wildly) and it will shed to the baby we will take on day number seven. The real challenge for this child will be the progressive neurological disorder/deterioration which will be hard to detect early on. Of course, all of these ailments are a bit like finding a needle in a haystack — but remember our agreement! We are being very generous letting this one live! You are welcome! We want you to be happy and to feel pleased about your patriotism. While there will be no hospitals or schools built in your child’s honor, no multi-million dollar wings devoted to the study of his particular vulnerability, no parades or galas to commemorate his memory, Just know you did what was right; and, of course, keep it to yourself.
On the seventh day, this special little girl who has already succumbed to a lab-born version of the measles (because she was too young to be vaccinated; that is what we will report to the media and convey in our marketing materials) will be given lymphadenopathy, uteropelvic junction obstruction, bronchiolitis and cyanosis in conjunction with uncontrolled epilepsy. She might be too young for MMR, but she is certainly old enough to get DTaP.
Of course, this list of vaccine side effects goes on and on, but, we just wanted to show you that we are not all bad. Notice, not all of them died. Contrary to what you have been told by anti-vaxxers most kids will actually get to live! You know this. You see them every day. The world is still spinning even though we have 69 doses of 16 vaccines on the schedule. Most children will live with illnesses that are quite manageable with precise doses of many medications over their lifetime. These kids are a very important part of our business plan and we have to keep them humming along. These are the children with asthma, allergies, ADHD, ODD, OCD, diabetes, blindness and arthritis. The manageably sick who will require regular maintenance and medications.
Now, the real heroes we talk about above? Those who do not die will exist chronically compromised, with pain they are often incapable of conveying, so it will often go untreated. Their central nervous systems, neurological function and susceptibility to autoimmune illness will shorten their lives and potential greatly. For those kids we have some therapies, and some weekend programs. But, overall, they will stay home with their parents until they can go into a home for special kids like them, where they generally expire rather quickly. This is, of course, a wonderful blessing.
Vaccines work.
Now, the real heroes we talk about above? Those who do not die will exist chronically compromised, with pain they are often incapable of conveying, so it will often go untreated. Their central nervous systems, neurological function and susceptibility to autoimmune illness will shorten their lives and potential greatly. For those kids we have some therapies, and some weekend programs. But, overall, they will stay home with their parents until they can go into a home for special kids like them, where they generally expire rather quickly. This is, of course, a wonderful blessing.
Vaccines work.
We hear often from anti-vaxxers that they are simply “pro-informed consent.” We hope with the illustration provided above that you can understand why we cannot accommodate that request. It is incredibly laborious to truly delve into the medical history of each and every newborn. We cannot do that for every 0.00000028%. This is individualized medicine, catering to each and every single person that is born in this country. It is a luxury. Taking into account the genetic history and epigenetic susceptibility of each child is not the birthright of American children. Yes, we know that certain increasingly large subsets of the population — likeAfrican-American boys — are extremely vulnerable to vaccine injury — particularly, autism.
But to evaluate each child means selectively vaccinating. Kids with sensitivities to yeast, family history of seizure disorder, autoimmune issues, allergies of any kind, asthma, diabetes and several other auto-inflammatory illnesses would have to be tested before vaccination. That would lead us to require genetic screenings for predisposition to mitochondrial disease, metabolic disorders, POLG gene, MTHFR mutations, etc. for every single solitary 0.00000028%.
You recall at the beginning how truly insignificant this one child . . . I mean, statistic . . . is, Right? The list of pre-existing conditions that may or may not be present in the undeveloped immune system of a child is exhaustive and testing them would be astronomically expensive. Right now, we are on target to make 40 billion dollars this year, and that is with ZERO liability for any of the vaccines we produce. Why would we even contemplate implementing such testing? That’s the government’s job, not ours. To be frank, we are often vexed that the public is so critical of us. At the end of the one-baby-goes-down-a day, we are a business. Not a charity. Not a nonprofit. Not a watchdog organization; a thriving, profitable business that invests equally in both Democratic and Republican parties, with the most powerful lobby in the country.
I’m glad we had this little talk.
So, who will be the first to sacrifice their 0.00000028% today? When you look at it that way, it’s not even your child; it’s your contribution.
You recall at the beginning how truly insignificant this one child . . . I mean, statistic . . . is, Right? The list of pre-existing conditions that may or may not be present in the undeveloped immune system of a child is exhaustive and testing them would be astronomically expensive. Right now, we are on target to make 40 billion dollars this year, and that is with ZERO liability for any of the vaccines we produce. Why would we even contemplate implementing such testing? That’s the government’s job, not ours. To be frank, we are often vexed that the public is so critical of us. At the end of the one-baby-goes-down-a day, we are a business. Not a charity. Not a nonprofit. Not a watchdog organization; a thriving, profitable business that invests equally in both Democratic and Republican parties, with the most powerful lobby in the country.
I’m glad we had this little talk.
So, who will be the first to sacrifice their 0.00000028% today? When you look at it that way, it’s not even your child; it’s your contribution.
Posted by: The Thinking Moms' Revolution
February 6, 2015 Not my words.... but very eloquent.
"Whether you're pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine, or fall somewhere in the middle, the questions you need to ask yourselves are as follows:
Do you want to live in a world, where you cannot freely refuse a medical procedure that carries risk of injury or death? I'm not questioning your comfort level with today's vaccine schedule, because today's vaccine schedule will change. New vaccines and additional doses are added all the time. Children today receive as many as 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they reach age six, which is roughly 12 times higher than the number of vaccines administered to children back in 1940.
With more than 220 new vaccines in the developmental pipeline for children and adults...and no end in sight..the question you must ask yourself is ARE YOU CERTAIN you will be 100% comfortable with vaccines that are added to the mandated list in the future? If you say that yes, you're comfortable, then you're either a) not expecting to be a parent or grandparent, b) don't have to worry about it because your kids are grown and out of the house, or c) lying to prove a point. No critical thinker, no honest person, would ever sign off on the sight-unseen vaccine schedule of the future. And yet that's what you're doing when you condemn the people who are fighting for your right to refuse. YOU have the right to refuse, should you ever choose to use it, because the very "anti-vaccine" people you demonize have been fighting for us all.
Right now, the burden of "herd immunity" falls on small children, but that is changing. Vaccine manufacturers see an untapped market in adult vaccines and are coming for you next. What will you do if your state, your employer, or your insurance company forces you to get a vaccine that you simply don't want? It hasn't happened to you yet, but if the right to refuse is eroded, it will happen to you sooner than you might think. Who then will you turn to? Your legislators who get campaign donations from pharmaceutical companies? The CDC that has former pharma executives sitting on the board? Who will you turn to if you ever want to say no? There will be no one.
Once we enter the slippery slope of removing and individual's right to refuse medical procedures that carry a risk of injury or death, once we remove an individual's right to speak for him/herself and his/her children, we open ourselves up to an insidious new era, where other drugs and other procedures can be mandated. I heard (on NPR, interestingly enough) that there are people who want to test for a gene marker that's been found in mass shooters in the hopes that they can put the carriers of that gene on medications in early childhood. Sounds great, right? But many of us carry genes that will never be expressed.
You could be a carrier of that gene. Or your child could be a carrier. So if we follow the "for the greater good" mentality behind vaccines (or the Nazi's "for the greater good" mentality behind eugenics (breeding out illness), we are looking at forcing people who may never express a sociopathic gene to take antipsychotics, just in case. Because that's what forced vaccination does. It asks children who may never come into contact with a particular virus to accept a vaccine just in case. And that's what eugenics was all about. It sterilizes people who can pass on a genetic disease just in case. Forced vaccination is a human rights violation, and to support it when you know that the government's own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System exists and lists people who have died as a result of vaccines is unethical at best, sociopathic at worst.
The ethical thing to do is to allow people their right to refuse and leave it up to doctors and big pharma (who have marketing budgets larger than the GDP of some countries) to do a better job of convincing parents that vaccines are safe. We can start by reversing the law that grants vaccine manufacturers total immunity from vaccine injury lawsuits. Because as it stands, you can't sue a vaccine manufacturer if your child is injured or killed by a vaccine, even in cases where they could've made a safer vaccine and chose not to or when they failed to recall a contaminated lot# in a timely manner. Think about that. You can't sue the manufacturer. That immunity from liability does more to shake parents' confidence in vaccines than anything else out there." Author unknown.
"Whether you're pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine, or fall somewhere in the middle, the questions you need to ask yourselves are as follows:
Do you want to live in a world, where you cannot freely refuse a medical procedure that carries risk of injury or death? I'm not questioning your comfort level with today's vaccine schedule, because today's vaccine schedule will change. New vaccines and additional doses are added all the time. Children today receive as many as 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they reach age six, which is roughly 12 times higher than the number of vaccines administered to children back in 1940.
With more than 220 new vaccines in the developmental pipeline for children and adults...and no end in sight..the question you must ask yourself is ARE YOU CERTAIN you will be 100% comfortable with vaccines that are added to the mandated list in the future? If you say that yes, you're comfortable, then you're either a) not expecting to be a parent or grandparent, b) don't have to worry about it because your kids are grown and out of the house, or c) lying to prove a point. No critical thinker, no honest person, would ever sign off on the sight-unseen vaccine schedule of the future. And yet that's what you're doing when you condemn the people who are fighting for your right to refuse. YOU have the right to refuse, should you ever choose to use it, because the very "anti-vaccine" people you demonize have been fighting for us all.
Right now, the burden of "herd immunity" falls on small children, but that is changing. Vaccine manufacturers see an untapped market in adult vaccines and are coming for you next. What will you do if your state, your employer, or your insurance company forces you to get a vaccine that you simply don't want? It hasn't happened to you yet, but if the right to refuse is eroded, it will happen to you sooner than you might think. Who then will you turn to? Your legislators who get campaign donations from pharmaceutical companies? The CDC that has former pharma executives sitting on the board? Who will you turn to if you ever want to say no? There will be no one.
Once we enter the slippery slope of removing and individual's right to refuse medical procedures that carry a risk of injury or death, once we remove an individual's right to speak for him/herself and his/her children, we open ourselves up to an insidious new era, where other drugs and other procedures can be mandated. I heard (on NPR, interestingly enough) that there are people who want to test for a gene marker that's been found in mass shooters in the hopes that they can put the carriers of that gene on medications in early childhood. Sounds great, right? But many of us carry genes that will never be expressed.
You could be a carrier of that gene. Or your child could be a carrier. So if we follow the "for the greater good" mentality behind vaccines (or the Nazi's "for the greater good" mentality behind eugenics (breeding out illness), we are looking at forcing people who may never express a sociopathic gene to take antipsychotics, just in case. Because that's what forced vaccination does. It asks children who may never come into contact with a particular virus to accept a vaccine just in case. And that's what eugenics was all about. It sterilizes people who can pass on a genetic disease just in case. Forced vaccination is a human rights violation, and to support it when you know that the government's own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System exists and lists people who have died as a result of vaccines is unethical at best, sociopathic at worst.
The ethical thing to do is to allow people their right to refuse and leave it up to doctors and big pharma (who have marketing budgets larger than the GDP of some countries) to do a better job of convincing parents that vaccines are safe. We can start by reversing the law that grants vaccine manufacturers total immunity from vaccine injury lawsuits. Because as it stands, you can't sue a vaccine manufacturer if your child is injured or killed by a vaccine, even in cases where they could've made a safer vaccine and chose not to or when they failed to recall a contaminated lot# in a timely manner. Think about that. You can't sue the manufacturer. That immunity from liability does more to shake parents' confidence in vaccines than anything else out there." Author unknown.
This Is the Way One Father Told His Pediatrician
“No” to Vaccines
Jeffry John Aufderheide
September 7 2014
“No” to Vaccines
Jeffry John Aufderheide
September 7 2014
What does an informed parent look like? We’ll show you.
Below is a letter written by Bob O’kane, a concerned parent, to his pediatrician about vaccines and the danger they pose to his child. This letter is one great example of how to approach your doctor, especially if you have looked into the matter further and are uncomfortable with their stance on the topic.
The name of the doctor has been intentionally omitted.
Doctor XXX,.com
My wife and I would like to say it was an absolute pleasure to meet you. We thank you for taking the time with us the other day to discuss our beautiful little daughter Rylan.
I was wondering if I could take a moment to discuss something with you real quick regarding the notes I read this evening in her file. Please note, this is a very calm letter and not meant to start a debate in any way. We value your profession and position.
That being said, It’s in my opinion that the some of the comments are a bit misleading and was wondering if you could add this email to your notes. Please note we understand you are extremely busy and probably had to summarize the appointment the best you could.
A few things to note here. First and most most importantly, we refused to sign the document because there was no legal statute or requirement for us to sign such a document. This was the main basis for the non signature. We simply do not have to. Nor is there any legal basis for AAP to require such signature. I also specifically mentioned that there has been cases surfacing around the country whereas a parents signature on such a document was used against the parents.
For the record I never, ever once said “we fear losing our child.” This statement, with respect, is erroneous and can lead to a misinterpretation. I has also mentioned we are in fact of a religious exemption which was granted to our family on the 20th of May, 2014.
We also specifically stated that our concerns were not only with the ingredients listed on the vaccines and the disclaimers on the vaccine inserts, but the overall fear we had was that our child could break out in the hive/rashes she did shortly after receiving her Hepatitis B shot. If it was only after those hives/rashes appeared that we had blood testing done which determined our lovely daughter had elevated liver functions. This was the majority of our rationale behind not giving her shots as I implied.
The other reasons were the materials we read at the cdc and fda website.
First, the disclaimers on vaccine inserts or lack of disclaimers was a concern. The disclaimers clearly state the possible side effects. Yet, not one Doctor in the past had those ready for us. Nor did they provide them when the vaccine was opened. We had to do the research ourselves. And honestly, I’m glad we did. Especially with the amount of information surfacing lately that research was or could have been manipulated.
In addition, the head of the CDC in an April/May radio show admitted the so called measles outbreak in New York consisted of 23 cases of which 20 people who got the measles had previously been vaccinated and thus nobody could be assured the vaccines actually work. (this is public information on the CDC website, and put a dent in the so called “herd immunity” theory.).. The other three cases involved foreigners. Our last Doctor even told us people are dying. Dr. XXXX, do you know how many people have died in the past 10 years? The number is in fact less than all the fingers I have on my hands. Again, this is public record available through the CDC and not some Google search result.
The last concern was the ingredients and the amount of Aluminum and by-products that are in the vaccines which so happened to have been the center of several House Oversight Committee hearings on Capital Hill. I also stated that the cdc and fda have conflicting views when it came to amount of Aluminum which should be injected into an individual based on their body weight.
I quote (and I encourage you to check my sources:) )
According to the FDA:
“Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration (this means injected into the body] if kidney function is impaired . . . Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates (babies), who received parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity [for a tiny newborn, this toxic dose would be 10 to 20 micrograms, and for an adult it would be about 350 micrograms). Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.” (Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Document NDA 19-626/S-019, Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for Dextrose Injections.)
And also:
“Aluminum content in parenteral drug products could result in a toxic accumulation of aluminum in individuals receiving TPN therapy. Research indicates that neonates [newborns] and patient populations with impaired kidney function may be at high risk of exposure to unsafe amounts of aluminum. Studies show that aluminum may accumulate in the bone, urine, and plasma of infants receiving TPN. Many drug products used in parenteral therapy (injections) may contain levels of aluminum sufficiently high to cause clinical manifestations (symptoms) . . . parenteral aluminum bypasses the protective mechanism of the GI tract and aluminum circulates and is deposited in human tissues. Aluminum toxicity is difficult to identify in infants because few reliable techniques are available to evaluate bone metabolism in . . . infants . . . Although aluminum toxicity is not commonly detected clinically, it can be serious in selected patient populations, such as neonates (newborns), and may be more common than is recognized.” (Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Document 02N-0496, Aluminum in Large and Small Volume Parenterals Used in Total Parenteral Nutrition. Available online at:http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/98fr/oc0367.pdf)”
Doctor XXXX, the FDA maximum requirements for aluminum received in an IV is 25 mcg per day. The suggested aluminum per kg of weight to give to a person is up to 5mcg. (so a 5 pounds baby should get no more than 11mcg of aluminum.) Anything that has more than 25 mcg of aluminum is a very valid concern for us when it comes to Rylan.
Research indicates that “patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 (micro)g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration. (http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=201.323)”
But did you know most Vaccines, for some reason, are not required to have a label containing this information and that practitioners also are not required to follow the maximum dosage of 25 mcg? This is something that actually was very troubling to us.
So doing some math — the following are examples of weight with their corresponding maximum levels of aluminum, per the FDA:
So how much aluminum is in the vaccines that are routinely given to children?
The HEP-B shot alone is almost 14 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF ALUMINUM THAT IS FDA-APPROVED. The MMR? The dTap? All have similar amounts.
So in summary Doctor XXXX, when we did our due diligence, this info scared the hell out of us. Especially considering what happened to Rylan shortly after the Hep B was administered to her.
Continuing, I mentioned what made us leave our last Doctor was that she wanted to give our daughter 8 vaccinations at once. And in doing the math, that would have added up to more than 1,000 mcg of aluminum. Even when one, who is not familiar with toxicity levels and the science behind them, looks at the chart above can notice that amount isn’t even safe for a 350 pound adult let alone a child who weighs less than 25lbs.
According to the FDA and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), what happens if a child receives more than the maximum required dose of aluminum?
In closing, I thank you for taking the short time to read my email. We firmly admire your practice and the personnel you have and look forward in continuing Rylan’s care with you. She deserves the best, and we think we found it.
Respectfully Yours’,
Robert O’Kane
ps- yes we are considering the shots as she gets older. But in the meantime can you order for us an a screen to determine if Rylan’s immune compromised? This will help us a great deal considering thousands of cases that went through the vaccine court in the past decade showed many injuries and deaths resulted in the failure to pre-detect if children had a compromised immune system prior to any shots.
Below is a letter written by Bob O’kane, a concerned parent, to his pediatrician about vaccines and the danger they pose to his child. This letter is one great example of how to approach your doctor, especially if you have looked into the matter further and are uncomfortable with their stance on the topic.
The name of the doctor has been intentionally omitted.
Doctor XXX,.com
My wife and I would like to say it was an absolute pleasure to meet you. We thank you for taking the time with us the other day to discuss our beautiful little daughter Rylan.
I was wondering if I could take a moment to discuss something with you real quick regarding the notes I read this evening in her file. Please note, this is a very calm letter and not meant to start a debate in any way. We value your profession and position.
That being said, It’s in my opinion that the some of the comments are a bit misleading and was wondering if you could add this email to your notes. Please note we understand you are extremely busy and probably had to summarize the appointment the best you could.
A few things to note here. First and most most importantly, we refused to sign the document because there was no legal statute or requirement for us to sign such a document. This was the main basis for the non signature. We simply do not have to. Nor is there any legal basis for AAP to require such signature. I also specifically mentioned that there has been cases surfacing around the country whereas a parents signature on such a document was used against the parents.
For the record I never, ever once said “we fear losing our child.” This statement, with respect, is erroneous and can lead to a misinterpretation. I has also mentioned we are in fact of a religious exemption which was granted to our family on the 20th of May, 2014.
We also specifically stated that our concerns were not only with the ingredients listed on the vaccines and the disclaimers on the vaccine inserts, but the overall fear we had was that our child could break out in the hive/rashes she did shortly after receiving her Hepatitis B shot. If it was only after those hives/rashes appeared that we had blood testing done which determined our lovely daughter had elevated liver functions. This was the majority of our rationale behind not giving her shots as I implied.
The other reasons were the materials we read at the cdc and fda website.
First, the disclaimers on vaccine inserts or lack of disclaimers was a concern. The disclaimers clearly state the possible side effects. Yet, not one Doctor in the past had those ready for us. Nor did they provide them when the vaccine was opened. We had to do the research ourselves. And honestly, I’m glad we did. Especially with the amount of information surfacing lately that research was or could have been manipulated.
In addition, the head of the CDC in an April/May radio show admitted the so called measles outbreak in New York consisted of 23 cases of which 20 people who got the measles had previously been vaccinated and thus nobody could be assured the vaccines actually work. (this is public information on the CDC website, and put a dent in the so called “herd immunity” theory.).. The other three cases involved foreigners. Our last Doctor even told us people are dying. Dr. XXXX, do you know how many people have died in the past 10 years? The number is in fact less than all the fingers I have on my hands. Again, this is public record available through the CDC and not some Google search result.
The last concern was the ingredients and the amount of Aluminum and by-products that are in the vaccines which so happened to have been the center of several House Oversight Committee hearings on Capital Hill. I also stated that the cdc and fda have conflicting views when it came to amount of Aluminum which should be injected into an individual based on their body weight.
I quote (and I encourage you to check my sources:) )
According to the FDA:
“Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration (this means injected into the body] if kidney function is impaired . . . Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates (babies), who received parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity [for a tiny newborn, this toxic dose would be 10 to 20 micrograms, and for an adult it would be about 350 micrograms). Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.” (Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Document NDA 19-626/S-019, Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for Dextrose Injections.)
And also:
“Aluminum content in parenteral drug products could result in a toxic accumulation of aluminum in individuals receiving TPN therapy. Research indicates that neonates [newborns] and patient populations with impaired kidney function may be at high risk of exposure to unsafe amounts of aluminum. Studies show that aluminum may accumulate in the bone, urine, and plasma of infants receiving TPN. Many drug products used in parenteral therapy (injections) may contain levels of aluminum sufficiently high to cause clinical manifestations (symptoms) . . . parenteral aluminum bypasses the protective mechanism of the GI tract and aluminum circulates and is deposited in human tissues. Aluminum toxicity is difficult to identify in infants because few reliable techniques are available to evaluate bone metabolism in . . . infants . . . Although aluminum toxicity is not commonly detected clinically, it can be serious in selected patient populations, such as neonates (newborns), and may be more common than is recognized.” (Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Document 02N-0496, Aluminum in Large and Small Volume Parenterals Used in Total Parenteral Nutrition. Available online at:http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/98fr/oc0367.pdf)”
Doctor XXXX, the FDA maximum requirements for aluminum received in an IV is 25 mcg per day. The suggested aluminum per kg of weight to give to a person is up to 5mcg. (so a 5 pounds baby should get no more than 11mcg of aluminum.) Anything that has more than 25 mcg of aluminum is a very valid concern for us when it comes to Rylan.
Research indicates that “patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 (micro)g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration. (http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=201.323)”
But did you know most Vaccines, for some reason, are not required to have a label containing this information and that practitioners also are not required to follow the maximum dosage of 25 mcg? This is something that actually was very troubling to us.
So doing some math — the following are examples of weight with their corresponding maximum levels of aluminum, per the FDA:
- 8 pound, healthy baby: 18.16 mcg of aluminum
- 15 pound, healthy baby: 34.05 mcg of aluminum
- 30 pound, healthy toddler: 68.1 mcg of aluminum
- 50 pound, healthy child: 113 mcg of aluminum
- 150 pound adult: 340.5 mcg of aluminum
- 350 pound adult: 794.5 mcg of aluminum
So how much aluminum is in the vaccines that are routinely given to children?
- Hib (PedVaxHib brand only) – 225 mcg per shot
- Hepatitis B – 250 mcg
- DTaP – depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 170 to 625 mcg
- Pneumococcus – 125 mcg
- Hepatitis A – 250 mcg
- HPV – 225 mcg
- Pentacel (DTaP, HIB and Polio combo vaccine) – 330 mcg
- Pediarix (DTaP, Hep B and Polio combo vaccine) – 850 mcg
The HEP-B shot alone is almost 14 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF ALUMINUM THAT IS FDA-APPROVED. The MMR? The dTap? All have similar amounts.
So in summary Doctor XXXX, when we did our due diligence, this info scared the hell out of us. Especially considering what happened to Rylan shortly after the Hep B was administered to her.
Continuing, I mentioned what made us leave our last Doctor was that she wanted to give our daughter 8 vaccinations at once. And in doing the math, that would have added up to more than 1,000 mcg of aluminum. Even when one, who is not familiar with toxicity levels and the science behind them, looks at the chart above can notice that amount isn’t even safe for a 350 pound adult let alone a child who weighs less than 25lbs.
According to the FDA and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), what happens if a child receives more than the maximum required dose of aluminum?
- Aluminum builds up in the bones and brain and can be toxic to the body and its organs.
- Aluminum “can” cause neurological harm.
- Aluminum overdose can be fatal in patients with weak kidney’s or kidney disorders or in premature babies.
- (Aluminum Toxicity in Infants and Children, Committee on Nutrition,American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics Volume 97, Number 3 March, 1996, pp. 413-416)”
In closing, I thank you for taking the short time to read my email. We firmly admire your practice and the personnel you have and look forward in continuing Rylan’s care with you. She deserves the best, and we think we found it.
Respectfully Yours’,
Robert O’Kane
ps- yes we are considering the shots as she gets older. But in the meantime can you order for us an a screen to determine if Rylan’s immune compromised? This will help us a great deal considering thousands of cases that went through the vaccine court in the past decade showed many injuries and deaths resulted in the failure to pre-detect if children had a compromised immune system prior to any shots.
Six Month-Old Baby Dies Just Five Days After Receiving 13 Vaccines
Jeffry John Aufderheide
Editor of VacTruth.com Dear VacTruth.com Readers,
Baby Bently was previously unvaccinated for the first six months of his life. His mother, Alisa, was pressured by the doctor to give her son 13 toxic vaccines. Alisa now believes this led to Bently’s death just five days later. Is this just another tragic coincidence? We don't think so. |
As Bill Gates faces a lawsuit for the illegal testing of tribal children in India, it appears that his crimes against humanity have finally caught up with him.
A recent report published by Health Impact News has reported that the Gates Foundation has found itself facing a pending lawsuit, due to an investigation that is being carried out by the Supreme Courts of India.
Health Impact News stated:
“While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet.
One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court.” [1]
The Health Impact News article centered largely on a four-page report that was recently published by Economic Times India.
Eager to know more, I investigated their story and discovered that the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation and two organizations funded by them, PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), have found themselves under fire, after a writ of petition originally submitted to the Supreme Court of India, by Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and Dr. Rukmini Rao in 2012, was finally heard by the courts.
The petitioners submitting the petition stated:
“BMGF, PATH and WHO were criminally negligent trialling the vaccines on a vulnerable, uneducated and under-informed population school administrators, students and their parents who were not provided informed consent or advised of potential adverse effects or required to be monitored post-vaccination.” [2]
Young Tribal Girls Tested With HPV Vaccines
The Economic Times India published their report August 2014. They stated that in 2009, tests had been carried out on 16,000 tribal school children in Andhra Pradesh, India, using the human papiloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil.
According to the report written by KP Narayana Kumar, within a month of receiving the vaccine, many of the children fell ill and by 2010, five of them had died. A further two children were reported to have died in Vadodara, Gujarat, where an estimated 14,000 tribal children were vaccinated with another brand of the HPV vaccine, Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmitheKline (GSK).
Shockingly, the report stated that many of the consent forms used to vaccinate the girls were signed “illegally,” either by the wardens from the hostels where many of the girls resided, or using thumbprints from illiterate parents.
This travesty was not discovered until a team of health activists from the non-government organization SAMA, an organization specializing in women’s health, decided to investigate what had been going on.
According to the report, they were shocked to discover that a total of 120 girls had been taken ill, suffering from a variety of symptoms, including “epileptic seizures, severe stomach aches, headaches and mood swings.”
The Economic Times stated:
“The Sama report also said there had been cases of early onset of menstruation following the vaccination, heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps among many students. The standing committee pulled up the relevant state governments for the shoddy investigation into these deaths.
It said it was disturbed to find that ‘all the seven deaths were summarily dismissed as unrelated to vaccinations without in-depth investigations …’ the speculative causes were suicides, accidental drowning in well (why not suicide?), malaria, viral infections, subarachnoid hemorrhage (without autopsy) etc.”
This information is even more shocking when you discover that the organization funding the study was none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who declared the project a total success.
Kumar wrote:
“According to the BMGF, the WHO, the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and the Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India have all recommended vaccination ‘as a proven and highly effective preventive measure for cervical cancer.’ The project used vaccines that are licensed in India and that have been administered safely around the world tens of millions of times, preventing countless cases of cervical cancer illness and death, ‘maintains a BMGF spokesperson in an emailed response (see GAVI & PHFI create incentives …’”
He continued:
“BMGF’s role in funding the controversial studies, however, has led to many healthcare activists in India voicing their apprehensions. ‘BMGF has to take full responsibility because PATH is funded by them. It is also unethical when people championing the cause of vaccines are the same ones who are also investing in vaccine development,’ said V Rukmini Rao, one of the activists who filed a writ petition before the Supreme Court in connection with the HPV vaccine studies.” [3]
Absolutely, and this is not the first time that these organizations have been caught illegally testing vaccines in developing countries.
Gates Foundation, WHO, PATH, GAVI, UNICEF Behind Chad Vaccine Disaster
In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into their school, threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education.
These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing.
Within hours, one hundred and six children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis. The children’s wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate others in the village.
When the doctor finally came, he could do nothing for the children. The team of vaccinators, upon seeing what had happened, fled the village in fear.
The original report written in a small, local newspaper called La Voix, the only newspaper to have published the original story, stated that forty children were finally transferred to a hospital in Faya and later taken by plane to two hospitals in N’Djamena, the capital city of Chad.
A recent report published by Health Impact News has reported that the Gates Foundation has found itself facing a pending lawsuit, due to an investigation that is being carried out by the Supreme Courts of India.
Health Impact News stated:
“While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet.
One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court.” [1]
The Health Impact News article centered largely on a four-page report that was recently published by Economic Times India.
Eager to know more, I investigated their story and discovered that the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation and two organizations funded by them, PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), have found themselves under fire, after a writ of petition originally submitted to the Supreme Court of India, by Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and Dr. Rukmini Rao in 2012, was finally heard by the courts.
The petitioners submitting the petition stated:
“BMGF, PATH and WHO were criminally negligent trialling the vaccines on a vulnerable, uneducated and under-informed population school administrators, students and their parents who were not provided informed consent or advised of potential adverse effects or required to be monitored post-vaccination.” [2]
Young Tribal Girls Tested With HPV Vaccines
The Economic Times India published their report August 2014. They stated that in 2009, tests had been carried out on 16,000 tribal school children in Andhra Pradesh, India, using the human papiloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil.
According to the report written by KP Narayana Kumar, within a month of receiving the vaccine, many of the children fell ill and by 2010, five of them had died. A further two children were reported to have died in Vadodara, Gujarat, where an estimated 14,000 tribal children were vaccinated with another brand of the HPV vaccine, Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmitheKline (GSK).
Shockingly, the report stated that many of the consent forms used to vaccinate the girls were signed “illegally,” either by the wardens from the hostels where many of the girls resided, or using thumbprints from illiterate parents.
This travesty was not discovered until a team of health activists from the non-government organization SAMA, an organization specializing in women’s health, decided to investigate what had been going on.
According to the report, they were shocked to discover that a total of 120 girls had been taken ill, suffering from a variety of symptoms, including “epileptic seizures, severe stomach aches, headaches and mood swings.”
The Economic Times stated:
“The Sama report also said there had been cases of early onset of menstruation following the vaccination, heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps among many students. The standing committee pulled up the relevant state governments for the shoddy investigation into these deaths.
It said it was disturbed to find that ‘all the seven deaths were summarily dismissed as unrelated to vaccinations without in-depth investigations …’ the speculative causes were suicides, accidental drowning in well (why not suicide?), malaria, viral infections, subarachnoid hemorrhage (without autopsy) etc.”
This information is even more shocking when you discover that the organization funding the study was none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who declared the project a total success.
Kumar wrote:
“According to the BMGF, the WHO, the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and the Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India have all recommended vaccination ‘as a proven and highly effective preventive measure for cervical cancer.’ The project used vaccines that are licensed in India and that have been administered safely around the world tens of millions of times, preventing countless cases of cervical cancer illness and death, ‘maintains a BMGF spokesperson in an emailed response (see GAVI & PHFI create incentives …’”
He continued:
“BMGF’s role in funding the controversial studies, however, has led to many healthcare activists in India voicing their apprehensions. ‘BMGF has to take full responsibility because PATH is funded by them. It is also unethical when people championing the cause of vaccines are the same ones who are also investing in vaccine development,’ said V Rukmini Rao, one of the activists who filed a writ petition before the Supreme Court in connection with the HPV vaccine studies.” [3]
Absolutely, and this is not the first time that these organizations have been caught illegally testing vaccines in developing countries.
Gates Foundation, WHO, PATH, GAVI, UNICEF Behind Chad Vaccine Disaster
In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into their school, threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education.
These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing.
Within hours, one hundred and six children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis. The children’s wait for a doctor began. They had to wait one full week for a doctor to arrive while the team of vaccinators proceeded to vaccinate others in the village.
When the doctor finally came, he could do nothing for the children. The team of vaccinators, upon seeing what had happened, fled the village in fear.
The original report written in a small, local newspaper called La Voix, the only newspaper to have published the original story, stated that forty children were finally transferred to a hospital in Faya and later taken by plane to two hospitals in N’Djamena, the capital city of Chad.
After being shuttled around like cattle, many of these sick, weak children were finally dumped back in their village without a diagnosis and each family was given an unconfirmed sum of £1000 by the government. No forms were signed and no documentation was seen. They were informed that their children had not suffered a vaccine injury.
However, if this were true, why would their government award each family £1000 in what has been described as hush money?
The only mainstream news channel to have highlighted the plight of these poor children was a local channel called Tchad, which filmed footage of the then-Prime Minister of Chad visiting the children in hospital.
VacTruth has copies of both reports, along with medical and government documents.
Despite this evidence and VacTruth’s detailed and extensive coverage, including highlighting television footage, once again, the vaccine program was hailed a success. To watch videos reporting the story, see the references at the end of this article. [4] [5]
The groups involved with this project were PATH, WHO, UNICEF, and the Gates Foundation. During investigations, it was discovered that the whole project was being run by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In a press release, the Gates Foundation stated:
“MenAfriVac is a tremendous success story for the global health community. It is the first vaccine developed specifically for Africa, and it proves that global partnerships can develop and deliver high-quality, low-cost vaccines.
Ten years ago, we invested in the Meningitis Vaccine Project, an innovative model that brought together PATH, the World Health Organization, African health ministers and the Serum Institute of India today, we celebrate the result: a modern vaccine selling for less than US 50 cents per dose with the potential to end Africa’s deadly meningitis epidemics.
We believe that vaccines are one of the best buys in global health. In January, Bill and Melinda Gates called on the global community to make this the Decade of Vaccines. There is no better way to launch this decade than with a new vaccine that will improve and save lives.” [6]
VacTruth can prove otherwise.
Government Inquiry Holds GAVI Accountable for Multiple Deaths
Despite the fact the Gates Foundation call vaccines “one of the best buys in global health,” a government inquiry in Pakistan has found the complete opposite.
In 2011, the Express Tribune published a story stating that:
“ISLAMABAD: A government inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan.
The startling revelation is part of an inquiry report prepared by the Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission (PMIC) on the working of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI). The PMIC, headed by Malik Amjad Noon, has recommended that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani immediately suspend the administration of all types of vaccines funded by the GAVI.”
According to the Express Tribune, the main vaccinations in question were the polio vaccine and the 5-in-1 pentavelent vaccine, which were said to be responsible for the deaths and disability of a number of children in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Japan.
The vaccines were funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI) an organization financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank.
Writing on the official report, made exclusive to the newspaper, the Express Tribunestated:
“The report states, ‘The procured vaccines are not tested in laboratories to confirm their efficacy and genuineness. This leaves room for use of spurious and counterfeit vaccines.’” [7] (emphasis added)
If this is true, then once again the Gates Foundation has been linked to mass vaccination initiatives using untested, unsafe vaccinations.
The Gates Foundation and WHO Labeled Unethical by Medical Experts
In 2012, Ramesh Shankar Mumbai, an author writing for the Pharmabiz website, reported that two medical experts from India had accused the Gates Foundation and WHO of being unethical.
In his report, Mumbai stated that Dr. Neetu Vashisht and Dr. Jacob Puliyel of the Department of Pediatrics at St. Stephens Hospital in Delhi, wrote the following information in their report in the April issue of Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.
“It was unethical for WHO and Bill Gates to flog this program when they knew 10 years back that it was never to succeed. Getting poor countries to expend their scarce resources on an impossible dream over the last 10 years was unethical.”
Pharmabiz.com reported that Dr. Vashisht and Dr. Puliyel had continued their report by stating:
“Another major ethical issue raised by the campaign is the failure to thoroughly investigate the increase in the incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) in areas where many doses of vaccine were used. NPAFP is clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly.”
Pharmabiz.com continued:
“The authors noted that while India was polio-free in 2011, in the same year, there were 47500 cases of NPAFP. While data from India’s National Polio Surveillance Project showed NPAFP rate increased in proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received, independent studies showed that children identified with NPAFP ‘were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection.’” [8]
The corruption and deceit by these organizations does not stop there.
The Gates Foundation Blamed for 10,000 Vaccine-Related Deaths
In 2013, yet another report named the Gates Foundation and GAVI as being responsible for multiple deaths using untested vaccinations on children from the developing world.
The report, published on the website Occupy Corporatism and written by Susanne Posel stated:
“It was found out through an investigation, that GAVI was using an untested vaccine; giving this dangerous vaccine to Pakistani children shows the lack of empathy associated with these organizations.
GAVI was blamed for the deaths of 10,000 children in Pakistan when they came in and administered polio vaccines that resulted in casualties.” [9]
As we know, GAVI is heavily funded by the Gates Foundation. [10]
So, what was the name of the organization that investigated GAVI and found them using untested polio vaccinations in Pakistan?
According to the Express Tribune article, which I referred to earlier in this article, it was none other than the Indian government, who, upon discovering the shocking truth, recommended the immediate suspension of the administration of all types of vaccines funded by GAVI. [7]
In a recent radio show hosted by Sallie O. Elkordy, Susanne Posel gave her frank and honest views on the whole sorry mess that we find ourselves in today.
Warning: This report is not for the faint-hearted. [11]
It is difficult to believe that, despite the mounting evidence outlining the many crimes against humanity that have been committed by the Gates Foundation, GAVI, UNICEF and PATH, Bill Gates is portrayed as a hero among many.
However, according to the definition of hero in the Oxford Dictionary, the word hero means:
“A person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” [12]
The dictionary I used said nothing about vaccinating innocent, vulnerable children with untested and unsafe vaccinations, causing them to suffer agonizing, untimely deaths.
However, if this were true, why would their government award each family £1000 in what has been described as hush money?
The only mainstream news channel to have highlighted the plight of these poor children was a local channel called Tchad, which filmed footage of the then-Prime Minister of Chad visiting the children in hospital.
VacTruth has copies of both reports, along with medical and government documents.
Despite this evidence and VacTruth’s detailed and extensive coverage, including highlighting television footage, once again, the vaccine program was hailed a success. To watch videos reporting the story, see the references at the end of this article. [4] [5]
The groups involved with this project were PATH, WHO, UNICEF, and the Gates Foundation. During investigations, it was discovered that the whole project was being run by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In a press release, the Gates Foundation stated:
“MenAfriVac is a tremendous success story for the global health community. It is the first vaccine developed specifically for Africa, and it proves that global partnerships can develop and deliver high-quality, low-cost vaccines.
Ten years ago, we invested in the Meningitis Vaccine Project, an innovative model that brought together PATH, the World Health Organization, African health ministers and the Serum Institute of India today, we celebrate the result: a modern vaccine selling for less than US 50 cents per dose with the potential to end Africa’s deadly meningitis epidemics.
We believe that vaccines are one of the best buys in global health. In January, Bill and Melinda Gates called on the global community to make this the Decade of Vaccines. There is no better way to launch this decade than with a new vaccine that will improve and save lives.” [6]
VacTruth can prove otherwise.
Government Inquiry Holds GAVI Accountable for Multiple Deaths
Despite the fact the Gates Foundation call vaccines “one of the best buys in global health,” a government inquiry in Pakistan has found the complete opposite.
In 2011, the Express Tribune published a story stating that:
“ISLAMABAD: A government inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan.
The startling revelation is part of an inquiry report prepared by the Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission (PMIC) on the working of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI). The PMIC, headed by Malik Amjad Noon, has recommended that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani immediately suspend the administration of all types of vaccines funded by the GAVI.”
According to the Express Tribune, the main vaccinations in question were the polio vaccine and the 5-in-1 pentavelent vaccine, which were said to be responsible for the deaths and disability of a number of children in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Japan.
The vaccines were funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI) an organization financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank.
Writing on the official report, made exclusive to the newspaper, the Express Tribunestated:
“The report states, ‘The procured vaccines are not tested in laboratories to confirm their efficacy and genuineness. This leaves room for use of spurious and counterfeit vaccines.’” [7] (emphasis added)
If this is true, then once again the Gates Foundation has been linked to mass vaccination initiatives using untested, unsafe vaccinations.
The Gates Foundation and WHO Labeled Unethical by Medical Experts
In 2012, Ramesh Shankar Mumbai, an author writing for the Pharmabiz website, reported that two medical experts from India had accused the Gates Foundation and WHO of being unethical.
In his report, Mumbai stated that Dr. Neetu Vashisht and Dr. Jacob Puliyel of the Department of Pediatrics at St. Stephens Hospital in Delhi, wrote the following information in their report in the April issue of Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.
“It was unethical for WHO and Bill Gates to flog this program when they knew 10 years back that it was never to succeed. Getting poor countries to expend their scarce resources on an impossible dream over the last 10 years was unethical.”
Pharmabiz.com reported that Dr. Vashisht and Dr. Puliyel had continued their report by stating:
“Another major ethical issue raised by the campaign is the failure to thoroughly investigate the increase in the incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) in areas where many doses of vaccine were used. NPAFP is clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly.”
Pharmabiz.com continued:
“The authors noted that while India was polio-free in 2011, in the same year, there were 47500 cases of NPAFP. While data from India’s National Polio Surveillance Project showed NPAFP rate increased in proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received, independent studies showed that children identified with NPAFP ‘were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection.’” [8]
The corruption and deceit by these organizations does not stop there.
The Gates Foundation Blamed for 10,000 Vaccine-Related Deaths
In 2013, yet another report named the Gates Foundation and GAVI as being responsible for multiple deaths using untested vaccinations on children from the developing world.
The report, published on the website Occupy Corporatism and written by Susanne Posel stated:
“It was found out through an investigation, that GAVI was using an untested vaccine; giving this dangerous vaccine to Pakistani children shows the lack of empathy associated with these organizations.
GAVI was blamed for the deaths of 10,000 children in Pakistan when they came in and administered polio vaccines that resulted in casualties.” [9]
As we know, GAVI is heavily funded by the Gates Foundation. [10]
So, what was the name of the organization that investigated GAVI and found them using untested polio vaccinations in Pakistan?
According to the Express Tribune article, which I referred to earlier in this article, it was none other than the Indian government, who, upon discovering the shocking truth, recommended the immediate suspension of the administration of all types of vaccines funded by GAVI. [7]
In a recent radio show hosted by Sallie O. Elkordy, Susanne Posel gave her frank and honest views on the whole sorry mess that we find ourselves in today.
Warning: This report is not for the faint-hearted. [11]
It is difficult to believe that, despite the mounting evidence outlining the many crimes against humanity that have been committed by the Gates Foundation, GAVI, UNICEF and PATH, Bill Gates is portrayed as a hero among many.
However, according to the definition of hero in the Oxford Dictionary, the word hero means:
“A person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” [12]
The dictionary I used said nothing about vaccinating innocent, vulnerable children with untested and unsafe vaccinations, causing them to suffer agonizing, untimely deaths.
- http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/bill-melinda-gates-foundation-vaccine-empire-on-trial-in-india/
- http://holyhormones.com/womens-health/cancer-womens-health…
- http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2014-08-31…
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEBGG7KFQpU
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsxSlT_sBRk
- http://www.gatesfoundation.org/Media-Center/Press-Releases…
- http://tribune.com.pk/story/293191/vaccine-nation-globally-supported-company-is-funding-fatal-polio-shots/
- http://pharmabiz.com/NewsDetails.aspx?aid=68352&sid=1
- http://www.occupycorporatism.com/the-shocking-truth-about-syrian-polio-resurgence…
- http://www.gavi.org/about/partners/bmgf/
- http://www.blogtalkradio.com/publicadvocate…
- http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/hero
Help Us Expose
the Deadly Truth Behind
Vaccines, GMOs and Big Pharma
You’ve known for years that Monsanto,
Merck, and GlaxoSmithKline are profiting off
human lives... But this documentary takes you deeper.
What you’re about to see will shock you.
Join Us for the Launch of Jeff Hays Films’
New Documentary Bought,
Help Us Spread the Word – And, Ignite a Revolution!
the Deadly Truth Behind
Vaccines, GMOs and Big Pharma
You’ve known for years that Monsanto,
Merck, and GlaxoSmithKline are profiting off
human lives... But this documentary takes you deeper.
What you’re about to see will shock you.
Join Us for the Launch of Jeff Hays Films’
New Documentary Bought,
Help Us Spread the Word – And, Ignite a Revolution!
Re: Reclaiming Our Health
Hi, I'm Jeff Hays, an award winning filmmaker who's been short-listed for an Academy Award. I've been known for making documentaries on controversial topics such as health care, alternative medicine and 9/11.
And over the last 12 months, I've been digging into the ugly truth behind vaccines, GMO's, and our entire health care system.
With our crew, we flew all over the U.S. and got exclusive access to whistleblowers, former drug reps and university scientists...
We were shocked by what we uncovered.
As you probably know already...
For years now, Wall Street has literally “BOUGHT” your health and your family's health. The food, drug, insurance and health industry is a multi-BILLION dollar enterprise... focused more on profits than human lives.
But I was not prepared to see how deep the rabbit hole went. And I was simply not ready to see things like...
Drug and vaccine companies blatantly falsifying documents...
Whistleblowers getting completely BURIED...
Government looking the other way...
And that's not even to mention the tragic human cost of families ruined by unsafe drugs, vaccines, and food... endless medical bills... ruined marriages... and a rapid rise in chronic disease (especially in children).
By the end of my travels, We knew we had a controversial documentary that would not only open eyes, but could spark a movement for change across the US and the world.
It took over six more months of care, attention and energy to edit the film. But now it's finally ready for the world to see.
Featuring exclusive interviews with the world's most acclaimed experts in research, medicine, holistic care and natural health... Bought exposes the hidden (and deadly) story behind our health and food industries.
Don't take my word for it though...
For decades Big Pharma and Big Food have controlled and manipulated the media to keep this truth hidden.
They've silenced and shunned whistleblowers.
They've repressed scientists who question the safety of vaccines.
And that's just the start...
Hi, I'm Jeff Hays, an award winning filmmaker who's been short-listed for an Academy Award. I've been known for making documentaries on controversial topics such as health care, alternative medicine and 9/11.
And over the last 12 months, I've been digging into the ugly truth behind vaccines, GMO's, and our entire health care system.
With our crew, we flew all over the U.S. and got exclusive access to whistleblowers, former drug reps and university scientists...
We were shocked by what we uncovered.
As you probably know already...
For years now, Wall Street has literally “BOUGHT” your health and your family's health. The food, drug, insurance and health industry is a multi-BILLION dollar enterprise... focused more on profits than human lives.
But I was not prepared to see how deep the rabbit hole went. And I was simply not ready to see things like...
Drug and vaccine companies blatantly falsifying documents...
Whistleblowers getting completely BURIED...
Government looking the other way...
And that's not even to mention the tragic human cost of families ruined by unsafe drugs, vaccines, and food... endless medical bills... ruined marriages... and a rapid rise in chronic disease (especially in children).
By the end of my travels, We knew we had a controversial documentary that would not only open eyes, but could spark a movement for change across the US and the world.
It took over six more months of care, attention and energy to edit the film. But now it's finally ready for the world to see.
Featuring exclusive interviews with the world's most acclaimed experts in research, medicine, holistic care and natural health... Bought exposes the hidden (and deadly) story behind our health and food industries.
Don't take my word for it though...
For decades Big Pharma and Big Food have controlled and manipulated the media to keep this truth hidden.
They've silenced and shunned whistleblowers.
They've repressed scientists who question the safety of vaccines.
And that's just the start...
- Robert Kennedy Jr. just released a book about mercury and vaccines, all science based. He can't get anyone to promote it. He's dear friends with Arianna Huffington, and she hasn't even returned his phone call.
- A whistleblower within the CDC, William Thompson, came out 3 weeks ago and said he was ordered to "doctor" the results of the 2004 study that said autism wasn't related to the MMR vaccine... and that the study actually showed the opposite. The mainstream media hasn't covered it.
- When a ballot measure to require the labeling of GMOs failed in Washington State, the results were bought with huge media purchases, 99% from out of state.
In a statement published on August 27, 2014 William Thompson said the following:
“My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where I have worked since 1998.
I regret my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data was collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”
Rep. Bill Posey of Florida is in possession of documents confirming William Thompson’s admission. Thompson’s statement and the documents in Rep. Posey’s possession demand a full, public, thorough Congressional investigation of the CDC’s apparent cover-up of an association between autism and vaccines.
“My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where I have worked since 1998.
I regret my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data was collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”
Rep. Bill Posey of Florida is in possession of documents confirming William Thompson’s admission. Thompson’s statement and the documents in Rep. Posey’s possession demand a full, public, thorough Congressional investigation of the CDC’s apparent cover-up of an association between autism and vaccines.
Image Credits: European Commission DG ECHO
U.S. and Saudi-backed mercenaries blame al-Assad
U.S. and Saudi-backed mercenaries blame al-Assad
A United Nations sponsored measles vaccine program in northern Syria resulted in 36 children suffering “excruciating deaths,” according to doctors in the area held by U.S. and Saudi mercenaries who are administering the program. Infants given the poisoned vaccine experienced rapidly falling heart rates and turned blue.
Anti-Assad activists blamed the Syrian government and accused it of spiking the vaccines with cyanide. The mercenaries previously accused the Syrian government of launching a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. It was later discovered the so-called rebels
had in fact launched the attack.
There were conflicting figures of the number of dead in the towns of Jirjanaz and Maaret al-Nouman in the northeastern province of Idlib, according to news reports.
In addition to the 36 reported deaths, dozens of other children fell seriously ill.
“At least five children have died and 50 others are suffering from poisoning or allergic reactions after measles vaccinations in Jirjanaz, in Idlib province,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a one-man propaganda operation run by Rami Abdulrahman, an anti-Assad activist based in London.
“It’s very bad. The figures of dead we are getting go into the 30s. Children are dying very quickly,” said the coordinator of the medical charity, Uossm. “We think it will get worse.”
The charity Save the Children said it was “appalled and deeply saddened” by the deaths.
“The local authorities have launched an investigation. It is clear something has gone badly wrong and Save the Children will help the authorities in any way we can to help find out what has happened.”
Save the Children was said to be involved in the alleged assassination of Osama bin Laden. The organization was rumored to be part of a fake vaccination program in Pakistan run by the CIA as a cover for the assassination.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh characterized the raid which supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 as “one big lie.” U.S. government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik and
others insist Osama bin Laden died in 2001.
In 2013 the organization called for a ceasefire so the United Nations could address a polio outbreak in the eastern part of the country.
Anti-Assad activists blamed the Syrian government and accused it of spiking the vaccines with cyanide. The mercenaries previously accused the Syrian government of launching a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. It was later discovered the so-called rebels
had in fact launched the attack.
There were conflicting figures of the number of dead in the towns of Jirjanaz and Maaret al-Nouman in the northeastern province of Idlib, according to news reports.
In addition to the 36 reported deaths, dozens of other children fell seriously ill.
“At least five children have died and 50 others are suffering from poisoning or allergic reactions after measles vaccinations in Jirjanaz, in Idlib province,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a one-man propaganda operation run by Rami Abdulrahman, an anti-Assad activist based in London.
“It’s very bad. The figures of dead we are getting go into the 30s. Children are dying very quickly,” said the coordinator of the medical charity, Uossm. “We think it will get worse.”
The charity Save the Children said it was “appalled and deeply saddened” by the deaths.
“The local authorities have launched an investigation. It is clear something has gone badly wrong and Save the Children will help the authorities in any way we can to help find out what has happened.”
Save the Children was said to be involved in the alleged assassination of Osama bin Laden. The organization was rumored to be part of a fake vaccination program in Pakistan run by the CIA as a cover for the assassination.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh characterized the raid which supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 as “one big lie.” U.S. government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik and
others insist Osama bin Laden died in 2001.
In 2013 the organization called for a ceasefire so the United Nations could address a polio outbreak in the eastern part of the country.
Over the years, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public, yet they continue to state that their mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.
They boldly announce on their website that the “CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise,” and yet there is more and more evidence to suggest that their so called ‘scientific evidence’ has been skewed and deliberately tampered with to gain the desired results. [1]
During the course of this article, I am going to give five recent examples of CDC fraud or deception. Each one of my examples will demonstrate when the CDC has deliberately altered or withheld scientific evidence in a bid to misinform the public.
Example #1: CDC Whistleblower Announces That the MMR Vaccine Causes Autism Last month, Dr. Andrew Wakefield revealed that, during telephone conversations between biochemist Brian Hooker and a CDC whistleblower, later named as William Thompson, Thompson admitted that the CDC had deliberately withheld crucial evidence proving that the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine caused autism.
Dr. Thompson told Dr. Hooker that, in 2003, research carried out by the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, revealed that when African-American boys under the age of 36 months were given the MMR vaccine, the rate of autism in this group rose by 340 percent.
In a desperate bid to cover up this tragedy, the CDC decided to fix the data and eliminated all African-American boys without a Georgia birth certificate. In doing so, the number of children suffering from autism caused by the vaccine reduced significantly, giving the CDC the results they desired.
In an article sourced from Focus Autism Foundation, referenced by Roger Landry, founder of The Liberty Beacon, the authors stated:
“According to Dr. Hooker, the CDC whistleblower informant— who wishes to remain anonymous (since named as William Thompson)— guided him to evidence that a statistically significant relationship between the age the MMR vaccine was first given and autism incidence in African-American boys was hidden by CDC researchers. After data were gathered on 2,583 children living in Atlanta, Georgia who were born between 1986 and 1993, CDC researchers excluded children that did not have a valid State of Georgia birth certificate — reducing the sample size being studied by 41%. Hooker explains that by introducing this arbitrary criteria into the analysis, the cohort size was sharply reduced, eliminating the statistical power of the findings and negating the strong MMR-autism link in African American boys.” [2]
On August 27, 2014, William Thompson, PhD, issued this statement. He wrote:
My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.
I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.
Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.
I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.
My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.”
He continued:
“I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his belief that CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent. I was not, however, aware that he was recording any of our conversations, nor was I given any choice regarding whether my name would be made public or my voice would be put on the Internet.” [3]
In other words, if Dr. Hooker had not had the tenacity and foresight to record those telephone calls, lifting the lid on the CDC’s deception, it is unlikely that this information would have ever been made public.
Example #2: Fact – Thimerosal in Vaccinations Can Cause Children to Develop TicsIt appears that Dr. Thompson’s guilty conscience has caught up with him, because during his many telephone conversations with Dr. Hooker, he dropped yet another bombshell. The whistleblower revealed that not only had the MMR been responsible for an increase in the cases of autism seen in African-American boys, but that vaccinating pregnant women with vaccinations containing the preservative thimerosal is known to cause children to suffer from tics (sudden, repetitive movements or sounds that can be difficult to control) after they are born.
In an extremely revealing recording of the conversation between whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and Dr. Brian Hooker, we can clearly hear Thompson state:
“Thimerosal from vaccines causes tics. You start a campaign and make it your mantra. Do you think a pregnant mother would want to take a vaccine that they knew caused tics? Absolutely not, I would never give my wife a vaccine that I thought caused tics. I can say tics are four times more prevalent in kids with autism. There is a biological plausibility right now to say that Thimerosal causes autism like features!” [4]
These are strong words from the whistleblower, because during that conversation, he actually verified that giving a pregnant women a vaccination containing thimerosal could heighten the risk of their unborn child developing autism as a result.
Note: although thimerosal, a form of mercury, has been removed from many of the vaccinations in use today, the preservative still remains in flu vaccines given to pregnant women.
Example # 3: CDC Found to be Responsible for the Death of Thousands of Unborn ChildrenCarrying on with the theme of vaccinations being given to pregnant women, in 2012, Eileen Danneman from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) accused the CDC of “willful misconduct,” stating that she believed the CDC was responsible for causing the deaths of thousands of unborn babies.
She stated that the CDC had deliberately misled the nation’s obstetricians and gynecologists and colluded with the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) to mislead the public by advertising the flu vaccine as a safe vaccine for pregnant women when members of the CDC knew fully well that the vaccine was causing a massive spike in fetal deaths.
Documentation received from Ms. Dannemann revealed that that between 2009 and 2010, mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women. Dannemann, NCOW’s director, made abundantly clear that despite these figures being known to the CDC, the multiple-strain, inactivated flu vaccine containing mercury (thimerosal) had been recommended to pregnant women as a safe vaccination.
In a letter to Dr. Mercola, Dannemann wrote:
“The Advisory Committee on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) and CDC were confronted with the VAERS data from NCOW on September 3, 2010, in Washington, D.C., and then again by conference call on September 10, and then again in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 28, 2010. On both September 3 and September 10, Dr. Marie McCormick clearly denied that there were any adverse events for pregnant women from the 2009 flu vaccine.”
However, despite being presented with the facts and figures regarding the dangers of the vaccination by the NCOW, evidence revealed that the CDC deliberately concealed this fact.
At a conference a few weeks after the CDC had received the information from the NCOW, the CDC’s Dr. Shimabakuru gave a presentation on significant adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccine, such as cases of Guillan-Barre syndrome, which appeared to have risen three percent, claiming it as an insignificant signal.
He made no mention of the adverse events related to pregnant women.
As luck would have it, however, his attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of the audience were foiled when he was challenged by a member of the audience asking if the vaccine caused adverse events in pregnancy. Feeling cornered, he reluctantly looked in his bag and rather sheepishly presented a slide that corroborated the NCOW data, confirming that the CDC knew of the spike in fetal deaths in the fall of 2010. [5]
So, why did Dr. Shimabkauru have a slide containing compromising evidence in his bag? Why did he decide to hide the slide? Surely, if he had prepared a slide outlining this crucial data, it would have made sense to include the slide in his presentation. After all, a 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths is far more significant that a three percent increase in Guillan-Barre syndrome, don’t you agree?
See reference [6] for full story and documents to support this.
Example #4: The CDC Admitted That Polio Vaccinations Cause Polio but Promote Them AnywayIn 2012, the CDC wrote a press release titled Update on Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses — Worldwide. They wrote:
“In 1988, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis worldwide. One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable humoral immunity. Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts and among persons who are immunodeficient. In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years in persons who are immunodeficient.”(emphasis added)
They continued:
“VDPVs can cause paralytic polio in humans and have the potential for sustained circulation. VDPVs resemble WPVs biologically and differ frommost vaccine-related poliovirus (VRPV) isolates by having genetic properties consistent with prolonged replication or transmission. VDPVs were first identified by sequence analyses of poliovirus isolates.” (emphasis added)
The CDC recommended that the best way to deal with this problem was “mass vaccination” and stated:
“To prevent VDPV emergence and spread, all countries should maintain high vaccination coverage against all three poliovirus serotypes.” [7]
This proves that yet again the CDC actively promote vaccinations despite knowing their dangers.
Finally – Example # 5: CDC Caught Changing the Risk Criteria for Ebola TransmissionIt appears that the CDC has been secretly changing their data on the risks of ebola entering the US on their website. Could this be in preparation for an onslaught of new vaccinations that are heading our way?
On August 29, 2014, the CDC announced:
“On August 28, 2014, NIH announced that initial human testing of an investigational vaccine to prevent Ebola virus disease will begin next week by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.
The early-stage trial will begin initial human testing of a vaccine co-developed by NIAID and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and will evaluate the experimental vaccine’s safety and ability to generate an immune system response in healthy adults. Testing will take place at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
The study is the first of several Phase 1 clinical trials that will examine the investigational NIAID/GSK Ebola vaccine and an experimental Ebola vaccine developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and licensed to NewLink Genetics Corp. The others are to launch in the fall. These trials are conducted in healthy adults who are not infected with Ebola virus to determine if the vaccine is safe and induces an adequate immune response.” [8]
Given this fact, it is hardly surprising that the CDC has been quietly changing certain ebola facts on their website, is it?
John Galt from the website Shenandoah has clearly demonstrated that the CDC has been quietly revising the information regarding transmission risks on their website, while steadfastly maintaining that there is little chance of airborne transmission. He stated:
“On Thursday, August 7, the CDC quietly revised the transmission risks while maintaining there was little chance of airborne transmission of Ebola via their minions and bureaucrats speaking out in the mainstream media. The shocking part of the revision is within the footnotes which few civilians bother to read and put their trust in government officials to protect their families and their livelihoods.”
Mr. Galt continued:
“From the CDC website, I took these screen shots just in case they decided to “delete” or revise the changes made above so I can keep a permanent record of what is happening with this latest contagious disease outbreak.”
It is a good job he did, because, if he is correct, then the screenshots that he has given on his website clearly show that on August 7, 2014, the CDC stated:
“Low risk exposures
A low risk exposure includes any of the following:
“Casual contact is defined as a) being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) or within the room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., healthcare personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations); or b) having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD case while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations). At this time, brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute casual contact.”
John Galt continued his article by adding the following witty comment:
“Excuse me? Low risk exposure? Before this update on August 7th the running mainstream media theme that there was little if any risk of airborne exposure and suddenly they quietly revise the page among numerous internet stories about aerial transmission of the disease in West Africa. Perhaps if one is standing in one of these famous TSA check in lines, they might start to think about the “low risk” propaganda the government is having everyone believe at this time with the sudden revision.” [10]
He could be right, but could this sudden change have been made with a new vaccine program in mind?
ConclusionIt is clear that the CDC cannot be trusted when it comes to giving advice about vaccinations. Over the years, evidence has shown that the CDC continually lies, withholds evidence and fixes data to obtain the results that they want to achieve.
Due to their continual dishonesty, many children have suffered lifelong disabilities as a result. Although, for many of their parents, the latest revelations have offered a glimmer of hope in a very dark world, it has also caused many parents to just break down and weep, like one mother known to myself.
This is a tragic waste of the future potential of thousands of children worldwide. How much longer are parents going to continue to trust this corrupt and dangerous organization when it comes to the health of their children?
1. http://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/mission.htm
2. http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/2014/08/18/whistleblower-cdc-knew-in-2003…
3. http://www.morganverkamp.com/august-27-2014-press-release-statement…
4. http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/cdc-whistle-blower-mercury-in-vaccines…
5. Influenza Vaccine Safety Monitoring (slide 20).
CDC’s Dr. Tom Shimabukuro confirms NCOW data , Oct. 28, 2010, ACIP.
6. http://vactruth.com/2012/11/23/flu-shot-spikes-fetal-death/
7. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6137a3.htm
8. http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/outbreaks/guinea/qa-experimental-treatments.html
9. http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/2014/08/10/cdc-changes-risk-criteria…
They boldly announce on their website that the “CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise,” and yet there is more and more evidence to suggest that their so called ‘scientific evidence’ has been skewed and deliberately tampered with to gain the desired results. [1]
During the course of this article, I am going to give five recent examples of CDC fraud or deception. Each one of my examples will demonstrate when the CDC has deliberately altered or withheld scientific evidence in a bid to misinform the public.
Example #1: CDC Whistleblower Announces That the MMR Vaccine Causes Autism Last month, Dr. Andrew Wakefield revealed that, during telephone conversations between biochemist Brian Hooker and a CDC whistleblower, later named as William Thompson, Thompson admitted that the CDC had deliberately withheld crucial evidence proving that the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine caused autism.
Dr. Thompson told Dr. Hooker that, in 2003, research carried out by the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, revealed that when African-American boys under the age of 36 months were given the MMR vaccine, the rate of autism in this group rose by 340 percent.
In a desperate bid to cover up this tragedy, the CDC decided to fix the data and eliminated all African-American boys without a Georgia birth certificate. In doing so, the number of children suffering from autism caused by the vaccine reduced significantly, giving the CDC the results they desired.
In an article sourced from Focus Autism Foundation, referenced by Roger Landry, founder of The Liberty Beacon, the authors stated:
“According to Dr. Hooker, the CDC whistleblower informant— who wishes to remain anonymous (since named as William Thompson)— guided him to evidence that a statistically significant relationship between the age the MMR vaccine was first given and autism incidence in African-American boys was hidden by CDC researchers. After data were gathered on 2,583 children living in Atlanta, Georgia who were born between 1986 and 1993, CDC researchers excluded children that did not have a valid State of Georgia birth certificate — reducing the sample size being studied by 41%. Hooker explains that by introducing this arbitrary criteria into the analysis, the cohort size was sharply reduced, eliminating the statistical power of the findings and negating the strong MMR-autism link in African American boys.” [2]
On August 27, 2014, William Thompson, PhD, issued this statement. He wrote:
My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.
I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.
Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.
I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.
My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.”
He continued:
“I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his belief that CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent. I was not, however, aware that he was recording any of our conversations, nor was I given any choice regarding whether my name would be made public or my voice would be put on the Internet.” [3]
In other words, if Dr. Hooker had not had the tenacity and foresight to record those telephone calls, lifting the lid on the CDC’s deception, it is unlikely that this information would have ever been made public.
Example #2: Fact – Thimerosal in Vaccinations Can Cause Children to Develop TicsIt appears that Dr. Thompson’s guilty conscience has caught up with him, because during his many telephone conversations with Dr. Hooker, he dropped yet another bombshell. The whistleblower revealed that not only had the MMR been responsible for an increase in the cases of autism seen in African-American boys, but that vaccinating pregnant women with vaccinations containing the preservative thimerosal is known to cause children to suffer from tics (sudden, repetitive movements or sounds that can be difficult to control) after they are born.
In an extremely revealing recording of the conversation between whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and Dr. Brian Hooker, we can clearly hear Thompson state:
“Thimerosal from vaccines causes tics. You start a campaign and make it your mantra. Do you think a pregnant mother would want to take a vaccine that they knew caused tics? Absolutely not, I would never give my wife a vaccine that I thought caused tics. I can say tics are four times more prevalent in kids with autism. There is a biological plausibility right now to say that Thimerosal causes autism like features!” [4]
These are strong words from the whistleblower, because during that conversation, he actually verified that giving a pregnant women a vaccination containing thimerosal could heighten the risk of their unborn child developing autism as a result.
Note: although thimerosal, a form of mercury, has been removed from many of the vaccinations in use today, the preservative still remains in flu vaccines given to pregnant women.
Example # 3: CDC Found to be Responsible for the Death of Thousands of Unborn ChildrenCarrying on with the theme of vaccinations being given to pregnant women, in 2012, Eileen Danneman from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) accused the CDC of “willful misconduct,” stating that she believed the CDC was responsible for causing the deaths of thousands of unborn babies.
She stated that the CDC had deliberately misled the nation’s obstetricians and gynecologists and colluded with the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) to mislead the public by advertising the flu vaccine as a safe vaccine for pregnant women when members of the CDC knew fully well that the vaccine was causing a massive spike in fetal deaths.
Documentation received from Ms. Dannemann revealed that that between 2009 and 2010, mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women. Dannemann, NCOW’s director, made abundantly clear that despite these figures being known to the CDC, the multiple-strain, inactivated flu vaccine containing mercury (thimerosal) had been recommended to pregnant women as a safe vaccination.
In a letter to Dr. Mercola, Dannemann wrote:
“The Advisory Committee on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) and CDC were confronted with the VAERS data from NCOW on September 3, 2010, in Washington, D.C., and then again by conference call on September 10, and then again in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 28, 2010. On both September 3 and September 10, Dr. Marie McCormick clearly denied that there were any adverse events for pregnant women from the 2009 flu vaccine.”
However, despite being presented with the facts and figures regarding the dangers of the vaccination by the NCOW, evidence revealed that the CDC deliberately concealed this fact.
At a conference a few weeks after the CDC had received the information from the NCOW, the CDC’s Dr. Shimabakuru gave a presentation on significant adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccine, such as cases of Guillan-Barre syndrome, which appeared to have risen three percent, claiming it as an insignificant signal.
He made no mention of the adverse events related to pregnant women.
As luck would have it, however, his attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of the audience were foiled when he was challenged by a member of the audience asking if the vaccine caused adverse events in pregnancy. Feeling cornered, he reluctantly looked in his bag and rather sheepishly presented a slide that corroborated the NCOW data, confirming that the CDC knew of the spike in fetal deaths in the fall of 2010. [5]
So, why did Dr. Shimabkauru have a slide containing compromising evidence in his bag? Why did he decide to hide the slide? Surely, if he had prepared a slide outlining this crucial data, it would have made sense to include the slide in his presentation. After all, a 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths is far more significant that a three percent increase in Guillan-Barre syndrome, don’t you agree?
See reference [6] for full story and documents to support this.
Example #4: The CDC Admitted That Polio Vaccinations Cause Polio but Promote Them AnywayIn 2012, the CDC wrote a press release titled Update on Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses — Worldwide. They wrote:
“In 1988, the World Health Assembly resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis worldwide. One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable humoral immunity. Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts and among persons who are immunodeficient. In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years in persons who are immunodeficient.”(emphasis added)
They continued:
“VDPVs can cause paralytic polio in humans and have the potential for sustained circulation. VDPVs resemble WPVs biologically and differ frommost vaccine-related poliovirus (VRPV) isolates by having genetic properties consistent with prolonged replication or transmission. VDPVs were first identified by sequence analyses of poliovirus isolates.” (emphasis added)
The CDC recommended that the best way to deal with this problem was “mass vaccination” and stated:
“To prevent VDPV emergence and spread, all countries should maintain high vaccination coverage against all three poliovirus serotypes.” [7]
This proves that yet again the CDC actively promote vaccinations despite knowing their dangers.
Finally – Example # 5: CDC Caught Changing the Risk Criteria for Ebola TransmissionIt appears that the CDC has been secretly changing their data on the risks of ebola entering the US on their website. Could this be in preparation for an onslaught of new vaccinations that are heading our way?
On August 29, 2014, the CDC announced:
“On August 28, 2014, NIH announced that initial human testing of an investigational vaccine to prevent Ebola virus disease will begin next week by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.
The early-stage trial will begin initial human testing of a vaccine co-developed by NIAID and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and will evaluate the experimental vaccine’s safety and ability to generate an immune system response in healthy adults. Testing will take place at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
The study is the first of several Phase 1 clinical trials that will examine the investigational NIAID/GSK Ebola vaccine and an experimental Ebola vaccine developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and licensed to NewLink Genetics Corp. The others are to launch in the fall. These trials are conducted in healthy adults who are not infected with Ebola virus to determine if the vaccine is safe and induces an adequate immune response.” [8]
Given this fact, it is hardly surprising that the CDC has been quietly changing certain ebola facts on their website, is it?
John Galt from the website Shenandoah has clearly demonstrated that the CDC has been quietly revising the information regarding transmission risks on their website, while steadfastly maintaining that there is little chance of airborne transmission. He stated:
“On Thursday, August 7, the CDC quietly revised the transmission risks while maintaining there was little chance of airborne transmission of Ebola via their minions and bureaucrats speaking out in the mainstream media. The shocking part of the revision is within the footnotes which few civilians bother to read and put their trust in government officials to protect their families and their livelihoods.”
Mr. Galt continued:
“From the CDC website, I took these screen shots just in case they decided to “delete” or revise the changes made above so I can keep a permanent record of what is happening with this latest contagious disease outbreak.”
It is a good job he did, because, if he is correct, then the screenshots that he has given on his website clearly show that on August 7, 2014, the CDC stated:
“Low risk exposures
A low risk exposure includes any of the following:
- Household member or other casual contact with an EVD patient
- Providing patient care or casual contact1 without high-risk exposure with EVD patients in health care facilities in EVD outbreak affected countries” (emphasis added)
“Casual contact is defined as a) being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) or within the room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., healthcare personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations); or b) having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD case while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations). At this time, brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute casual contact.”
John Galt continued his article by adding the following witty comment:
“Excuse me? Low risk exposure? Before this update on August 7th the running mainstream media theme that there was little if any risk of airborne exposure and suddenly they quietly revise the page among numerous internet stories about aerial transmission of the disease in West Africa. Perhaps if one is standing in one of these famous TSA check in lines, they might start to think about the “low risk” propaganda the government is having everyone believe at this time with the sudden revision.” [10]
He could be right, but could this sudden change have been made with a new vaccine program in mind?
ConclusionIt is clear that the CDC cannot be trusted when it comes to giving advice about vaccinations. Over the years, evidence has shown that the CDC continually lies, withholds evidence and fixes data to obtain the results that they want to achieve.
Due to their continual dishonesty, many children have suffered lifelong disabilities as a result. Although, for many of their parents, the latest revelations have offered a glimmer of hope in a very dark world, it has also caused many parents to just break down and weep, like one mother known to myself.
This is a tragic waste of the future potential of thousands of children worldwide. How much longer are parents going to continue to trust this corrupt and dangerous organization when it comes to the health of their children?
1. http://www.cdc.gov/about/organization/mission.htm
2. http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/2014/08/18/whistleblower-cdc-knew-in-2003…
3. http://www.morganverkamp.com/august-27-2014-press-release-statement…
4. http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/cdc-whistle-blower-mercury-in-vaccines…
5. Influenza Vaccine Safety Monitoring (slide 20).
CDC’s Dr. Tom Shimabukuro confirms NCOW data , Oct. 28, 2010, ACIP.
6. http://vactruth.com/2012/11/23/flu-shot-spikes-fetal-death/
7. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6137a3.htm
8. http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/outbreaks/guinea/qa-experimental-treatments.html
9. http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/2014/08/10/cdc-changes-risk-criteria…
CDC Whistle-Blower Reveals Cover-up Of
~~~~ Vaccine & Autism Link Data ~~~~
by Lisa Bloomquist
August 27, 2014
What is the most divisive topic you can bring up? Religion? Politics? Sports? I would venture to guess that vaccines are right up there with religion, politics and sports as the most passionately argued about topics that end up dividing otherwise friendly people into camps. Those who are listened to are either passionately and vehemently pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine. The people in the grey area tend to be trampled on, disregarded and dismissed.
Allegations From Credible SourcesPerhaps the divisiveness of the topic is why the mainstream media has largely disregarded the revelations of the so-called CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, Senior Scientist at the CDC. Dr. Thompson has asserted that, while employed at the CDC, he and other CDC scientists and top officials hid data that showed that black males are 340% more likely to be given an autism diagnosis when given the MMR before the age of three.
It’s quite the allegation. And it’s from quite a credible source. Dr. Thompson is a Ph.D. scientist who was employed at the CDC for more than a decade. He is the author of multiple studies on the relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. All of his studies concluded that there was not a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Now he is saying that data was hidden and manipulated and that there is a significant connection between the MMR vaccine and regressive autism in African American children.
Speaking Out Regardless of Career. He knows that speaking out against the MMR vaccine is paramount to career suicide, but he’s doing it anyway. Whether his motives are to reveal the truth or are founded in something less idealistic is to be determined.
I would think that this would be a big story. But it only seems to be getting attention on anti-vaccine web sites. I can’t claim to know why that is.
No one wants vaccines to be causally connected to autism (except for the most callous individuals who want to be right more than they want children to be healthy). It would be nice to have our cake and eat it too – vaccines that prevent many communicable diseases AND low autism rates. No one wants vaccine preventable diseases to kill children. No one wants to play Russian Roulette with the health of the world’s children in any way. We know that autism rates of 1 in 68 children are unacceptable and absurd. But no one wants to go back to the days of measles or mumps killing a large number of kids. How do we resolve the desires to have kids that are safe from preventable, communicable diseases AND regressive autism?
Mainstream Studies Contain Faulty, Manipulated & Corrupted Data. The first thing to do is determine if there is a causal link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Multiple studies have concluded that there is no link. But now, one of the main authors of several CDC studies is saying that his conclusions were based on faulty, manipulated and corrupted data. Thompson’s allegations call into question not only his studies, but also all of the studies that cited his faulty studies. Additionally, the general data on disease rates is often gathered from the CDC by scientists. Were other researchers getting accurate and unadulterated data? Thompson’s allegations call into question whether or not we actually have any answers about vaccine safety.
Data is important. Complete data – not data that has been massaged, manipulated and intentionally skewed. Dr. Thompson has asserted that the data from the CDC was massaged, manipulated and intentionally skewed. We need the real data.
No matter how you feel about vaccines, you should be concerned by Dr. Thompson’s revelations. Data upon which we depend on in order to make informed decisions regarding our health and our children’s health, has allegedly been manipulated. If true, this manipulation has led to a dishonest conversation about the safety of vaccines – and people making uninformed decisions with incomplete information when they thought that they were making informed decisions based on complete information. Especially infuriating is the allegation that information regarding the safety of vaccines for the African American population was specifically targeted and manipulated.
Some Alarming ResultsData is important. When all the data is released and re-analyzed we will have a more complete picture of the safety profile of the MMR vaccine and the currently recommended schedule of administration. It is still to-be-determined what that data will reveal. But Dr. Thompson’s assertion that the hidden data reveal that black males are 340% more likely to be given an autism diagnosis when given a MMR vaccine before the age of three is alarming, to say the least.
Perhaps I’m wrong about the reason behind the silence of the mainstream media regarding Dr. Thompson’s assertions. Maybe it’s not that they don’t want to stir the pot and potentially upset their viewers. Maybe there is a simpler and more innocent explanation –that there isn’t a story because Dr. Thompson’s assertions aren’t true. Or, maybe there is a more malevolent explanation –that data massaging and cover-ups are common and that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and that if this path is gone down there will be some very upset people within the mainstream media because they have bet wrong, and because their advertisers in the pharmaceutical industry will be quite upset if they start covering this story. I’m not sure that we’ll ever really know where the silence comes from, but I don’t for a second think that the American media is above conflicts of interest and bias.
Hopefully Solid, Truthful Data Is Released SoonHopefully, someday soon, we’ll have the unadulterated data. We all deserve to see the data.
Once the data is revealed, Dr. Thompson will either be shown to be a whistleblower (and I think that all whistleblowers are heroes –they are braver than most) or a fraud.
I’m guessing that Dr. Thompson has something worthwhile to say. After all, the CDC isn’t above entrenched conflicts of interest or flat-out corruption. No one is. The mainstream media certainly isn’t. Perhaps their conflicts of interest are why they’re not telling you about Dr. Thompson’s bombshell.
Time, and the data, will tell.
~~~~ Vaccine & Autism Link Data ~~~~
by Lisa Bloomquist
August 27, 2014
What is the most divisive topic you can bring up? Religion? Politics? Sports? I would venture to guess that vaccines are right up there with religion, politics and sports as the most passionately argued about topics that end up dividing otherwise friendly people into camps. Those who are listened to are either passionately and vehemently pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine. The people in the grey area tend to be trampled on, disregarded and dismissed.
Allegations From Credible SourcesPerhaps the divisiveness of the topic is why the mainstream media has largely disregarded the revelations of the so-called CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson, Senior Scientist at the CDC. Dr. Thompson has asserted that, while employed at the CDC, he and other CDC scientists and top officials hid data that showed that black males are 340% more likely to be given an autism diagnosis when given the MMR before the age of three.
It’s quite the allegation. And it’s from quite a credible source. Dr. Thompson is a Ph.D. scientist who was employed at the CDC for more than a decade. He is the author of multiple studies on the relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. All of his studies concluded that there was not a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Now he is saying that data was hidden and manipulated and that there is a significant connection between the MMR vaccine and regressive autism in African American children.
Speaking Out Regardless of Career. He knows that speaking out against the MMR vaccine is paramount to career suicide, but he’s doing it anyway. Whether his motives are to reveal the truth or are founded in something less idealistic is to be determined.
I would think that this would be a big story. But it only seems to be getting attention on anti-vaccine web sites. I can’t claim to know why that is.
No one wants vaccines to be causally connected to autism (except for the most callous individuals who want to be right more than they want children to be healthy). It would be nice to have our cake and eat it too – vaccines that prevent many communicable diseases AND low autism rates. No one wants vaccine preventable diseases to kill children. No one wants to play Russian Roulette with the health of the world’s children in any way. We know that autism rates of 1 in 68 children are unacceptable and absurd. But no one wants to go back to the days of measles or mumps killing a large number of kids. How do we resolve the desires to have kids that are safe from preventable, communicable diseases AND regressive autism?
Mainstream Studies Contain Faulty, Manipulated & Corrupted Data. The first thing to do is determine if there is a causal link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Multiple studies have concluded that there is no link. But now, one of the main authors of several CDC studies is saying that his conclusions were based on faulty, manipulated and corrupted data. Thompson’s allegations call into question not only his studies, but also all of the studies that cited his faulty studies. Additionally, the general data on disease rates is often gathered from the CDC by scientists. Were other researchers getting accurate and unadulterated data? Thompson’s allegations call into question whether or not we actually have any answers about vaccine safety.
Data is important. Complete data – not data that has been massaged, manipulated and intentionally skewed. Dr. Thompson has asserted that the data from the CDC was massaged, manipulated and intentionally skewed. We need the real data.
No matter how you feel about vaccines, you should be concerned by Dr. Thompson’s revelations. Data upon which we depend on in order to make informed decisions regarding our health and our children’s health, has allegedly been manipulated. If true, this manipulation has led to a dishonest conversation about the safety of vaccines – and people making uninformed decisions with incomplete information when they thought that they were making informed decisions based on complete information. Especially infuriating is the allegation that information regarding the safety of vaccines for the African American population was specifically targeted and manipulated.
Some Alarming ResultsData is important. When all the data is released and re-analyzed we will have a more complete picture of the safety profile of the MMR vaccine and the currently recommended schedule of administration. It is still to-be-determined what that data will reveal. But Dr. Thompson’s assertion that the hidden data reveal that black males are 340% more likely to be given an autism diagnosis when given a MMR vaccine before the age of three is alarming, to say the least.
Perhaps I’m wrong about the reason behind the silence of the mainstream media regarding Dr. Thompson’s assertions. Maybe it’s not that they don’t want to stir the pot and potentially upset their viewers. Maybe there is a simpler and more innocent explanation –that there isn’t a story because Dr. Thompson’s assertions aren’t true. Or, maybe there is a more malevolent explanation –that data massaging and cover-ups are common and that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and that if this path is gone down there will be some very upset people within the mainstream media because they have bet wrong, and because their advertisers in the pharmaceutical industry will be quite upset if they start covering this story. I’m not sure that we’ll ever really know where the silence comes from, but I don’t for a second think that the American media is above conflicts of interest and bias.
Hopefully Solid, Truthful Data Is Released SoonHopefully, someday soon, we’ll have the unadulterated data. We all deserve to see the data.
Once the data is revealed, Dr. Thompson will either be shown to be a whistleblower (and I think that all whistleblowers are heroes –they are braver than most) or a fraud.
I’m guessing that Dr. Thompson has something worthwhile to say. After all, the CDC isn’t above entrenched conflicts of interest or flat-out corruption. No one is. The mainstream media certainly isn’t. Perhaps their conflicts of interest are why they’re not telling you about Dr. Thompson’s bombshell.
Time, and the data, will tell.
by HUNTER LEWIS ~~~ uh.... YES ~~~
September 5, 2014
For years, parents of autistic children have claimed a link between their children’s condition and vaccines. One vaccine in particular has been mentioned: the MMR (Mumps, Measles, and Rubella), which has a record of side effects, some severe.The Center for Disease Control of the United States has consistently denied any MMR/autism connection. In congressional testimony and elsewhere, it has consistently cited a 2004 study of its own published in Pediatrics.
Now one of the authors of that study, William W. Thompson, a senior scientist employed by the CDC, has admitted that critical data from the study was suppressed. That data suggested a link between the MMR and autism when the vaccination is done at the recommended age, especially among infant African-American males. This is what Dr Thompson himself says in his statement: "The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism."
One scientist, Dr. Brian Hooker, sought the complete study data for a decade and finally got it with the help of Congress. He reported that the raw data suggested a 340% increase in autism among African-American males vaccinated at the recommended age. Others have already challenged this number, and it is still unclear exactly what the newly revealed data will show.
What is clear and indisputable, however, is that a respected CDC researcher has alleged that the agency intentionally withheld important data from a critical study and then cited that study in testimony to Congress. Based on Dr. Thompson’s story, it could be that African-American newborns were subsequently exposed to unnecessary risk.
Dr. Thompson told Dr. Hooker over the phone: “It’s the lowest part of my career, that I went along with that paper.” Thompson revealed that he did not know Dr. Hooker was recording the conversation but did not deny making the statement.
Dr. Thompson also acknowledged, in a statement released by his lawyer, “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
This statement, released on August 27, confirms that important data was withheld for ten years. What remains to be seen is what honest science would tell us, in the unlikely event we ever get honest science out of the government.
The CDC has claimed that the case against vaccines is closed. Quite apart from Dr. Thompson’s startling new testimony, there have been reasons to doubt this. For example, a review of the literature in Immunotoxicoloy by the respected researcher Helen Ratajczak has raised many questions. Dr. Thompson agrees that there are questions that need answering. In the statement released by his lawyer:
I will do everything I can to assist any unbiased and objective scientists inside or outside the CDC to analyze data collected by the CDC or other public organizations for the purpose of understanding whether vaccines are associated with an increased risk of autism. There are still more questions than answers, and I appreciate that so many families are looking for answers from the scientific community.Hunter Lewis is board president of The Alliance for Natural Health-USA, co-founder and former CEO of global investment firm Cambridge Associates, and author of nine books.
by HUNTER LEWIS ~~~ uh.... YES ~~~
September 5, 2014
For years, parents of autistic children have claimed a link between their children’s condition and vaccines. One vaccine in particular has been mentioned: the MMR (Mumps, Measles, and Rubella), which has a record of side effects, some severe.The Center for Disease Control of the United States has consistently denied any MMR/autism connection. In congressional testimony and elsewhere, it has consistently cited a 2004 study of its own published in Pediatrics.
Now one of the authors of that study, William W. Thompson, a senior scientist employed by the CDC, has admitted that critical data from the study was suppressed. That data suggested a link between the MMR and autism when the vaccination is done at the recommended age, especially among infant African-American males. This is what Dr Thompson himself says in his statement: "The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism."
One scientist, Dr. Brian Hooker, sought the complete study data for a decade and finally got it with the help of Congress. He reported that the raw data suggested a 340% increase in autism among African-American males vaccinated at the recommended age. Others have already challenged this number, and it is still unclear exactly what the newly revealed data will show.
What is clear and indisputable, however, is that a respected CDC researcher has alleged that the agency intentionally withheld important data from a critical study and then cited that study in testimony to Congress. Based on Dr. Thompson’s story, it could be that African-American newborns were subsequently exposed to unnecessary risk.
Dr. Thompson told Dr. Hooker over the phone: “It’s the lowest part of my career, that I went along with that paper.” Thompson revealed that he did not know Dr. Hooker was recording the conversation but did not deny making the statement.
Dr. Thompson also acknowledged, in a statement released by his lawyer, “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
This statement, released on August 27, confirms that important data was withheld for ten years. What remains to be seen is what honest science would tell us, in the unlikely event we ever get honest science out of the government.
The CDC has claimed that the case against vaccines is closed. Quite apart from Dr. Thompson’s startling new testimony, there have been reasons to doubt this. For example, a review of the literature in Immunotoxicoloy by the respected researcher Helen Ratajczak has raised many questions. Dr. Thompson agrees that there are questions that need answering. In the statement released by his lawyer:
I will do everything I can to assist any unbiased and objective scientists inside or outside the CDC to analyze data collected by the CDC or other public organizations for the purpose of understanding whether vaccines are associated with an increased risk of autism. There are still more questions than answers, and I appreciate that so many families are looking for answers from the scientific community.Hunter Lewis is board president of The Alliance for Natural Health-USA, co-founder and former CEO of global investment firm Cambridge Associates, and author of nine books.
Human Fetal DNA Fragments In Vaccines
Are A Possible Cause For Autism
According To This Stanford Scientist
by Arjun Walia
September 5, 2014
Are A Possible Cause For Autism
According To This Stanford Scientist
by Arjun Walia
September 5, 2014
Dr. Theresa Deisher, a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University, the first person to discover adult cardiac derived stem cells, determined that residual human fetal DNA fragments in vaccines may be one of the causes of autism in children through vaccination.
“It is possible that these contaminating fragments could be incorporated into a child’s genome and disrupt normal gene function, leading to autistic phenotypes.”
You can read the full study HERE.
She has spent over 19 years in commercial biotechnology with various companies that include Genentech, Repligen, Amgen and her discoveries have led to clinical trials for multiple diseases. For more about her and her background, you can click here. As we can see, Deisher has a strong scientific background.
The Importance of Independent Research
When we are talking about scientific studies regarding vaccines, we are bombarded with pharmaceutical sponsored studies, studies that are sponsored by the vaccine manufacturers themselves. These are the studies used to justify the safety of various vaccines children receive shortly after birth and into their childhood. It’s one of the most controversial issues in medicine today.
I find it perplexing how many peer-reviewed scientific publications, old and recent, clearly indicate the multiple dangers that are associated with vaccines yet the public is often bombarded and heavily marketed with how safe vaccines are.
Just as there is data suggesting vaccines are safe, there is also data suggesting that they aren’t. This is why it’s so important to do your own research, and not just accept what you are told blindly without investigation. Again, there are numerous publications in very reputable, peer-reviewed scientific journals that clearly outline multiple dangers associated with vaccines. But not all investigation should be limited to peer-reviewed scientific publications, we must also examine independent research from scientists, like Dr. Deisher.
A common misconception is that the “anti vaccination” crowd does not understand science. Truth is, a large portion of the “anti vaccination” crowd are scientists, PhD’s, and professors. “Anti-vaccination” movements are backed by a tremendous amount of science, just as is the “pro-vaccination” movement. But at the end of the day, there is really no need for these types of segregatory labels. It’s best to examine the science from a place of complete neutrality. Often, our beliefs about vaccines prevent us from doing this.
Efforts have been made to silence the ongoing critical discussion which questions the safety of vaccines. This is absolutely ridiculous, as this topic still has many unanswered questions. Science does not move forward through the censorship of critical discussion. Any call to silence the critical discussion of a still very open scientific question is troubling. Science progresses by investigation, debate and full discussion, not by censorship and omission of information.
This is exactly why independent research is so important. Documents obtained by Lucija Tomljenovic, (another scientist and independent researcher who has shed light on important facts about vaccinations) PhD, from the Neural Dynamics Research Group in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia reveal that vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and health authorities have known about multiple dangers associated with vaccines but chose to withhold them from the public. This is scientific fraud, and suggests that this practice continues till this day. (source) A recent whistleblower from the CDC also recently admitted that the CDC has omitted data that links vaccines to autism, you can read more about that here.
This is one small example (out of many) about the type of information we don’t hear about, but is extremely important to know about.
We do live in an era of scientific fraud, and manipulation of data for ulterior motives, and one of them includes money. Regardless, independent research is very important!
“It is possible that these contaminating fragments could be incorporated into a child’s genome and disrupt normal gene function, leading to autistic phenotypes.”
You can read the full study HERE.
She has spent over 19 years in commercial biotechnology with various companies that include Genentech, Repligen, Amgen and her discoveries have led to clinical trials for multiple diseases. For more about her and her background, you can click here. As we can see, Deisher has a strong scientific background.
The Importance of Independent Research
When we are talking about scientific studies regarding vaccines, we are bombarded with pharmaceutical sponsored studies, studies that are sponsored by the vaccine manufacturers themselves. These are the studies used to justify the safety of various vaccines children receive shortly after birth and into their childhood. It’s one of the most controversial issues in medicine today.
I find it perplexing how many peer-reviewed scientific publications, old and recent, clearly indicate the multiple dangers that are associated with vaccines yet the public is often bombarded and heavily marketed with how safe vaccines are.
Just as there is data suggesting vaccines are safe, there is also data suggesting that they aren’t. This is why it’s so important to do your own research, and not just accept what you are told blindly without investigation. Again, there are numerous publications in very reputable, peer-reviewed scientific journals that clearly outline multiple dangers associated with vaccines. But not all investigation should be limited to peer-reviewed scientific publications, we must also examine independent research from scientists, like Dr. Deisher.
A common misconception is that the “anti vaccination” crowd does not understand science. Truth is, a large portion of the “anti vaccination” crowd are scientists, PhD’s, and professors. “Anti-vaccination” movements are backed by a tremendous amount of science, just as is the “pro-vaccination” movement. But at the end of the day, there is really no need for these types of segregatory labels. It’s best to examine the science from a place of complete neutrality. Often, our beliefs about vaccines prevent us from doing this.
Efforts have been made to silence the ongoing critical discussion which questions the safety of vaccines. This is absolutely ridiculous, as this topic still has many unanswered questions. Science does not move forward through the censorship of critical discussion. Any call to silence the critical discussion of a still very open scientific question is troubling. Science progresses by investigation, debate and full discussion, not by censorship and omission of information.
This is exactly why independent research is so important. Documents obtained by Lucija Tomljenovic, (another scientist and independent researcher who has shed light on important facts about vaccinations) PhD, from the Neural Dynamics Research Group in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia reveal that vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and health authorities have known about multiple dangers associated with vaccines but chose to withhold them from the public. This is scientific fraud, and suggests that this practice continues till this day. (source) A recent whistleblower from the CDC also recently admitted that the CDC has omitted data that links vaccines to autism, you can read more about that here.
This is one small example (out of many) about the type of information we don’t hear about, but is extremely important to know about.
We do live in an era of scientific fraud, and manipulation of data for ulterior motives, and one of them includes money. Regardless, independent research is very important!
Speaking Truth About Vaccination
“The Syringe of Death”: Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You
“The Syringe of Death”: Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
© 2005, 2009
[For updates, see the Notes at the bottom of this essay and also see the Natural Solutions Foundation Vaccination Information Portal: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3085 ]
This essay exposes four “Cold Hard Facts” –
Cold, Hard Fact # 1: Vaccines are not safe: vaccines are dangerous. They are not even tested for safety.
Cold, Hard Fact # 2: Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases.
Cold, Hard Fact # 3: Flu vaccines do not protect people from flu-related deaths.
Cold, Hard Fact # 4: Potential pandemic viral diseases like the Avian Flu do not have safe and effective vaccines to prevent them and there are no drugs to treat them effectively– but good nutrition and natural remedies are useful.
[This essay was written in the context of Congressional passage of some of the earliest “pandemic emergency” laws.]
Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) thinks he owns your body.
If he’s right, you will have no say over what gets injected into it and no recourse under the law if
it harms or kills you.
That is, if Burr gets what he’s after and S. 1873 passes the US Senate. Burr’s bill,
"Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005", establishes the
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), a secretive and secret
agency exempt from public scrutiny, the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act. BARDA will be the only agency which can declare a pandemic condition and
may do so for any (or no) reason. Operating in secret, BARDA will be responsible for the
advanced research and development of drugs and vaccines (in partnership with pharmaceutical
companies), and, because the contents of those vaccines will remain shrouded in BARDA
darkness, any injuries and deaths caused by drugs and vaccines which BARDA labels
“countermeasures” to any BARDA-declared threat may never be known. 1
Even if those contents do become known, S. 1873 cancels any manufacturer liability for the
companies that made the vaccines or drugs. Injured parties will have no legal means of securing
compensation from either the government or the companies themselves.
And BARDA can declare a pandemic (at any time) and require mandatory universal forced
Can we assume that these vaccines will provide us any protection at all? Perhaps, but it’s not
likely. First, clearly understand that under BARDA you may be “legally” subjected to
experimental drugs – drugs which have no track record at all – and, second, with or without the
advent of BARDA, it is now more important than ever that the real truth about vaccines be
widely and quickly disseminated. There are reported to be more than 200 new vaccines “in the
pipeline”. If they, along with the ones in use now, are not safe, we, and our children, are not
All of us have been carefully conditioned to believe that vaccines are safe. But the truth is ugly
and, with BARDA staring us in the face, more than a little frightening. Here are the cold, hard
Cold, Hard Fact # 1: Vaccines are not safe: vaccines are dangerous. They are not even tested for
The evidence is abundant that the tragic cost of loading babies and children up with toxic brews
of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, injected foreign protein, stealth viruses and, in the second
generation vaccines, the deadly immune enhancer squalene, is unacceptably high. Lives are
ruined and lost in these children when toxins overwhelm their immune systems and brains and
cause tragic, totally preventable suffering and death. Autism (occurring in 4 children per 10,000
when I graduated from medical school in 1970) now afflicts a minimum of 1 child in 168 in the
US. Children have not changed: the poisons we give them have. Gulf War Syndrome, a
pervasive, progressive, deadly auto-immune disease afflicting over half a million US veterans,
appears to be a deadly vaccine reaction to an experimental vaccine (Anthrax) which the US used
on soldiers without their consent in clear violation of the Helsinki Declaration and the
Nuremberg Code, international conventions and agreements which prohibit human
experimentation without full informed consent.
The concept of informed consent, is, of course, is meaningless in the face of compulsory
vaccination with secret ingredients and no manufacturer accountability.
Contaminants make vaccines tremendously dangerous. Swine flu (for a pandemic which never
materialized) was contaminated with polio virus in 1976. Over 45 million Americans were
vaccinated in just 77 days and although there were only 6 cases of Swine flu in the entire country
the vaccine reportedly caused at least 565 cases of polio paralysis (renamed “Guillain-Barre
Syndrome” for the occasion), 60 deaths and other serious problems, including blindness and
impotence. (There is no reason to feel reassured because this particular disaster occurred in the
past: every flu vaccine is capable of passing along Guillain-Barre (polio) and other unsuspected
viral diseases.)
Cold, Hard Fact # 2: Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases.
Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases.
Attenuated viruses (infective, weakened versions of the dangerous ones) are commonly used in vaccines so that, the theory is, your body will develop an immune ‘memory’ for that virus. The next time your immune system meets that specific virus, it rapidly combats it by producing large numbers of antibodies. This practice and theory derive from the dawn of vaccination: Edward Jenner’s pioneering use of cowpox pus inoculations to, it is claimed, eliminate smallpox. This innovative and surprising medical treatment is touted as one of the triumphs of modern medicine. It makes a wonderful story but, in fact, inoculation not only spread smallpox, it caused well-documented epidemics of syphilis and leprosy in inoculated people, especially babies (who have immature immune systems). In spite of the documented associated dangers of leprosy, syphilis, smallpox, death and blindness, England provided free vaccination in 1840, made it compulsory in 1853, and punished lack of vaccination with seizure of property and imprisonment in 1857 (which should sound familiar). It took a British Royal Commission some 41 years more to put a stop to the deaths and disease that Jenner’s unproven technique caused. Finally, in 1898, England’s compulsory smallpox vaccination laws were overturned.
In 1854, the first year of British compulsory vaccination, deaths from syphilis in infants under 1 year increased by 50% and continued to rise steadily after that. In 1802 Jenner had been paid 10,000 pounds by the House of Commons. Shortly afterwards, it became clear that vaccines did not work. Rather than lose face, the House of Commons granted Jenner another 20,000 pounds in 1807 and 3,000 pounds a year thereafter.
Jenner knew that milk maids who milked with active pus-filled sores on their hands transmitted pox to their cows. Local superstition held that the cow’s pus was a preventive against small pox. Jennings learned from a local farmer, Benjamin Jestey, that he had inoculated his wife and 3 children with cowpox pus by jabbing them with a darning needle and they did not contract small pox. Jenner assumed that this meant they were protected against smallpox. To the modern ear this is absurd. In Jenner’s day, neither methodology nor the scientific method were part of the culture.
Jenner, a village apothecary who purchased a University of Edinburgh MD for 15 pounds, was a showman who made much of his "discovery" and hastened to induce Sarah Nelmes, a young milk maid with a fresh lesion on her finger, to allow him to collect pus from her sore. He inoculated an 8 year old named James Phipps who developed a fever and a pustule on his skin. Seventeen days later he inoculated the boy again, this time with small pox. Since the boy did not develop smallpox, Jenner concluded that "protection was complete".
Jenner hawked his inoculation but people started to complain because they were developing smallpox (and syphilis) after vaccination with Jenner’s cowpox. Jenner switched to infected material from horses’ heels instead ("Horse-grease"). John Baker, the child he inoculated with horse-grease, however, died before he could expose him to small pox. Undeterred, he inoculated 6 more children with horse-grease and was so convinced that the results would be positive that he rushed to London to publish them before there were any results. The [untested] "success" of James Phipps’ inoculation and his London paper established Jenner’s method and his success. Revolted by the idea of horse-grease inoculations, people demanded cowpox inoculations again. Jenner complied.
But just what is cow pox? In tropical countries it is cutaneous smallpox (a non-lethal disease often present along with leprosy) plus leprosy, while in more moderate climates the milk maids were transferring syphilis to the cattle along with their cutaneous smallpox.
Jenner was making his brew from the cowpox pus and the results were nothing short of disastrous for untold numbers of people.
Modern small pox vaccines are produced in much the same way: lesions are induced on the skin of calves and, after they are "sacrificed" [and sold for veal?], the harvested material from their lesions is cultured in eggs and prepared as vaccines.
However, although immunity fails to develop more than 80% of the time, serious side effects are distressingly common from the modern small pox vaccines: At least 52 people out of every million will have life threatening events and 1-2 will die. Permanent damage to heart, brain, skin and GI effects are also well known side effects. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) notes that serious side effects and dangers probably occur much more often since many people can be harmed by live virus vaccines: immune compromised people (on steroids, with eczema or psoriasis, nursing babies, pregnant women and their fetuses, people with HIV/AIDs, transplant patients, chemotherapy and radiation patients, people with auto-immune diseases, young children, asthmatics, etc.) are at serious risk for contracting the same disease that the inoculation is designed to prevent or worse.
In the US, the CDC classifies more than 60 million people as immune compromised.
People who are re-inoculated after many years are particularly susceptible to severe and life threatening reactions. Those who are ill are likely to develop sever effects as well. In fact, Tommy Thompson, former Health and Human Services boss, said that he would not take the vaccine although the US is stock piling "a dose of smallpox vaccine with every American’s name on it". Perhaps the one with his name has been changed so it reads, "To Whom It May Concern".
S. 1873 and BARDA would, according to its proponents, allow absolutely no exemptions for medical conditions or personal conviction. None.
Dr. Mike Lane, former director of the CDC’s so-called "smallpox eradication program" in the 1970’s, is a proponent of mass vaccination with no exemptions saying, "Medical contraindications would not apply… there would be NO exceptions. [In India] I’m sure that we killed a few people, but we did the best that we could….If the person is exposed there will be no exemptions, medical or otherwise." *
When a live virus is used in the vaccine, infective virus is shed for anywhere from 4 to 21 days (or more) and, during that time, inoculated persons can give the disease, or the side effects of the inoculation, to any vulnerable person with whom they come into contact. So, the vaccine-pushers might say, "While it may be true that vaccines have spread disease, isn’t it also true that vaccines have eliminated the epidemic diseases of the past?"
No, actually they have not. Neither Jenner’s cowpox inoculation nor modern smallpox inoculation did anything to eliminate smallpox (quite the contrary). The fact is, Dr. Charles A. R.
Campbell discovered that smallpox is transmitted by the flying bedbug, Cimex lectularius, and that eliminating this parasitic insect from human habitation eliminates smallpox, too. Personal hygiene and better housekeeping eliminated the deadly scourge. (Dr. Campbell also discovered that the disfiguring pocks of the disease could be prevented by a diet high in Vitamin C.)
When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the planet "smallpox free" in
1980, they did so administratively, not medically: small pox incidence was reduced, but not gone, despite nearly universalvaccination. What to do? WHO solved the "problem" cleverly: they renamed the disease "cowpox" and "monkey pox". Shazam: a smallpox-free planet, quicker than you can say, "Junk Science!"
Other epidemic diseases were in sharp decline at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries as a direct consequence of improved nutrition, hygiene and other life-style changes.
Measles, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Polio and Hepatitis B were all in sharp decline long before vaccines were introduced. The contribution to the decline made by vaccines, however, was negligible or non-existent. Scarlet Fever, typhoid fever and cholera, for which inoculation either did not exist or was never wide-spread, declined on the same sharp curve for the same reasons. So do we need inoculations because of the public health hazard? Despite the considerable hype, in fact, there is no unbiased evidence which connects disease prevention with inoculation.
Cold, Hard Fact # 3
: Flu vaccines do not protect people from flu-related deaths.The CDC claims that an astonishing 36,000 people die from flu in an average year. But according to the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson, 68 people under 65 die from flu each year in the US. The truth is that in 4 years, a total 4,440 people, mostly elderly, died from flu, nowhere near the CDC’s touted 144,000 deaths. While that figure is great for flu vaccine sales, it derivers not from reality but from the CDC’s industry-friendly statistical trick of classifying all pneumonia-related deaths, despite any lack of evidence, as flu deaths. Discussing this nonsense, Lone Simonsen of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease/NIH, writes in The Archives of Internal Medicine "We could not correlate increasing vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining mortality rates in any age group. Because fewer than 10% of all winter deaths were attributable to influenza in any season, we conclude that observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit."
Cold, Hard Fact # 4
: Potential pandemic viral diseases like the Avian Flu do not have safe and effective vaccines to prevent them and there are no drugs to treat them effectively – but good nutrition and natural remedies are useful.Despite that fact, on September 15, 2005 the US purchased $100 Million of a French experimental flu vaccine "designed" to protect against bird flu. It’s so experimental, in fact, that although the US has purchased megabucks worth of the stuff, the French manufacturer,
Sanofi-Pasteur, is planning to experiment with adjutants (alleged "immune response enhancers" – serious immune system toxins in reality) to "rev up" human response to it. Perhaps the adjuvant is the same one that the Army used in the deadly Vaccine A against anthrax: squalene.4
The purchase is real, but there is currently no such thing as a vaccine for pandemic bird flu.
Unfortunately, even if vaccines did work (they don’t) and were safe (they’re not), a virus has to actually exist before you can make a vaccine that can control the disease. The pandemic version of the latest bird flu does not yet exist. Vaccines are very specific: it is alleged they train the immune system to make antibodies to a particular protein sequence. Because those antibodies are highly specific, guessing wrong on which flu strain is coming soon to a droplet near you has led to an embarrassing history, year after year, of ineffective flu shots against the wrong strain of virus. People developed side effects, but the shots did not ward off the flu since the vaccine misfired with regard to the virus it was supposed to be protecting people against. And, oh by the way, experimental vaccines are not even alleged to be safe. No one knows what effects they will have. And, under BARDA, no one (least of all the manufacturer) will need to worry about that.
Allegedly, the bird flu pandemic version has not yet mutated and therefore does not exist so there is no way whatsoever to make a vaccine against it. Not even the US Government can make a vaccine against an imaginary virus. But that is just what the government wants us to believe they can do. Clearly, the French experimental flu vaccine purchase is a political, not a public health one. IF the bird flu mutates and becomes pandemic, it would take between 4 and 18 months to gear up to make commercial quantities of the vaccine. In the meantime, anyone getting the bird flu and surviving it would have natural antibodies to the disease. But right now, unless the already-mutated pandemic H5N1 virus is being stock-piled in a laboratory for convenient release at an opportune moment (which is certainly possible), the virus needed to make a real bird flu vaccine exists only in fearful imagination.5
So what would BARDA inoculate you with? Who knows? A nanochip to track you, perhaps? The technology exists. An experimental drug, maybe? Something that someone wants to test on huge numbers of people whether they like it or not? Squalene? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Only BARDA would know. You won’t.
BARDA would be above the law and beyond investigation. Consider: the anthrax vaccine currently being tested on US 2nd and 3rdgraders contains squalene. The experiment is therefore not about anthrax (the vaccine is only approved for cutaneous anthrax, a nonlife threatening disease highly unlikely to be used, therefore, as a bio-weapon) but rather about what happens to children given a deadly substance which stimulates their immune systems to destroy their bodies over time. After World War II, the managers of IG Farben, the vast German industrial combine, were imprisoned for Crimes Against Humanity for precisely this kind of activity. Who will be convicted this time? The head of super-secret BARDA? On what secret evidence? This is what the government/pharmaceutical cabal is doing now in full view of the public and of Congress. Can you imagine what would happen if there were no public scrutiny at all and no legal liability for any ill deeds whatsoever? Only if you can imagine BARDA. BARDA is a medical Gestapo.
It would have the power to initiate a medical marshal law from which the only escapes would be prison, death, fleeing the country or rebellion. Concerted public "push-back" and a strong demand for government respect for our Right to Self-Shield (in our own homes) in the event of a real pandemic can bring the light of Truth about vaccines to the light of day.
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Visit www.HealthFreedomUSA.org for the latest in health freedom news. Sign up for our Health Freedom Action eAlert system; take back control over your health and freedom! And don’t forget to donate generously: we depend on you for the support we need to fight for you.
Original text footnote:
* http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/165/3/265
Updated text footnotes:
1.BARDA was eventually established under the Project BioShield Act of 2005, and describes itself thusly:
"BARDA manages Project BioShield, which includes the procurement and advanced development of medical countermeasures for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear agents, as well as the advanced development and procurement of medical countermeasures for pandemic influenza and other emerging infectious diseases that fall outside the auspices of Project BioShield. In addition, BARDA manages the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE)."
2. Our predictions were proven correct when the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) procedure was used to issue blanket authorizations overriding normal safety and other limitations, and including immunity for government agents for any liability arising from the approval or use of uninsurable, un-safety tested and unproven "Swine Flu – H1N1" vaccines, tests and "treatments" in 2009.
http://www.flu.gov/; http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu;
A Public Health Emergency is in effect (under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act).
-CDC has released to states 11 million treatment courses of the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza.
-FDA has issued Emergency Use Authorizations for certain unapproved uses of Tamiflu and Relenza, for use of
certain respirator masks, and for use of unapproved diagnostic tests for the new H1N1 strain.
-CDC has issued guidances for the general public; for clinicians and laboratories; regarding pregnant women and
other groups; regarding travel; and regarding affected schools and communities.
-The U.S. federal government and manufacturers are developing a vaccine against the pandemic flu strain, and
preparing for a possible immunization campaign in the fall. HHS Secretary Sebelius has waived liability resulting
from the use of these products, and enabled an injury compensation program.
-Congress provided up to $7.7 billion in emergency supplemental appropriations (P.L. 111-32).
3. "Norman Baylor, PhD, director of FDA's Office of Vaccines Research and Review, explained the FDA's probable decision to go ahead with the simplified approval process, rather than a lengthy new drug application process. "We have decades of experience with H1N1, that's why we feel we can do this with a strain-change," said Dr. Baylor."
It should be noted as a matter of common knowledge, the last time there was a "Swine Flu" vaccine, in 1976, the only time in the "decades" alleged by Dr. Baylor for which there was a "Swine Flu" vaccine, the vaccine killed hundreds and maimed thousands in a well-known historical fiasco that forced the FDA to stop the use of the vaccine after ten week of availability to the public. How can the FDA now claim such fore-knowledge of safety for the Vaccines at issue here that safety testing is not required? Especially where the unapproved, toxic adjuvant squalene will likely be used in most, if not all, the vaccines to be approved under an EUA.
See: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol12no01/05-1007.htm
4. Ultimately, in 2005, the deadly Anthrax vaccine was condemned by Federal Judge Sullivan in the case of Doe v Rumsfeld, USDC for the District of Columbia, Case. 03-707 and only permitted to be used in the Military "voluntarily" – and that, only after the government issues an EUA overriding the Judge’s finding that the squalene adjuvant was an unapproved drug. That finding was never appealed by the government.
5. Nearly everything we wrote in 2005 about the Avian Flu – H1N5 can be said in 2009 about the now officially declared "Swine Flu Pandemic" – a pandemic in name only, that will become a pandemic in reality only if the uninsurable, un-safety tested and unproven "Swine Flu – H1N1" vaccine is taken by enough people to trigger the pandemic. If enough people resist the jab, there is little likelihood of the disaster the vaccine-pushers so-self-servingly predict.
For Pandemic Preparedness see: Professional Advice Regarding Self-Shielding in a Pandemic
Rev. 09/09/09
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
© 2005, 2009
[For updates, see the Notes at the bottom of this essay and also see the Natural Solutions Foundation Vaccination Information Portal: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3085 ]
This essay exposes four “Cold Hard Facts” –
Cold, Hard Fact # 1: Vaccines are not safe: vaccines are dangerous. They are not even tested for safety.
Cold, Hard Fact # 2: Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases.
Cold, Hard Fact # 3: Flu vaccines do not protect people from flu-related deaths.
Cold, Hard Fact # 4: Potential pandemic viral diseases like the Avian Flu do not have safe and effective vaccines to prevent them and there are no drugs to treat them effectively– but good nutrition and natural remedies are useful.
[This essay was written in the context of Congressional passage of some of the earliest “pandemic emergency” laws.]
Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) thinks he owns your body.
If he’s right, you will have no say over what gets injected into it and no recourse under the law if
it harms or kills you.
That is, if Burr gets what he’s after and S. 1873 passes the US Senate. Burr’s bill,
"Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005", establishes the
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), a secretive and secret
agency exempt from public scrutiny, the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act. BARDA will be the only agency which can declare a pandemic condition and
may do so for any (or no) reason. Operating in secret, BARDA will be responsible for the
advanced research and development of drugs and vaccines (in partnership with pharmaceutical
companies), and, because the contents of those vaccines will remain shrouded in BARDA
darkness, any injuries and deaths caused by drugs and vaccines which BARDA labels
“countermeasures” to any BARDA-declared threat may never be known. 1
Even if those contents do become known, S. 1873 cancels any manufacturer liability for the
companies that made the vaccines or drugs. Injured parties will have no legal means of securing
compensation from either the government or the companies themselves.
And BARDA can declare a pandemic (at any time) and require mandatory universal forced
Can we assume that these vaccines will provide us any protection at all? Perhaps, but it’s not
likely. First, clearly understand that under BARDA you may be “legally” subjected to
experimental drugs – drugs which have no track record at all – and, second, with or without the
advent of BARDA, it is now more important than ever that the real truth about vaccines be
widely and quickly disseminated. There are reported to be more than 200 new vaccines “in the
pipeline”. If they, along with the ones in use now, are not safe, we, and our children, are not
All of us have been carefully conditioned to believe that vaccines are safe. But the truth is ugly
and, with BARDA staring us in the face, more than a little frightening. Here are the cold, hard
Cold, Hard Fact # 1: Vaccines are not safe: vaccines are dangerous. They are not even tested for
The evidence is abundant that the tragic cost of loading babies and children up with toxic brews
of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, injected foreign protein, stealth viruses and, in the second
generation vaccines, the deadly immune enhancer squalene, is unacceptably high. Lives are
ruined and lost in these children when toxins overwhelm their immune systems and brains and
cause tragic, totally preventable suffering and death. Autism (occurring in 4 children per 10,000
when I graduated from medical school in 1970) now afflicts a minimum of 1 child in 168 in the
US. Children have not changed: the poisons we give them have. Gulf War Syndrome, a
pervasive, progressive, deadly auto-immune disease afflicting over half a million US veterans,
appears to be a deadly vaccine reaction to an experimental vaccine (Anthrax) which the US used
on soldiers without their consent in clear violation of the Helsinki Declaration and the
Nuremberg Code, international conventions and agreements which prohibit human
experimentation without full informed consent.
The concept of informed consent, is, of course, is meaningless in the face of compulsory
vaccination with secret ingredients and no manufacturer accountability.
Contaminants make vaccines tremendously dangerous. Swine flu (for a pandemic which never
materialized) was contaminated with polio virus in 1976. Over 45 million Americans were
vaccinated in just 77 days and although there were only 6 cases of Swine flu in the entire country
the vaccine reportedly caused at least 565 cases of polio paralysis (renamed “Guillain-Barre
Syndrome” for the occasion), 60 deaths and other serious problems, including blindness and
impotence. (There is no reason to feel reassured because this particular disaster occurred in the
past: every flu vaccine is capable of passing along Guillain-Barre (polio) and other unsuspected
viral diseases.)
Cold, Hard Fact # 2: Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases.
Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases.
Attenuated viruses (infective, weakened versions of the dangerous ones) are commonly used in vaccines so that, the theory is, your body will develop an immune ‘memory’ for that virus. The next time your immune system meets that specific virus, it rapidly combats it by producing large numbers of antibodies. This practice and theory derive from the dawn of vaccination: Edward Jenner’s pioneering use of cowpox pus inoculations to, it is claimed, eliminate smallpox. This innovative and surprising medical treatment is touted as one of the triumphs of modern medicine. It makes a wonderful story but, in fact, inoculation not only spread smallpox, it caused well-documented epidemics of syphilis and leprosy in inoculated people, especially babies (who have immature immune systems). In spite of the documented associated dangers of leprosy, syphilis, smallpox, death and blindness, England provided free vaccination in 1840, made it compulsory in 1853, and punished lack of vaccination with seizure of property and imprisonment in 1857 (which should sound familiar). It took a British Royal Commission some 41 years more to put a stop to the deaths and disease that Jenner’s unproven technique caused. Finally, in 1898, England’s compulsory smallpox vaccination laws were overturned.
In 1854, the first year of British compulsory vaccination, deaths from syphilis in infants under 1 year increased by 50% and continued to rise steadily after that. In 1802 Jenner had been paid 10,000 pounds by the House of Commons. Shortly afterwards, it became clear that vaccines did not work. Rather than lose face, the House of Commons granted Jenner another 20,000 pounds in 1807 and 3,000 pounds a year thereafter.
Jenner knew that milk maids who milked with active pus-filled sores on their hands transmitted pox to their cows. Local superstition held that the cow’s pus was a preventive against small pox. Jennings learned from a local farmer, Benjamin Jestey, that he had inoculated his wife and 3 children with cowpox pus by jabbing them with a darning needle and they did not contract small pox. Jenner assumed that this meant they were protected against smallpox. To the modern ear this is absurd. In Jenner’s day, neither methodology nor the scientific method were part of the culture.
Jenner, a village apothecary who purchased a University of Edinburgh MD for 15 pounds, was a showman who made much of his "discovery" and hastened to induce Sarah Nelmes, a young milk maid with a fresh lesion on her finger, to allow him to collect pus from her sore. He inoculated an 8 year old named James Phipps who developed a fever and a pustule on his skin. Seventeen days later he inoculated the boy again, this time with small pox. Since the boy did not develop smallpox, Jenner concluded that "protection was complete".
Jenner hawked his inoculation but people started to complain because they were developing smallpox (and syphilis) after vaccination with Jenner’s cowpox. Jenner switched to infected material from horses’ heels instead ("Horse-grease"). John Baker, the child he inoculated with horse-grease, however, died before he could expose him to small pox. Undeterred, he inoculated 6 more children with horse-grease and was so convinced that the results would be positive that he rushed to London to publish them before there were any results. The [untested] "success" of James Phipps’ inoculation and his London paper established Jenner’s method and his success. Revolted by the idea of horse-grease inoculations, people demanded cowpox inoculations again. Jenner complied.
But just what is cow pox? In tropical countries it is cutaneous smallpox (a non-lethal disease often present along with leprosy) plus leprosy, while in more moderate climates the milk maids were transferring syphilis to the cattle along with their cutaneous smallpox.
Jenner was making his brew from the cowpox pus and the results were nothing short of disastrous for untold numbers of people.
Modern small pox vaccines are produced in much the same way: lesions are induced on the skin of calves and, after they are "sacrificed" [and sold for veal?], the harvested material from their lesions is cultured in eggs and prepared as vaccines.
However, although immunity fails to develop more than 80% of the time, serious side effects are distressingly common from the modern small pox vaccines: At least 52 people out of every million will have life threatening events and 1-2 will die. Permanent damage to heart, brain, skin and GI effects are also well known side effects. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) notes that serious side effects and dangers probably occur much more often since many people can be harmed by live virus vaccines: immune compromised people (on steroids, with eczema or psoriasis, nursing babies, pregnant women and their fetuses, people with HIV/AIDs, transplant patients, chemotherapy and radiation patients, people with auto-immune diseases, young children, asthmatics, etc.) are at serious risk for contracting the same disease that the inoculation is designed to prevent or worse.
In the US, the CDC classifies more than 60 million people as immune compromised.
People who are re-inoculated after many years are particularly susceptible to severe and life threatening reactions. Those who are ill are likely to develop sever effects as well. In fact, Tommy Thompson, former Health and Human Services boss, said that he would not take the vaccine although the US is stock piling "a dose of smallpox vaccine with every American’s name on it". Perhaps the one with his name has been changed so it reads, "To Whom It May Concern".
S. 1873 and BARDA would, according to its proponents, allow absolutely no exemptions for medical conditions or personal conviction. None.
Dr. Mike Lane, former director of the CDC’s so-called "smallpox eradication program" in the 1970’s, is a proponent of mass vaccination with no exemptions saying, "Medical contraindications would not apply… there would be NO exceptions. [In India] I’m sure that we killed a few people, but we did the best that we could….If the person is exposed there will be no exemptions, medical or otherwise." *
When a live virus is used in the vaccine, infective virus is shed for anywhere from 4 to 21 days (or more) and, during that time, inoculated persons can give the disease, or the side effects of the inoculation, to any vulnerable person with whom they come into contact. So, the vaccine-pushers might say, "While it may be true that vaccines have spread disease, isn’t it also true that vaccines have eliminated the epidemic diseases of the past?"
No, actually they have not. Neither Jenner’s cowpox inoculation nor modern smallpox inoculation did anything to eliminate smallpox (quite the contrary). The fact is, Dr. Charles A. R.
Campbell discovered that smallpox is transmitted by the flying bedbug, Cimex lectularius, and that eliminating this parasitic insect from human habitation eliminates smallpox, too. Personal hygiene and better housekeeping eliminated the deadly scourge. (Dr. Campbell also discovered that the disfiguring pocks of the disease could be prevented by a diet high in Vitamin C.)
When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the planet "smallpox free" in
1980, they did so administratively, not medically: small pox incidence was reduced, but not gone, despite nearly universalvaccination. What to do? WHO solved the "problem" cleverly: they renamed the disease "cowpox" and "monkey pox". Shazam: a smallpox-free planet, quicker than you can say, "Junk Science!"
Other epidemic diseases were in sharp decline at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries as a direct consequence of improved nutrition, hygiene and other life-style changes.
Measles, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Polio and Hepatitis B were all in sharp decline long before vaccines were introduced. The contribution to the decline made by vaccines, however, was negligible or non-existent. Scarlet Fever, typhoid fever and cholera, for which inoculation either did not exist or was never wide-spread, declined on the same sharp curve for the same reasons. So do we need inoculations because of the public health hazard? Despite the considerable hype, in fact, there is no unbiased evidence which connects disease prevention with inoculation.
Cold, Hard Fact # 3
: Flu vaccines do not protect people from flu-related deaths.The CDC claims that an astonishing 36,000 people die from flu in an average year. But according to the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson, 68 people under 65 die from flu each year in the US. The truth is that in 4 years, a total 4,440 people, mostly elderly, died from flu, nowhere near the CDC’s touted 144,000 deaths. While that figure is great for flu vaccine sales, it derivers not from reality but from the CDC’s industry-friendly statistical trick of classifying all pneumonia-related deaths, despite any lack of evidence, as flu deaths. Discussing this nonsense, Lone Simonsen of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease/NIH, writes in The Archives of Internal Medicine "We could not correlate increasing vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining mortality rates in any age group. Because fewer than 10% of all winter deaths were attributable to influenza in any season, we conclude that observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit."
Cold, Hard Fact # 4
: Potential pandemic viral diseases like the Avian Flu do not have safe and effective vaccines to prevent them and there are no drugs to treat them effectively – but good nutrition and natural remedies are useful.Despite that fact, on September 15, 2005 the US purchased $100 Million of a French experimental flu vaccine "designed" to protect against bird flu. It’s so experimental, in fact, that although the US has purchased megabucks worth of the stuff, the French manufacturer,
Sanofi-Pasteur, is planning to experiment with adjutants (alleged "immune response enhancers" – serious immune system toxins in reality) to "rev up" human response to it. Perhaps the adjuvant is the same one that the Army used in the deadly Vaccine A against anthrax: squalene.4
The purchase is real, but there is currently no such thing as a vaccine for pandemic bird flu.
Unfortunately, even if vaccines did work (they don’t) and were safe (they’re not), a virus has to actually exist before you can make a vaccine that can control the disease. The pandemic version of the latest bird flu does not yet exist. Vaccines are very specific: it is alleged they train the immune system to make antibodies to a particular protein sequence. Because those antibodies are highly specific, guessing wrong on which flu strain is coming soon to a droplet near you has led to an embarrassing history, year after year, of ineffective flu shots against the wrong strain of virus. People developed side effects, but the shots did not ward off the flu since the vaccine misfired with regard to the virus it was supposed to be protecting people against. And, oh by the way, experimental vaccines are not even alleged to be safe. No one knows what effects they will have. And, under BARDA, no one (least of all the manufacturer) will need to worry about that.
Allegedly, the bird flu pandemic version has not yet mutated and therefore does not exist so there is no way whatsoever to make a vaccine against it. Not even the US Government can make a vaccine against an imaginary virus. But that is just what the government wants us to believe they can do. Clearly, the French experimental flu vaccine purchase is a political, not a public health one. IF the bird flu mutates and becomes pandemic, it would take between 4 and 18 months to gear up to make commercial quantities of the vaccine. In the meantime, anyone getting the bird flu and surviving it would have natural antibodies to the disease. But right now, unless the already-mutated pandemic H5N1 virus is being stock-piled in a laboratory for convenient release at an opportune moment (which is certainly possible), the virus needed to make a real bird flu vaccine exists only in fearful imagination.5
So what would BARDA inoculate you with? Who knows? A nanochip to track you, perhaps? The technology exists. An experimental drug, maybe? Something that someone wants to test on huge numbers of people whether they like it or not? Squalene? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Only BARDA would know. You won’t.
BARDA would be above the law and beyond investigation. Consider: the anthrax vaccine currently being tested on US 2nd and 3rdgraders contains squalene. The experiment is therefore not about anthrax (the vaccine is only approved for cutaneous anthrax, a nonlife threatening disease highly unlikely to be used, therefore, as a bio-weapon) but rather about what happens to children given a deadly substance which stimulates their immune systems to destroy their bodies over time. After World War II, the managers of IG Farben, the vast German industrial combine, were imprisoned for Crimes Against Humanity for precisely this kind of activity. Who will be convicted this time? The head of super-secret BARDA? On what secret evidence? This is what the government/pharmaceutical cabal is doing now in full view of the public and of Congress. Can you imagine what would happen if there were no public scrutiny at all and no legal liability for any ill deeds whatsoever? Only if you can imagine BARDA. BARDA is a medical Gestapo.
It would have the power to initiate a medical marshal law from which the only escapes would be prison, death, fleeing the country or rebellion. Concerted public "push-back" and a strong demand for government respect for our Right to Self-Shield (in our own homes) in the event of a real pandemic can bring the light of Truth about vaccines to the light of day.
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Visit www.HealthFreedomUSA.org for the latest in health freedom news. Sign up for our Health Freedom Action eAlert system; take back control over your health and freedom! And don’t forget to donate generously: we depend on you for the support we need to fight for you.
Original text footnote:
* http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/165/3/265
Updated text footnotes:
1.BARDA was eventually established under the Project BioShield Act of 2005, and describes itself thusly:
"BARDA manages Project BioShield, which includes the procurement and advanced development of medical countermeasures for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear agents, as well as the advanced development and procurement of medical countermeasures for pandemic influenza and other emerging infectious diseases that fall outside the auspices of Project BioShield. In addition, BARDA manages the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE)."
2. Our predictions were proven correct when the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) procedure was used to issue blanket authorizations overriding normal safety and other limitations, and including immunity for government agents for any liability arising from the approval or use of uninsurable, un-safety tested and unproven "Swine Flu – H1N1" vaccines, tests and "treatments" in 2009.
http://www.flu.gov/; http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu;
A Public Health Emergency is in effect (under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act).
-CDC has released to states 11 million treatment courses of the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza.
-FDA has issued Emergency Use Authorizations for certain unapproved uses of Tamiflu and Relenza, for use of
certain respirator masks, and for use of unapproved diagnostic tests for the new H1N1 strain.
-CDC has issued guidances for the general public; for clinicians and laboratories; regarding pregnant women and
other groups; regarding travel; and regarding affected schools and communities.
-The U.S. federal government and manufacturers are developing a vaccine against the pandemic flu strain, and
preparing for a possible immunization campaign in the fall. HHS Secretary Sebelius has waived liability resulting
from the use of these products, and enabled an injury compensation program.
-Congress provided up to $7.7 billion in emergency supplemental appropriations (P.L. 111-32).
3. "Norman Baylor, PhD, director of FDA's Office of Vaccines Research and Review, explained the FDA's probable decision to go ahead with the simplified approval process, rather than a lengthy new drug application process. "We have decades of experience with H1N1, that's why we feel we can do this with a strain-change," said Dr. Baylor."
It should be noted as a matter of common knowledge, the last time there was a "Swine Flu" vaccine, in 1976, the only time in the "decades" alleged by Dr. Baylor for which there was a "Swine Flu" vaccine, the vaccine killed hundreds and maimed thousands in a well-known historical fiasco that forced the FDA to stop the use of the vaccine after ten week of availability to the public. How can the FDA now claim such fore-knowledge of safety for the Vaccines at issue here that safety testing is not required? Especially where the unapproved, toxic adjuvant squalene will likely be used in most, if not all, the vaccines to be approved under an EUA.
See: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol12no01/05-1007.htm
4. Ultimately, in 2005, the deadly Anthrax vaccine was condemned by Federal Judge Sullivan in the case of Doe v Rumsfeld, USDC for the District of Columbia, Case. 03-707 and only permitted to be used in the Military "voluntarily" – and that, only after the government issues an EUA overriding the Judge’s finding that the squalene adjuvant was an unapproved drug. That finding was never appealed by the government.
5. Nearly everything we wrote in 2005 about the Avian Flu – H1N5 can be said in 2009 about the now officially declared "Swine Flu Pandemic" – a pandemic in name only, that will become a pandemic in reality only if the uninsurable, un-safety tested and unproven "Swine Flu – H1N1" vaccine is taken by enough people to trigger the pandemic. If enough people resist the jab, there is little likelihood of the disaster the vaccine-pushers so-self-servingly predict.
For Pandemic Preparedness see: Professional Advice Regarding Self-Shielding in a Pandemic
Rev. 09/09/09
12-year-old Girl Dies
Hours After She is Injected with HPV Vaccine |
Jeffry John Aufderheide
August 19 2014
The family of a 12-year-old girl from Wisconsin who died hours after receiving an HPV vaccine is grieving the loss of their daughter. Meredith Prohaska, described as being an extremely active and healthy girl, passed away on July 30th. [1]
According to a news report, Meredith’s mother took her to the doctor for a sore throat. At the doctor appointment, she received the HPV vaccine. Later in the afternoon, the mother found her daughter unresponsive on the floor, and she was later pronounced dead at the hospital. The parents suspect the vaccine as the primary cause of their daughter’s death. However, Meredith’s autopsy report rules her cause of death as inconclusive. [2]
Medical dogma is immune to “new insights,” especially when it comes from a parent on this topic, specifically. Many families also share Meredith’s story; the pain and emotional suffering is all too familiar. [3]
But despite her death, every excuse will be given to point away from the vaccine – this is called medical indoctrination – and there is a very good reason for doing so. The banal message from medical investigators, likely being to the grieving parents: “We don’t know what killed your daughter, but we know it was not the vaccine … vaccines are proven to be safe and effective. We’re terribly sorry for your loss.”
This is almost the exact message Dr. Geoffrey Swain offered, like a good little parrot, in the news interview immediately following the conversation with the grieving parents. He has an important role calming parents’ fears about vaccines, and his motives to manipulate public opinion were not so obvious, but if you knew he received money from the CDC or an organization that promotes vaccines, you may have a different opinion of him. More on that later in the article.
While it is reported the medical tests for the young girl will take months to get back for an answer, you can take this predictable script from the medical investigators to the bank.
Here’s why…
The System is Protected
Did you know, as an example, global sales for Gardasil, just one of the HPV vaccines manufactured by Merck Pharmaceuticals, were $1.8 billion in 2013? [4]
Did you also know since 2006, over 35,270 adverse events caused by HPV vaccines have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)? [5] This certainly isn’t news to government agencies and it shouldn’t be to you, either.
The same companies that manufacture vaccines also create drugs that are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States – they have a bad track record of leaving a path of death and destruction. [6,7]
I say all of this because the hard-to-swallow-truth is this: profits from selling vaccines are protected by law. Profits from selling vaccines must be protected at all costs. And yes – vaccine manufacturers profit in the hundreds of millions every year, peddling their vaccines to doctors and government agencies.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Under this program, vaccine manufacturers (and doctors) are given complete immunity from any legal liability if your child is harmed by their product. [8]
This law gives parents, like Meredith’s, few options to seek compensation legally. However, this law does not prohibit you from asking your doctor questions about vaccines or to exempt your child from being injected.
Coincidentally, questioning vaccines is the biggest enemy to pharmaceutical profits and the system. And here’s the kicker: For this system to work; you must be convinced to get your child vaccinated.
Adverse Reactions to Vaccines are Usually Downplayed
In society, it is taboo to question your doctor about vaccines, who, more often than not, act like a “Shot Salesman” or a puppet for the pharmaceutical industry, like Dr. Geoffrey Swain, instead of a medical professional.
During the news report of Meredith Prohaska’s death, Dr. Geoffrey Swain, a professor and medical doctor at the Milwaukee Health Department, states, “Vaccines in general and the HPV vaccine in particular, very, very safe. It’s a very safe vaccine and very effective,” and that, “serious side effects are nearly one in a million …” [2]
Why would Geoffrey downplay the role of vaccines in Meredith Prohaska’s death in a news interview?
Could it be because he received an award from the Centers for Disease Control for over $900,000 to investigate immunization rates? Or possibly because he received over $159,999 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a vaccine promoting non profit organization, investigating how school-based clinics could increase immunization rates? [9]
Maybe his roles for the Immunization Task Force for Milwaukee Public Schools, Wisconsin Council on Immunization Practices, and National Immunization Advisory Workgroup, National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) have some influence on why he promotes vaccines? [9]
Are you sure there isn’t a hidden agenda?
Whatever his motivations are, Meredith Prohaska’s death is a public relations disaster waiting to happen and her autopsy report must remain inconclusive. Admitting a vaccine is at fault for her death would “scare” other parents into not getting their child vaccinated, and that’s certainly not good for business.
One of the most powerful and effective actions you can take on becoming an informed parent, is to start investigating vaccines right now.
SummaryThe sudden loss of Meredith Prohaska’s young life ending shortly after being vaccinated is a most tragic story.
Sadly, I predict her parents will not get many answers as to the root cause of her death. I understand many of you reading this story can empathize with her parents because you have also met this medically imposed “wall of silence.”
Nothing could damage the reputation of a company brand more than their vaccine maiming or killing children – this subject is strictly forbidden from being discussed.
August 19 2014
The family of a 12-year-old girl from Wisconsin who died hours after receiving an HPV vaccine is grieving the loss of their daughter. Meredith Prohaska, described as being an extremely active and healthy girl, passed away on July 30th. [1]
According to a news report, Meredith’s mother took her to the doctor for a sore throat. At the doctor appointment, she received the HPV vaccine. Later in the afternoon, the mother found her daughter unresponsive on the floor, and she was later pronounced dead at the hospital. The parents suspect the vaccine as the primary cause of their daughter’s death. However, Meredith’s autopsy report rules her cause of death as inconclusive. [2]
Medical dogma is immune to “new insights,” especially when it comes from a parent on this topic, specifically. Many families also share Meredith’s story; the pain and emotional suffering is all too familiar. [3]
But despite her death, every excuse will be given to point away from the vaccine – this is called medical indoctrination – and there is a very good reason for doing so. The banal message from medical investigators, likely being to the grieving parents: “We don’t know what killed your daughter, but we know it was not the vaccine … vaccines are proven to be safe and effective. We’re terribly sorry for your loss.”
This is almost the exact message Dr. Geoffrey Swain offered, like a good little parrot, in the news interview immediately following the conversation with the grieving parents. He has an important role calming parents’ fears about vaccines, and his motives to manipulate public opinion were not so obvious, but if you knew he received money from the CDC or an organization that promotes vaccines, you may have a different opinion of him. More on that later in the article.
While it is reported the medical tests for the young girl will take months to get back for an answer, you can take this predictable script from the medical investigators to the bank.
Here’s why…
The System is Protected
Did you know, as an example, global sales for Gardasil, just one of the HPV vaccines manufactured by Merck Pharmaceuticals, were $1.8 billion in 2013? [4]
Did you also know since 2006, over 35,270 adverse events caused by HPV vaccines have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)? [5] This certainly isn’t news to government agencies and it shouldn’t be to you, either.
The same companies that manufacture vaccines also create drugs that are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States – they have a bad track record of leaving a path of death and destruction. [6,7]
I say all of this because the hard-to-swallow-truth is this: profits from selling vaccines are protected by law. Profits from selling vaccines must be protected at all costs. And yes – vaccine manufacturers profit in the hundreds of millions every year, peddling their vaccines to doctors and government agencies.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Under this program, vaccine manufacturers (and doctors) are given complete immunity from any legal liability if your child is harmed by their product. [8]
This law gives parents, like Meredith’s, few options to seek compensation legally. However, this law does not prohibit you from asking your doctor questions about vaccines or to exempt your child from being injected.
Coincidentally, questioning vaccines is the biggest enemy to pharmaceutical profits and the system. And here’s the kicker: For this system to work; you must be convinced to get your child vaccinated.
Adverse Reactions to Vaccines are Usually Downplayed
In society, it is taboo to question your doctor about vaccines, who, more often than not, act like a “Shot Salesman” or a puppet for the pharmaceutical industry, like Dr. Geoffrey Swain, instead of a medical professional.
During the news report of Meredith Prohaska’s death, Dr. Geoffrey Swain, a professor and medical doctor at the Milwaukee Health Department, states, “Vaccines in general and the HPV vaccine in particular, very, very safe. It’s a very safe vaccine and very effective,” and that, “serious side effects are nearly one in a million …” [2]
Why would Geoffrey downplay the role of vaccines in Meredith Prohaska’s death in a news interview?
Could it be because he received an award from the Centers for Disease Control for over $900,000 to investigate immunization rates? Or possibly because he received over $159,999 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a vaccine promoting non profit organization, investigating how school-based clinics could increase immunization rates? [9]
Maybe his roles for the Immunization Task Force for Milwaukee Public Schools, Wisconsin Council on Immunization Practices, and National Immunization Advisory Workgroup, National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) have some influence on why he promotes vaccines? [9]
Are you sure there isn’t a hidden agenda?
Whatever his motivations are, Meredith Prohaska’s death is a public relations disaster waiting to happen and her autopsy report must remain inconclusive. Admitting a vaccine is at fault for her death would “scare” other parents into not getting their child vaccinated, and that’s certainly not good for business.
One of the most powerful and effective actions you can take on becoming an informed parent, is to start investigating vaccines right now.
SummaryThe sudden loss of Meredith Prohaska’s young life ending shortly after being vaccinated is a most tragic story.
Sadly, I predict her parents will not get many answers as to the root cause of her death. I understand many of you reading this story can empathize with her parents because you have also met this medically imposed “wall of silence.”
Nothing could damage the reputation of a company brand more than their vaccine maiming or killing children – this subject is strictly forbidden from being discussed.
- http://www.randledablefuneralhome.com/obituaries/Meredith-Prohaska/
- http://fox6now.com/2014/08/07/the-only-thing-different…
- http://sanevax.org/
- http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/…
- http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php (Accessed August 17th 2014)
- http://www.fda.gov/drugs/developmentapprovalprocess/…
- http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/…
- http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html
- http://www.cuph.org/about/staff/geoffrey-r-swain/curriculum-vitae.pdf
- http://www.gofundme.com/cf3060
Five Month-Old Baby Dies
Just Days After 8 Vaccinations
Parents Are Charged With Her Murder
Just Days After 8 Vaccinations
Parents Are Charged With Her Murder
by Christina England
August 17 2013
Parents in South Africa are facing life in prison for the murder of their baby girl who died just days after receiving routine vaccinations. Baby A had received all her vaccinations on time. On September 25, 2012, when she was aged just five months, her parents took her to their local clinic, where she received a total of eight vaccinations before being sent home.
Baby A’s mother told VacTruth that the vaccinations were administered extremely harshly, with the nurse appearing to stab their daughter viciously with a variety of needles. Baby A received eight vaccines in total, the five-in-one vaccine Pentaxim said to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) and polio; the hepatitis B vaccine; the rotavirus vaccine; and a vaccine said to protect babies against pneumocococcal and non-typeable haemophilus influenzae disease, Prenevar/Prenvar.
Her mother explained that after her ordeal, Baby A was irritable, upset and had difficulty in settling. That the following day, she was unable to move her legs, which remained hard and swollen around the injection site for several days.
Amazingly, this was not the first time that Baby A had suffered from this side effect. Her mother told VacTruth that her legs had become swollen after vaccinations before, when they had remained swollen for several weeks. When Baby A’s parents asked the nurses at the clinic why their daughter’s legs were swollen, they were told that it may have been due to the technique that was used at the time of vaccination.
The nurses recorded this reaction on Baby A’s vaccination card and told Baby A’s mother to use a warm face towel and massage her legs. When Baby A suffered the same side effect after vaccinations given on September 25, 2012, Mrs. A immediately used a warm face towel to soothe her daughter’s legs and lessen the swelling.
So, why weren’t the healthcare providers concerned about this reaction?
“She Turned Blue and We Tried to Give Her CPR”
On October 9, 2012, Baby A appeared to be her normal self, playing, kicking and smiling; however, the next day things were very different. Mrs. A explains:
“Baby A woke up and appeared to be crabby and running a high fever. She was only was happy if we were holding her and carrying her. That day, I gave her Panado and was dabbing her with a cool face towel to bring the fever down. At about 15:30 or so I had just finished feeding her and gave her to my husband to burp and as he was burping he heard her gasp for like a breath of air and when I looked at her she had collapsed on his shoulder and wasn’t breathing. She turned blue and we tried to give her CPR but as we were doing that she was throwing up and still was not breathing.
We decided to rush her to the nearest hospital but we were unfortunate as there was traffic at the time and only got there at about 16:00. I could be off a few minutes, we took her into the trauma unit and they took her from us and told us to wait in a separate room. They managed to resuscitate her and put her in the NICU, they then took her to get a CT scan and then said they needed to take x-rays as well.”
After what seemed like forever, the doctor appeared and informed the anxious parents that their daughter had blood on her brain and appeared to have been shaken. He said that the little girl had multiple fractures of the long bones.
When Mr. and Mrs. A asked the doctor what had happened to their daughter, the doctor was abrupt, saying, “I don’t know, I wasn’t there, why don’t you tell me?”
Mrs A. told VacTruth that she felt that his comment was uncalled for and insulting and that she could not understand what he was implying. She said:
“We were so upset, how could he say that? What was he implying? That was our baby there and we didn’t know what had happened.”
She told me that she had turned to the doctor treating Baby A and said to him:
“You are the doctor, you are supposed to help us. All of a sudden everything we had got taken away, our life, our 24 hours a day, we have nothing left to do now but wait for some sort of answer as to why our baby is lying there. I don’t know what this shaken baby syndrome is, no one shook our baby. We were there, that’s not an answer, we need an answer.”
“We Decided to Switch Off the Ventilator”
August 17 2013
Parents in South Africa are facing life in prison for the murder of their baby girl who died just days after receiving routine vaccinations. Baby A had received all her vaccinations on time. On September 25, 2012, when she was aged just five months, her parents took her to their local clinic, where she received a total of eight vaccinations before being sent home.
Baby A’s mother told VacTruth that the vaccinations were administered extremely harshly, with the nurse appearing to stab their daughter viciously with a variety of needles. Baby A received eight vaccines in total, the five-in-one vaccine Pentaxim said to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) and polio; the hepatitis B vaccine; the rotavirus vaccine; and a vaccine said to protect babies against pneumocococcal and non-typeable haemophilus influenzae disease, Prenevar/Prenvar.
Her mother explained that after her ordeal, Baby A was irritable, upset and had difficulty in settling. That the following day, she was unable to move her legs, which remained hard and swollen around the injection site for several days.
Amazingly, this was not the first time that Baby A had suffered from this side effect. Her mother told VacTruth that her legs had become swollen after vaccinations before, when they had remained swollen for several weeks. When Baby A’s parents asked the nurses at the clinic why their daughter’s legs were swollen, they were told that it may have been due to the technique that was used at the time of vaccination.
The nurses recorded this reaction on Baby A’s vaccination card and told Baby A’s mother to use a warm face towel and massage her legs. When Baby A suffered the same side effect after vaccinations given on September 25, 2012, Mrs. A immediately used a warm face towel to soothe her daughter’s legs and lessen the swelling.
So, why weren’t the healthcare providers concerned about this reaction?
“She Turned Blue and We Tried to Give Her CPR”
On October 9, 2012, Baby A appeared to be her normal self, playing, kicking and smiling; however, the next day things were very different. Mrs. A explains:
“Baby A woke up and appeared to be crabby and running a high fever. She was only was happy if we were holding her and carrying her. That day, I gave her Panado and was dabbing her with a cool face towel to bring the fever down. At about 15:30 or so I had just finished feeding her and gave her to my husband to burp and as he was burping he heard her gasp for like a breath of air and when I looked at her she had collapsed on his shoulder and wasn’t breathing. She turned blue and we tried to give her CPR but as we were doing that she was throwing up and still was not breathing.
We decided to rush her to the nearest hospital but we were unfortunate as there was traffic at the time and only got there at about 16:00. I could be off a few minutes, we took her into the trauma unit and they took her from us and told us to wait in a separate room. They managed to resuscitate her and put her in the NICU, they then took her to get a CT scan and then said they needed to take x-rays as well.”
After what seemed like forever, the doctor appeared and informed the anxious parents that their daughter had blood on her brain and appeared to have been shaken. He said that the little girl had multiple fractures of the long bones.
When Mr. and Mrs. A asked the doctor what had happened to their daughter, the doctor was abrupt, saying, “I don’t know, I wasn’t there, why don’t you tell me?”
Mrs A. told VacTruth that she felt that his comment was uncalled for and insulting and that she could not understand what he was implying. She said:
“We were so upset, how could he say that? What was he implying? That was our baby there and we didn’t know what had happened.”
She told me that she had turned to the doctor treating Baby A and said to him:
“You are the doctor, you are supposed to help us. All of a sudden everything we had got taken away, our life, our 24 hours a day, we have nothing left to do now but wait for some sort of answer as to why our baby is lying there. I don’t know what this shaken baby syndrome is, no one shook our baby. We were there, that’s not an answer, we need an answer.”
“We Decided to Switch Off the Ventilator”
Sadly, Baby A’s parents never got an answer and three days later, they noticed that their daughter’s hands, feet, head and eyes appeared swollen. Worried, they asked the nurses what was wrong and they were informed that the swelling was due to the lack of oxygen reaching the brain.
Mrs. A said that around this time that the pediatrician requested a biopsy to test the collagen for brittle bone disease. The results of this test are not known because Baby A’s medical records have since gone missing.
The next day the doctor suggested to Baby A’s parents that it might be time to switch off the ventilator. He explained that Baby A was not going to wake up and asked her parents whether they would consider organ donation, which the devastated couple refused on religious grounds.
Mrs. A said that around this time that the pediatrician requested a biopsy to test the collagen for brittle bone disease. The results of this test are not known because Baby A’s medical records have since gone missing.
The next day the doctor suggested to Baby A’s parents that it might be time to switch off the ventilator. He explained that Baby A was not going to wake up and asked her parents whether they would consider organ donation, which the devastated couple refused on religious grounds.
On the fifth day, the swelling had became much worse and six days after Baby A’s admission into the hospital, hospital staff could no longer open the little girl’s eyes. It was at this stage that Baby A’s parents decided that their precious daughter had suffered enough. Mrs. A explained:
“We decided to switch off the ventilator and let our baby rest in peace, we had a meeting with the nurses and doctors and told them that we would switch off at 7am the following day and the nurses said that there would have to be an autopsy and the pediatrician then said, no, that was not necessary, and the nurses insisted.
Day 7 came [on] October 17, 2012 and as soon as we got there, they took Baby A out of her bed and told us to sit, put her in our arms and switched off the ventilator. They didn’t even give us five minutes alone with her to say goodbye to her.
We then sat alone with her after she had passed on and waited in the waiting area for them to release her body. We waited between two and three hours and they told us they were waiting for the police to come and pick up the body to take it to the morgue to do the autopsy.”
“We decided to switch off the ventilator and let our baby rest in peace, we had a meeting with the nurses and doctors and told them that we would switch off at 7am the following day and the nurses said that there would have to be an autopsy and the pediatrician then said, no, that was not necessary, and the nurses insisted.
Day 7 came [on] October 17, 2012 and as soon as we got there, they took Baby A out of her bed and told us to sit, put her in our arms and switched off the ventilator. They didn’t even give us five minutes alone with her to say goodbye to her.
We then sat alone with her after she had passed on and waited in the waiting area for them to release her body. We waited between two and three hours and they told us they were waiting for the police to come and pick up the body to take it to the morgue to do the autopsy.”
Doctors are Blaming Parents for Vaccine Injuries
This is yet another tragic case in which parents have been accused of shaking their baby, after a possible vaccine injury has occurred. Baby A’s vaccination card showed that at the tender age of five months she had received a total of 21 routine vaccinations. This is a vast number of vaccinations and it is becoming evident that many babies of this age cannot tolerate an onslaught of toxins, chemicals and poisons of this magnitude.
It is important to recognize that some parents do physically abuse their children and while I appreciate that this is not acceptable, doctors must appreciate that not every injury is the result of child abuse.
Over recent years, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of parents being accused of shaken baby syndrome after a possible vaccine injury has occurred. In 1998, Dr. Viera Scheibner called this rise an “epidemic.” In a paper published by Nexus, she wrote:
“Some time ago I started getting requests from lawyers or the accused parents themselves for expert reports. A close study of the history of these cases revealed something distinctly sinister: in every single case, the symptoms appeared shortly after the baby’s vaccinations.” [1]
I would go one step further than Dr. Scheibner and say that this epidemic has now become a “pandemic of shaken baby syndrome.”
Baby A’s vaccine card states that on the September 25 she received the Prevanar vaccine, a vaccine that has been known to cause severe adverse reactions, including convulsions, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the face, hands and feet and death. [2]
Could it be possible that the swelling of Baby A’s hands, feet, head and eyes was in fact evidence that she was suffering from an adverse reaction from the vaccine?
More Infant Deaths from this Dangerous Vaccine
Many may argue that this swelling happened two weeks after the vaccine was administered, but I would counter argue, stating that there is no set time frame for an adverse reaction to occur. Remember, Baby A’s legs had swollen up shortly after she received the vaccine and had remained swollen for some weeks.
According to Reuters, in 2009 the Dutch authorities banned the vaccine Prevenar after three infants died within two weeks of receiving the vaccine. This was the same time frame that occurred between the administration of the vaccine and Baby A’s death.
A spokeswomen for the Dutch health institute RIVM stated:
“On average, about five to ten deaths are reported annually after babies get vaccines. We now have three cases in a short period; that is unusual, and the reason for suspending the batch.” [3]
The deaths in Holland are not the only deaths that have been reported.
In 2000, Michael Horwin, MA, reported that while conducting the clinical trials for Prevenar, twelve children had died.
In Part 3 of his paper entitled Prevnar A Critical Review of a New Childhood Vaccine, Horwin wrote:
“Furthermore, the insert tells us that, “Twelve deaths (5 SIDS and 7 with clear alternative cause) occurred among subjects receiving Prevnar.” This number was less than the ’21 deaths (8 SIDS, 12 with clear alternative cause and one SIDS-like death in an older child)’ that occurred in the control group.However, both groups (Prevnar and control) received some form of experimental vaccine. Therefore, all we know is that 33 children are dead and at least 13 died of SIDS.” [4] (emphasis added)
This paperwork also revealed that several doctors involved in the clinical trials were reported to have had conflicts of interest. If this is true, then the efficacy of this vaccine was questionable before it was ever approved and this was borne out by the website ‘Flu Prevention and Treatments – Naturally’ who stated that during a search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a total of 28,317 adverse reactions had been reported since the vaccine had been approved in 2000 which included:
As with so many of these cases, Baby A did not just receive just one vaccine, so it is therefore difficult to pinpoint exactly which vaccine, if any, may have led to her death. However, it is vital that the doctors involved in this case as with all cases, consider the vaccines as a possible contributory factor.
Sadly, these parents have been accused and charged with the murder of their daughter without any substantial evidence of foul play. There appears to be no evidence of external head injuries or bruising to the upper body to indicate that Baby A had been shaken.
I believe that if this child had been shaken there would have been evidence of either back or neck injuries because a baby of five months does not have full head control.
All vaccines and drugs carry a risk of adverse reactions and after receiving 21 vaccines it is highly possible that Baby A died of toxic poisoning. If so, her death was caused not by her parents but by the huge number of vaccines sanctioned by the government and the fact that the hospital failed to recognize the possibility that this little girl may have been suffering an adverse reaction to vaccination.
It is important to recognize that some parents do physically abuse their children and while I appreciate that this is not acceptable, doctors must appreciate that not every injury is the result of child abuse.
Over recent years, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of parents being accused of shaken baby syndrome after a possible vaccine injury has occurred. In 1998, Dr. Viera Scheibner called this rise an “epidemic.” In a paper published by Nexus, she wrote:
“Some time ago I started getting requests from lawyers or the accused parents themselves for expert reports. A close study of the history of these cases revealed something distinctly sinister: in every single case, the symptoms appeared shortly after the baby’s vaccinations.” [1]
I would go one step further than Dr. Scheibner and say that this epidemic has now become a “pandemic of shaken baby syndrome.”
Baby A’s vaccine card states that on the September 25 she received the Prevanar vaccine, a vaccine that has been known to cause severe adverse reactions, including convulsions, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the face, hands and feet and death. [2]
Could it be possible that the swelling of Baby A’s hands, feet, head and eyes was in fact evidence that she was suffering from an adverse reaction from the vaccine?
More Infant Deaths from this Dangerous Vaccine
Many may argue that this swelling happened two weeks after the vaccine was administered, but I would counter argue, stating that there is no set time frame for an adverse reaction to occur. Remember, Baby A’s legs had swollen up shortly after she received the vaccine and had remained swollen for some weeks.
According to Reuters, in 2009 the Dutch authorities banned the vaccine Prevenar after three infants died within two weeks of receiving the vaccine. This was the same time frame that occurred between the administration of the vaccine and Baby A’s death.
A spokeswomen for the Dutch health institute RIVM stated:
“On average, about five to ten deaths are reported annually after babies get vaccines. We now have three cases in a short period; that is unusual, and the reason for suspending the batch.” [3]
The deaths in Holland are not the only deaths that have been reported.
In 2000, Michael Horwin, MA, reported that while conducting the clinical trials for Prevenar, twelve children had died.
In Part 3 of his paper entitled Prevnar A Critical Review of a New Childhood Vaccine, Horwin wrote:
“Furthermore, the insert tells us that, “Twelve deaths (5 SIDS and 7 with clear alternative cause) occurred among subjects receiving Prevnar.” This number was less than the ’21 deaths (8 SIDS, 12 with clear alternative cause and one SIDS-like death in an older child)’ that occurred in the control group.However, both groups (Prevnar and control) received some form of experimental vaccine. Therefore, all we know is that 33 children are dead and at least 13 died of SIDS.” [4] (emphasis added)
This paperwork also revealed that several doctors involved in the clinical trials were reported to have had conflicts of interest. If this is true, then the efficacy of this vaccine was questionable before it was ever approved and this was borne out by the website ‘Flu Prevention and Treatments – Naturally’ who stated that during a search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a total of 28,317 adverse reactions had been reported since the vaccine had been approved in 2000 which included:
- 558 deaths
- 555 life threatening conditions
- 238 permanent disabilities
- 2,584 hospitalizations
- 101 prolonged hospitalizations
- 8,166 emergency room cases
- 16,155 “not serious” [5]
As with so many of these cases, Baby A did not just receive just one vaccine, so it is therefore difficult to pinpoint exactly which vaccine, if any, may have led to her death. However, it is vital that the doctors involved in this case as with all cases, consider the vaccines as a possible contributory factor.
Sadly, these parents have been accused and charged with the murder of their daughter without any substantial evidence of foul play. There appears to be no evidence of external head injuries or bruising to the upper body to indicate that Baby A had been shaken.
I believe that if this child had been shaken there would have been evidence of either back or neck injuries because a baby of five months does not have full head control.
All vaccines and drugs carry a risk of adverse reactions and after receiving 21 vaccines it is highly possible that Baby A died of toxic poisoning. If so, her death was caused not by her parents but by the huge number of vaccines sanctioned by the government and the fact that the hospital failed to recognize the possibility that this little girl may have been suffering an adverse reaction to vaccination.
1. http://www.nexusmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart…
2. www.medsafe.govt.nz/consumers/cmi/p/prevenar.pdf
3. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2009/11/05/dutch-deaths…
4. http://nvkp.nl/informatie/nieuws/nieuws-item…
5. http://www.flu-treatments.com/prevnar-vaccine.html
The Scary Truth About
the New York City
Flu Vaccine Mandate
the New York City
Flu Vaccine Mandate
This year, 150,000 children will be added to the list of victims of forced vaccination. The leaders of New York City have mandated that all children under the age of six years old who attend day care or preschool must be vaccinated with the flu vaccine.
The official requirement mandates that all children between the ages of six months and five years who will be attending day care or preschool in New York City must be vaccinated between July 1 and December 31 of any given year. One health official claims that the rule won’t officially be enforced until the end of 2014, and a press release from the New York City Board of Health states that they will begin issuing violations on January 1, 2016. [1] [2]
New York City already mandates that children must be vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, chicken pox, and tetanus. The new mandate is expected to affect 150,000 children under the age of six. Daycare and preschool facilities will be required to enforce the mandates or face they will face fines. [3]
Reason #1: It Interferes with Parental Choice
Regardless of people’s views about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, many people would agree that it should be an individual’s right to choose – or, in the case of a minor, a parent’s right to choose – which substances are injected into their body.
Well-known groups comprising large numbers of employees in New York are already opposed to vaccine mandates, including the New York State Public Employees Federation and the New York State Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). [4]
In its own statement regarding vaccination, even the American Medical Association (AMA) grants approval for medical personnel to receive exemptions for vaccines due to a “recognized medical, religious, or philosophic reason,” exemptions which are more lenient than those granted to babies and preschool children affected by the NYC mandate.
Also in question is whether or not the city government has the authority to mandate vaccines. City officials claim that their Health Department has “authority over all matters concerning health in New York City” through the City Charter.
Recently, many Americans were outraged by the decision of officials from United Arab Emirates to mandate forced breastfeeding for the first two years of a child’s life. We knew that forcing someone to breastfeed, regardless of the benefits of breastfeeding, infringed on their personal right to make choices about their own bodies. Yet, some people fail to recognize that vaccination, the injection of foreign substances into one’s body, should also be a choice. [5]
Reason #2: The Flu Vaccine is Ineffective
The most recent statistics, based on scientific studies published by well-known media channels such as USA Today and The Huffington Post, demonstrate the flu vaccine’s inability to prevent the flu. Contrary to what vaccine manufacturers want us to believe, the flu vaccine will not make us healthier.
An article published on the website for USA Today stated, “This season’s flu vaccine was almost completely ineffective in people 65 and older.” One source from Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine stated, “Everyone at CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting was scratching their heads over this.” [6] A similar article published by The Huffington Post reported an overall effectiveness rate of only 59 percent. [7]
Older adults are not the only group of people who experience few benefits from the flu vaccine. The CDC itself, when answering the question “How effective is the flu vaccine in children?” on its website, admits that “reduced benefits of flu vaccine are often found in studies of young children,” especially those under two years of age, the very age group targeted by this vaccine mandate. [8]
Influenza and similar illnesses can be caused by over 200 to 300 viruses, and some research indicates that vaccines may be most effective against combating influenza A and B, which comprise a mere ten percent of circulating viruses. Often, people mistake flu-like symptoms for influenza, and they don’t actually have the flu.
Furthermore, if you win the “flu lottery,” by actually contracting one of the three strains of flu that happens to be in this season’s flu vaccine, the vaccine will be worthless if your body hasn’t fully responded to the vaccine (which takes two weeks) or if too much time (more than three months) has passed between vaccination and viral exposure. [9] [10]
Reason #3: The Flu Vaccine is Dangerous
According to the CDC, the flu vaccine contains thimerosal, aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, aborted human fetal cells, and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Our immune systems may be unable to combat these foreign, toxic substances, especially while under the influence of very common conditions such as high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, and damaged gut lining.
According to a search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website, in the past five years, (during the period from January 2009 until February 2014) there were 55, 578 adverse events reported to VAERS related to the flu vaccine. Of these adverse events, 7,904 affected children under the age of six. [11]
Most disturbing among these numbers are the reported 47 children age five and under who died after receiving the flu vaccine during the past five years alone.
Keep in mind, vaccine injuries and deaths are grossly under-reported. Less than ten percent of vaccine injuries are actually reported, which brings the likely death toll from the flu vaccine to over one hundred children per year. [12]
Are There Exemptions for This Mandate?
Yes, although options for parents who don’t wish to vaccinate their children are limited. New York State allows medical and religious exemptions, although philosophical exemptions against vaccines are not granted. Fortunately, children who attend family day cares in people’s homes are currently exempt from the flu vaccine mandate. [13]
Families should not be forced to inject their child with toxic substances. They should not be forced to receive a vaccine that is ineffective and dangerous. They should not be forced to give up their preferred choice for quality, early childhood education and care programs in order to avoid forced vaccination. Families should be allowed to make the choices for their health and well-being that are best for their family.
If your child attends day care or preschool in New York City, we urge you to contact your elected officials and tell them you are against forced vaccination for your child. In addition, you may exercise your right to choose a religious exemption from the flu vaccine mandate, or enroll your child in a family day care, where they will be exempt from mandatory vaccination against the flu.
Finally, whether or not your child is affected by the latest NYC vaccine mandate, we urge you to learn about vaccine legislation where you live and research vaccine ingredients. You can download a free vaccine research guide right now to protect your child from unwanted, toxic substances contained in vaccines.
The official requirement mandates that all children between the ages of six months and five years who will be attending day care or preschool in New York City must be vaccinated between July 1 and December 31 of any given year. One health official claims that the rule won’t officially be enforced until the end of 2014, and a press release from the New York City Board of Health states that they will begin issuing violations on January 1, 2016. [1] [2]
New York City already mandates that children must be vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, chicken pox, and tetanus. The new mandate is expected to affect 150,000 children under the age of six. Daycare and preschool facilities will be required to enforce the mandates or face they will face fines. [3]
Reason #1: It Interferes with Parental Choice
Regardless of people’s views about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, many people would agree that it should be an individual’s right to choose – or, in the case of a minor, a parent’s right to choose – which substances are injected into their body.
Well-known groups comprising large numbers of employees in New York are already opposed to vaccine mandates, including the New York State Public Employees Federation and the New York State Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). [4]
In its own statement regarding vaccination, even the American Medical Association (AMA) grants approval for medical personnel to receive exemptions for vaccines due to a “recognized medical, religious, or philosophic reason,” exemptions which are more lenient than those granted to babies and preschool children affected by the NYC mandate.
Also in question is whether or not the city government has the authority to mandate vaccines. City officials claim that their Health Department has “authority over all matters concerning health in New York City” through the City Charter.
Recently, many Americans were outraged by the decision of officials from United Arab Emirates to mandate forced breastfeeding for the first two years of a child’s life. We knew that forcing someone to breastfeed, regardless of the benefits of breastfeeding, infringed on their personal right to make choices about their own bodies. Yet, some people fail to recognize that vaccination, the injection of foreign substances into one’s body, should also be a choice. [5]
Reason #2: The Flu Vaccine is Ineffective
The most recent statistics, based on scientific studies published by well-known media channels such as USA Today and The Huffington Post, demonstrate the flu vaccine’s inability to prevent the flu. Contrary to what vaccine manufacturers want us to believe, the flu vaccine will not make us healthier.
An article published on the website for USA Today stated, “This season’s flu vaccine was almost completely ineffective in people 65 and older.” One source from Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine stated, “Everyone at CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting was scratching their heads over this.” [6] A similar article published by The Huffington Post reported an overall effectiveness rate of only 59 percent. [7]
Older adults are not the only group of people who experience few benefits from the flu vaccine. The CDC itself, when answering the question “How effective is the flu vaccine in children?” on its website, admits that “reduced benefits of flu vaccine are often found in studies of young children,” especially those under two years of age, the very age group targeted by this vaccine mandate. [8]
Influenza and similar illnesses can be caused by over 200 to 300 viruses, and some research indicates that vaccines may be most effective against combating influenza A and B, which comprise a mere ten percent of circulating viruses. Often, people mistake flu-like symptoms for influenza, and they don’t actually have the flu.
Furthermore, if you win the “flu lottery,” by actually contracting one of the three strains of flu that happens to be in this season’s flu vaccine, the vaccine will be worthless if your body hasn’t fully responded to the vaccine (which takes two weeks) or if too much time (more than three months) has passed between vaccination and viral exposure. [9] [10]
Reason #3: The Flu Vaccine is Dangerous
According to the CDC, the flu vaccine contains thimerosal, aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, aborted human fetal cells, and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Our immune systems may be unable to combat these foreign, toxic substances, especially while under the influence of very common conditions such as high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, and damaged gut lining.
According to a search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website, in the past five years, (during the period from January 2009 until February 2014) there were 55, 578 adverse events reported to VAERS related to the flu vaccine. Of these adverse events, 7,904 affected children under the age of six. [11]
Most disturbing among these numbers are the reported 47 children age five and under who died after receiving the flu vaccine during the past five years alone.
Keep in mind, vaccine injuries and deaths are grossly under-reported. Less than ten percent of vaccine injuries are actually reported, which brings the likely death toll from the flu vaccine to over one hundred children per year. [12]
Are There Exemptions for This Mandate?
Yes, although options for parents who don’t wish to vaccinate their children are limited. New York State allows medical and religious exemptions, although philosophical exemptions against vaccines are not granted. Fortunately, children who attend family day cares in people’s homes are currently exempt from the flu vaccine mandate. [13]
Families should not be forced to inject their child with toxic substances. They should not be forced to receive a vaccine that is ineffective and dangerous. They should not be forced to give up their preferred choice for quality, early childhood education and care programs in order to avoid forced vaccination. Families should be allowed to make the choices for their health and well-being that are best for their family.
If your child attends day care or preschool in New York City, we urge you to contact your elected officials and tell them you are against forced vaccination for your child. In addition, you may exercise your right to choose a religious exemption from the flu vaccine mandate, or enroll your child in a family day care, where they will be exempt from mandatory vaccination against the flu.
Finally, whether or not your child is affected by the latest NYC vaccine mandate, we urge you to learn about vaccine legislation where you live and research vaccine ingredients. You can download a free vaccine research guide right now to protect your child from unwanted, toxic substances contained in vaccines.
- http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/12/11/nyc-board-of-health-to-vote-on-flu-shot-mandate-for-young-children/
- http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/day-care-flu-faq.pdf
- http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nyc-requires-flu-shots-for-all-daycare-preschool-children/
- http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/August-2012/labor-unions-oppose-mandatory-flu-shots-as-ama-che.aspx
- http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2014/03/23/making-vaccination-mandatory-for-all-children/parents-deserve-to-have-a-choice-about-vaccination
- http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2013/02/21/flu-vaccine-doesnt-work-over-65/1934651/
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/27/flu-shot-only-59-percent-effective_n_1032916.html
- http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/vaccineeffect.htm
- http://www.nvic.org/vaccines-and-diseases/Influenza/Why-Influenza-Vaccine-Mandates-Are-Ineffective—U.aspx
- http://www.naturalnews.com/037323_flu_vaccines_junk…
- http://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D8
- http://www.nvic.org/reportreaction.aspx
- http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nyc-requires-flu-shots-for-all-daycare-preschool-children/
by Christina England
August 17 2014
Families with new babies who query vaccinations in Arizona are being given a wad of paperwork assuring them that vaccinations are safe and effective. Reading through this information, I was shocked to see exactly what these vulnerable parents are being told, because, as usual, they are only being told half the story.
Part one of the paperwork, titled Infections Are the Enemy, Not Vaccines, was written by Karen Lewis, MD, the Medical Director of the Arizona Immunization Program Office for the Arizona Department of Health Services and published by the magazine Immunications. She wrote:
“My first exposure to antivaccine fervor was during my pediatric infectious disease fellowship at UCLA. At that time, whooping cough vaccine was being blamed for encephalopathy, mental retardation, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). In Japan there was a period where parents lost confidence in the pertussis vaccines (Whooping Cough), and stopped immunizing their children. The result of not vaccinating was that scores of infants died yearly from pertussis in Japan before new acellular pertussis vaccines won acceptance.”
While this statement is true, it only tells parents part of the truth. It appears that Dr. Lewis seemingly forgot to mention the following important facts.
Inaccuracies Ironed Out
Let us first examine the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine. The DTP was first introduced to the vaccine schedules during the 1930s and was problematic from the onset, as adverse reactions quickly began to emerge.
The DTP vaccine is a whole cell vaccine. A whole cell vaccine is a vaccine containing a killed virus or bacteria. The DTP vaccine contains the killed Bordetella bacterium, the bacteria causing the whooping cough infection.
The bacterium is killed using either a physical or chemical process.
The DTP Vaccination’s Tainted History
In 1948, Randolph Byers and Frederick Moll, from Harvard Medical School, had become so concerned about the numbers of adverse reactions being reported following vaccinations that they carried out a study. They concluded that the DTP vaccination caused a number of children to suffer from severe neurological problems, including seizures.
Their study was published in the medical journal Pediatrics. [1] They wrote:
“Inspection of the records of the Children’s Hospital for the past ten years has disclosed 15 instances in which children developed acute cerebral symptoms within a period of hours after the administration of pertussis vaccine. The children varied between 5 and 18 months in age and, in so far as it is possible to judge children of this age range, were developing normally according to histories supplied by their parents. None had had convulsions previously. Many different lots of vaccine, made by eight different manufacturers over a period of eight years, were implicated. The inoculations were given throughout the usual geographic range of children coming to this hospital. All but one, at the time of follow-up or death, showed evidence of impairment of the nervous system, which might still have been in the healing stage in three or four.
During the same period about half as many children were seen in the hospital suffering from the encephalopathy secondary to smallpox vaccination, and about twice as many from the encephalopathy complicating pertussis itself.”
Despite writing an informative paper which was full of facts and figures, their paper was ignored by the medical and pharmaceutical communities. As a result, more and more children began to develop worrisome adverse reactions.
In the early 1970s, Professor Gordon Stewart wrote a series of papers raising his concerns about the vaccine. In the paper, titled Toxicity of pertussis vaccine: frequency and probability of reactions, he wrote:
“To date, File A contains identifying data on 1127 children notified or detected from these various sources. All of these children are reported as having had reactions to triple vaccine (DPT) or, rarely, to pertussis vaccine given alone, followed by severe brain damage. During the same period 17 children have been notified as having had reactions followed by brain damage after receiving other vaccines (seven smallpox, four measles, three rubella, three diphtheria-tetanus).
File B, with 110 variables each with up to nine sub-variables, is built up as independent medical and other evidence is obtained. The present report deals with 197 cases in which the evidence is reasonably complete.” [2]
Once again, despite the vast amount of information contained in his paper, his paper and his concerns were ignored.
The DTP and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
The problems being reported continued to escalate, finally coming to a head in 1975 when Japan took the unprecedented decision to stop vaccinating children under the age of two with the DPT vaccine. Their decision had a dramatic effect as Dr. Viera Scheibner explained:
“JAPAN: In 1975, about 37 Crib Sudden Deaths were linked to vaccination in Japan. Doctors in one prefecture boycotted vaccinations, and refused to vaccinate. The Japanese government paid attention and stopped vaccinating children below the age of two years. When immunization was delayed until a child was 24 months of age, Sudden Infant Death cases and claims for vaccine related deaths disappeared. Japan zoomed from a high 17th place in infant mortality rate to the lowest infant mortality rate in the world when they stopped vaccinating. Japan didn’t vaccinate any children below the age of two years between 1975 and 1988, for thirteen years. But then in 1988, Japanese parents were given the choice to start vaccinating anywhere between three months and 48 months. The Ministry study group studied 2,720 SIDS cases occurring between 1980 and 1992 and they established that their very low SIDS rate quadrupled.” [3]
Despite Japan’s stance and the dramatic results that followed, little action was taken and children continued to be vaccinated with this dangerous vaccine.
Hundreds of Children Died Following the DTP Vaccine Before Action Was Taken
A flurry of reports followed, each and every one of them reporting cases of children dying suddenly from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) after receiving the DTP vaccine.
In 1983, Baraff LJ et al. wrote a paper titled Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome, which was later published in Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
They wrote:
“Because diphtheria and tetanus toxoids pertussis (DTP) vaccine is routinely given during the period of highest incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), this study was undertaken to determine if there is a temporal association between DTP immunization and SIDS. Parents of 145 SIDS victims who died in Los Angeles County between January 1, 1979, and August 23, 1980, were contacted and interviewed regarding their child’s recent immunization history. Fifty-three had received a DTP immunization. Of these 53, 27 had received a DTP immunization within 28 days of death. Six SIDS deaths occurred within 24 hours and 17 occurred within 1 week of DTP immunization.” [4]
Still no action was taken.
In 1980, Professor Gordon T. Stewart wrote a further paper titled The Whooping Cough Vaccination which was published by the magazine Here’s Health. He wrote:
“There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands, of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence.
There are also, to my certain knowledge, a number of deaths after vaccination in the UK and the USA which await explanation. I see no use or justification for this kind of medical policy, and I think that the use of pertussis vaccine should be discontinued until, by better research or a better vaccine, these doubts are resolved.” [5]
In 1996, Harris L. Coutler wrote the paper titled SIDS and Seizures, in which he stated:
“”Crib death” was so infrequent in the pre-vaccination era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics, but it started to climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccination against diseases of childhood. It became a matter of public and professional concern and even acquired a new name, “sudden infant death of unknown origin.” or, for short, SIDS.” (sic) [6]
All of these papers were in line with Dr. Viera Scheibner’s ground-breaking paper titled Dynamics of critical days as part of the dynamics of non-specific stress syndrome discovered during monitoring with Cotwatch breathing monitor, which was full of scientific evidence proving that babies can have severe adverse reactions to vaccinations at critical intervals following their vaccinations. [7]
Replacing One Dangerous Vaccine With Another
Beginning to worry slightly, instead of suspending the whooping cough vaccine until further notice, as one would expect, world governments decided that it would be a great idea to replace one dangerous vaccination with another, and in 1991, many replaced the DTP with the DTaP on their vaccine schedules.
The DTaP is an acellular vaccine, meaning that the vaccine contains two or more antigens but no whole cells. (An antigen is a harmful substance that causes the body to produce antibodies.)
Within a few years of this vaccine being introduced, papers began to emerge stating that this vaccine was another vaccine not to be trusted.
In 1998, Kris Gaublomme, MD, wrote a paper published in The International Vaccine titled Acellular Pertussis. Dr. Gaublomme highlighted the fact that data being produced on the safety issues of the acellular vaccine was contradictory. He wrote:
“The data on the safety of the new acellular vaccine are contradictory. The Japanese study (I) e.g. mentions that “the vaccine does not have detectable side-effects”, whereas the introduction of the same article says that “it is less than one-tenth as toxic as whole-cell vaccine …”. How can a quantitative comparison be made if there is “no detectable side-effect” at all? Poland argues that in a recent Swedish vaccine trial, there was no benefit of the acellular vaccine over the whole-cell vaccine as to efficacy nor as to “the frequency of serious adverse events, including hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes.” (sic)
Local side-effects are generally admitted. They consist of redness and swelling.
Systemic reactions, however, also occur. Examples are fever, drowsiness, irritability, prolonged, high-pitched crying and seizures.
In one study there was no difference with the old vaccine with respect to fussiness, antipyretic use, drowsiness, or anorexia.
Uberall noticed convulsions within three days of vaccination occurred in 1/15,912 doses in DTaP recipients.
Persistent inconsolable crying, a sure sign of brain inflammation, was present in 1/497 doses.
High fever (<40.5°C) was observed in 1/16,239 doses. One hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode was observed in 4,273 DTaP recipients.
Fever, injection site redness, swelling, and pain increased in prevalence with increasing numbers of injections. For children receiving DTaP as a fourth dose, injection site redness and swelling occurred more frequently in DtaP primed than in DTwP-primed children.” [8] (emphasis added)
Despite this paper and many others indicating that adverse reactions to the whooping cough vaccine were still occurring, the CDC continued to bury its head in the sand, and instead of being honest, decided to conceal the facts from the public.
In March 2014, Paul G. King, PhD, wrote a paper titled A fact-based Assessment of blind eye to scientific fraud is dangerous. He wrote:
“According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, vaccination, introduced in the 1940s, brought the number of cases per year down from 107,473 in 1922 to just 1,248 in 1981. Since 1982, however, the number of cases has steadily increased.
As Bass JW, et al. predicted in 1987 and confirmed in 1994, the increase in the reported clinical cases of ‘whooping cough’ since 1982 has been caused by a failed vaccine program.
Moreover, the failure is increasingly evident despite the CDC’s attempt to conceal that failure by adding first more and more doses of the DTaP vaccine and, after the children are 7 years of age, now recommending that children be given a Tdap vaccine since giving a DTaP vaccine to anyone over 7 years of age can be fatal to the inoculated individual.” (sic) [9]
In other words, the DTaP is not only dangerous, but it DOESN’T WORK!!
Dr. Lewis Defends Thimerosal
Throughout her paper, Dr. Lewis wrote about what she calls the ‘anti-vaccine fervor,’ continually mixing up the truth with fiction. She wrote:
“ … Accusations focused on thimerosal, an ethyl-mercury-containing vaccine preservative. There had never been any scientific evidence of adverse effects from thimerosal. Still, to be on the safe side, in 1999 the Public Health Service and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended thatthimerosal-containing vaccines be removed from vaccines. Thimerosal became the new object of blame.” (emphasis added)
The Public Health Service and the American Academy of Pediatrics may well have recommended that thimerosal should be removed from vaccines; however, many vaccines still contain the preservative today.
What Dr. Lewis Did Not Tell Parents About Thimerosal
Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound used as a preservative in many vaccines since the 1930s. Despite being 49.6 percent ethyl mercury, a highly toxic poison that is geno-toxic and neurotoxic, thimerosal is said to help prevent potentially life-threatening contamination from harmful microbes.
Although the preservative was not used in all vaccinations (for example, it has never been used in measles-mumps-rubella or chickenpox vaccines), it was originally used in the manufacture of many early vaccines and, for many years, has been frequently linked to neurological problems in children, such as autism and ADHD. [10] [11]
As stated by Dr. Lewis in 1999, the Public Health Service and the AAP recommended that thimerosal be taken out of vaccines as a precautionary measure. However, despite their recommendations, it still remains in many vaccinations today, including:
As a journalist and a mother myself, I found Dr. Lewis’s paper to be poorly written, lacking in substance and containing very few credible references. If parents are given poor information and very few facts, how can they ever make an informed decision about vaccinations?
Parents are continually being lied to by the medical profession, the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical industry and world governments, and it needs to stop. How can we trust a person paid to vaccinate our children? Let’s face it – Dr. Karen Lewis is, after all, the Medical Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services. She is hardly likely to tell parents the truth, is she?
August 17 2014
Families with new babies who query vaccinations in Arizona are being given a wad of paperwork assuring them that vaccinations are safe and effective. Reading through this information, I was shocked to see exactly what these vulnerable parents are being told, because, as usual, they are only being told half the story.
Part one of the paperwork, titled Infections Are the Enemy, Not Vaccines, was written by Karen Lewis, MD, the Medical Director of the Arizona Immunization Program Office for the Arizona Department of Health Services and published by the magazine Immunications. She wrote:
“My first exposure to antivaccine fervor was during my pediatric infectious disease fellowship at UCLA. At that time, whooping cough vaccine was being blamed for encephalopathy, mental retardation, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). In Japan there was a period where parents lost confidence in the pertussis vaccines (Whooping Cough), and stopped immunizing their children. The result of not vaccinating was that scores of infants died yearly from pertussis in Japan before new acellular pertussis vaccines won acceptance.”
While this statement is true, it only tells parents part of the truth. It appears that Dr. Lewis seemingly forgot to mention the following important facts.
Inaccuracies Ironed Out
Let us first examine the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine. The DTP was first introduced to the vaccine schedules during the 1930s and was problematic from the onset, as adverse reactions quickly began to emerge.
The DTP vaccine is a whole cell vaccine. A whole cell vaccine is a vaccine containing a killed virus or bacteria. The DTP vaccine contains the killed Bordetella bacterium, the bacteria causing the whooping cough infection.
The bacterium is killed using either a physical or chemical process.
The DTP Vaccination’s Tainted History
In 1948, Randolph Byers and Frederick Moll, from Harvard Medical School, had become so concerned about the numbers of adverse reactions being reported following vaccinations that they carried out a study. They concluded that the DTP vaccination caused a number of children to suffer from severe neurological problems, including seizures.
Their study was published in the medical journal Pediatrics. [1] They wrote:
“Inspection of the records of the Children’s Hospital for the past ten years has disclosed 15 instances in which children developed acute cerebral symptoms within a period of hours after the administration of pertussis vaccine. The children varied between 5 and 18 months in age and, in so far as it is possible to judge children of this age range, were developing normally according to histories supplied by their parents. None had had convulsions previously. Many different lots of vaccine, made by eight different manufacturers over a period of eight years, were implicated. The inoculations were given throughout the usual geographic range of children coming to this hospital. All but one, at the time of follow-up or death, showed evidence of impairment of the nervous system, which might still have been in the healing stage in three or four.
During the same period about half as many children were seen in the hospital suffering from the encephalopathy secondary to smallpox vaccination, and about twice as many from the encephalopathy complicating pertussis itself.”
Despite writing an informative paper which was full of facts and figures, their paper was ignored by the medical and pharmaceutical communities. As a result, more and more children began to develop worrisome adverse reactions.
In the early 1970s, Professor Gordon Stewart wrote a series of papers raising his concerns about the vaccine. In the paper, titled Toxicity of pertussis vaccine: frequency and probability of reactions, he wrote:
“To date, File A contains identifying data on 1127 children notified or detected from these various sources. All of these children are reported as having had reactions to triple vaccine (DPT) or, rarely, to pertussis vaccine given alone, followed by severe brain damage. During the same period 17 children have been notified as having had reactions followed by brain damage after receiving other vaccines (seven smallpox, four measles, three rubella, three diphtheria-tetanus).
File B, with 110 variables each with up to nine sub-variables, is built up as independent medical and other evidence is obtained. The present report deals with 197 cases in which the evidence is reasonably complete.” [2]
Once again, despite the vast amount of information contained in his paper, his paper and his concerns were ignored.
The DTP and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
The problems being reported continued to escalate, finally coming to a head in 1975 when Japan took the unprecedented decision to stop vaccinating children under the age of two with the DPT vaccine. Their decision had a dramatic effect as Dr. Viera Scheibner explained:
“JAPAN: In 1975, about 37 Crib Sudden Deaths were linked to vaccination in Japan. Doctors in one prefecture boycotted vaccinations, and refused to vaccinate. The Japanese government paid attention and stopped vaccinating children below the age of two years. When immunization was delayed until a child was 24 months of age, Sudden Infant Death cases and claims for vaccine related deaths disappeared. Japan zoomed from a high 17th place in infant mortality rate to the lowest infant mortality rate in the world when they stopped vaccinating. Japan didn’t vaccinate any children below the age of two years between 1975 and 1988, for thirteen years. But then in 1988, Japanese parents were given the choice to start vaccinating anywhere between three months and 48 months. The Ministry study group studied 2,720 SIDS cases occurring between 1980 and 1992 and they established that their very low SIDS rate quadrupled.” [3]
Despite Japan’s stance and the dramatic results that followed, little action was taken and children continued to be vaccinated with this dangerous vaccine.
Hundreds of Children Died Following the DTP Vaccine Before Action Was Taken
A flurry of reports followed, each and every one of them reporting cases of children dying suddenly from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) after receiving the DTP vaccine.
In 1983, Baraff LJ et al. wrote a paper titled Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome, which was later published in Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
They wrote:
“Because diphtheria and tetanus toxoids pertussis (DTP) vaccine is routinely given during the period of highest incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), this study was undertaken to determine if there is a temporal association between DTP immunization and SIDS. Parents of 145 SIDS victims who died in Los Angeles County between January 1, 1979, and August 23, 1980, were contacted and interviewed regarding their child’s recent immunization history. Fifty-three had received a DTP immunization. Of these 53, 27 had received a DTP immunization within 28 days of death. Six SIDS deaths occurred within 24 hours and 17 occurred within 1 week of DTP immunization.” [4]
Still no action was taken.
In 1980, Professor Gordon T. Stewart wrote a further paper titled The Whooping Cough Vaccination which was published by the magazine Here’s Health. He wrote:
“There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands, of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence.
There are also, to my certain knowledge, a number of deaths after vaccination in the UK and the USA which await explanation. I see no use or justification for this kind of medical policy, and I think that the use of pertussis vaccine should be discontinued until, by better research or a better vaccine, these doubts are resolved.” [5]
In 1996, Harris L. Coutler wrote the paper titled SIDS and Seizures, in which he stated:
“”Crib death” was so infrequent in the pre-vaccination era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics, but it started to climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccination against diseases of childhood. It became a matter of public and professional concern and even acquired a new name, “sudden infant death of unknown origin.” or, for short, SIDS.” (sic) [6]
All of these papers were in line with Dr. Viera Scheibner’s ground-breaking paper titled Dynamics of critical days as part of the dynamics of non-specific stress syndrome discovered during monitoring with Cotwatch breathing monitor, which was full of scientific evidence proving that babies can have severe adverse reactions to vaccinations at critical intervals following their vaccinations. [7]
Replacing One Dangerous Vaccine With Another
Beginning to worry slightly, instead of suspending the whooping cough vaccine until further notice, as one would expect, world governments decided that it would be a great idea to replace one dangerous vaccination with another, and in 1991, many replaced the DTP with the DTaP on their vaccine schedules.
The DTaP is an acellular vaccine, meaning that the vaccine contains two or more antigens but no whole cells. (An antigen is a harmful substance that causes the body to produce antibodies.)
Within a few years of this vaccine being introduced, papers began to emerge stating that this vaccine was another vaccine not to be trusted.
In 1998, Kris Gaublomme, MD, wrote a paper published in The International Vaccine titled Acellular Pertussis. Dr. Gaublomme highlighted the fact that data being produced on the safety issues of the acellular vaccine was contradictory. He wrote:
“The data on the safety of the new acellular vaccine are contradictory. The Japanese study (I) e.g. mentions that “the vaccine does not have detectable side-effects”, whereas the introduction of the same article says that “it is less than one-tenth as toxic as whole-cell vaccine …”. How can a quantitative comparison be made if there is “no detectable side-effect” at all? Poland argues that in a recent Swedish vaccine trial, there was no benefit of the acellular vaccine over the whole-cell vaccine as to efficacy nor as to “the frequency of serious adverse events, including hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes.” (sic)
Local side-effects are generally admitted. They consist of redness and swelling.
Systemic reactions, however, also occur. Examples are fever, drowsiness, irritability, prolonged, high-pitched crying and seizures.
In one study there was no difference with the old vaccine with respect to fussiness, antipyretic use, drowsiness, or anorexia.
Uberall noticed convulsions within three days of vaccination occurred in 1/15,912 doses in DTaP recipients.
Persistent inconsolable crying, a sure sign of brain inflammation, was present in 1/497 doses.
High fever (<40.5°C) was observed in 1/16,239 doses. One hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode was observed in 4,273 DTaP recipients.
Fever, injection site redness, swelling, and pain increased in prevalence with increasing numbers of injections. For children receiving DTaP as a fourth dose, injection site redness and swelling occurred more frequently in DtaP primed than in DTwP-primed children.” [8] (emphasis added)
Despite this paper and many others indicating that adverse reactions to the whooping cough vaccine were still occurring, the CDC continued to bury its head in the sand, and instead of being honest, decided to conceal the facts from the public.
In March 2014, Paul G. King, PhD, wrote a paper titled A fact-based Assessment of blind eye to scientific fraud is dangerous. He wrote:
“According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, vaccination, introduced in the 1940s, brought the number of cases per year down from 107,473 in 1922 to just 1,248 in 1981. Since 1982, however, the number of cases has steadily increased.
As Bass JW, et al. predicted in 1987 and confirmed in 1994, the increase in the reported clinical cases of ‘whooping cough’ since 1982 has been caused by a failed vaccine program.
Moreover, the failure is increasingly evident despite the CDC’s attempt to conceal that failure by adding first more and more doses of the DTaP vaccine and, after the children are 7 years of age, now recommending that children be given a Tdap vaccine since giving a DTaP vaccine to anyone over 7 years of age can be fatal to the inoculated individual.” (sic) [9]
In other words, the DTaP is not only dangerous, but it DOESN’T WORK!!
Dr. Lewis Defends Thimerosal
Throughout her paper, Dr. Lewis wrote about what she calls the ‘anti-vaccine fervor,’ continually mixing up the truth with fiction. She wrote:
“ … Accusations focused on thimerosal, an ethyl-mercury-containing vaccine preservative. There had never been any scientific evidence of adverse effects from thimerosal. Still, to be on the safe side, in 1999 the Public Health Service and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended thatthimerosal-containing vaccines be removed from vaccines. Thimerosal became the new object of blame.” (emphasis added)
The Public Health Service and the American Academy of Pediatrics may well have recommended that thimerosal should be removed from vaccines; however, many vaccines still contain the preservative today.
What Dr. Lewis Did Not Tell Parents About Thimerosal
Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound used as a preservative in many vaccines since the 1930s. Despite being 49.6 percent ethyl mercury, a highly toxic poison that is geno-toxic and neurotoxic, thimerosal is said to help prevent potentially life-threatening contamination from harmful microbes.
Although the preservative was not used in all vaccinations (for example, it has never been used in measles-mumps-rubella or chickenpox vaccines), it was originally used in the manufacture of many early vaccines and, for many years, has been frequently linked to neurological problems in children, such as autism and ADHD. [10] [11]
As stated by Dr. Lewis in 1999, the Public Health Service and the AAP recommended that thimerosal be taken out of vaccines as a precautionary measure. However, despite their recommendations, it still remains in many vaccinations today, including:
- DT (diptheira/tetanus, manufactured by Sanofi)
- Influenza (Fluirin); Influenza (Flulaval)
- Influenza (Fluzone: standard, high-dose, and intradermal)
- Meningococcal (MPSV4 – Menomune)
- TD (tetanus/diptheria – Decavac)
- TD (Mass Biologics) [12]
As a journalist and a mother myself, I found Dr. Lewis’s paper to be poorly written, lacking in substance and containing very few credible references. If parents are given poor information and very few facts, how can they ever make an informed decision about vaccinations?
Parents are continually being lied to by the medical profession, the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical industry and world governments, and it needs to stop. How can we trust a person paid to vaccinate our children? Let’s face it – Dr. Karen Lewis is, after all, the Medical Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services. She is hardly likely to tell parents the truth, is she?
- http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/1/4/437.abstract
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/…
- http://www.consumerhealth.org/articles/…
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6835859
- This paper no longer in print. It is archived at:http://www.whale.to/vaccines/stewart.html
- http://www.mojuk.org.uk/Portia/archive%207/seizures.html
- http://www.vierascheibner.com/index.php…
- http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.aspx?Id=892
- http://dr-king.com/docs/…
- http://www.autismhelpforyou.com/Simpsonwood…
- http://vactruth.com/2013/07/04/vaccination-causes-autism/
- http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook…
Photo Credit https://www.flickr.com/photos/adselwood/4318371218/in/photolist-7zAMjb-6tjbsx-f69PS-8cM6ZC-4tpisF-cD5tmA-5v75TR-62NzXp-4R3CFL-HgJk9-jPnGe-73RBX5-9YxaLj-7RSpfY-7Zy29B-4BPuuh-2tkBL-7USABQ-2ksM3g-c8zS7Q-5LDmpP-6EjdGY-3YkWPd-icZKUn-xZ7JS-4cKfj-66tr4Q-8cM74U-8cM6Ws-6fvGod-7RPa4p-auWXeT-b4cSZ-7CVhie-AfmYg-nx9cMe-3D6Rc-2vpY1a-anQ4fV-9AcY26-5P1zvH-auWXii-7UPkpX-9HgTy-cjsTpW-6zcvQa-6rfeeY-5qVsv6-5K8Niy-hnEQy/
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